Really, this is almost absurd, most PTs these days where I'm invited to "main heal" I just really spam two things over and over - Stoneskin and Phalanx - and maybe, just maybe throw out a cure. Capped out my EXP at 75 today in a colibri PT, I think I cured maybe ten times tops and two-three times that was just AoE Regen II.
Its so powerful I actually do object to the idea of stacking too many mages into a PT. I suppose in a way that for a WHM or RDM this would be great since they won't run low on MP and can focus on Haste cycles, but when that third healer mage is casually tossed in PT, I feel like we're inviting someone and giving them nothing to do.
I suppose WHM or RDM could become pullers in PTs where a SCH is present, though.
Still, whether its just a RDM or RDM+BRD/RDM+COR/COR+BRD, I seldom get below 800 MP. I just wish there was something more I could actually do. I'd ask for Haste from main, but then, that would be totally broken. SCH+SMN would be sick support and SCH+BLU isn't bad either.
When its not colibri, Enspells are good for most days of the in-game week. Its not a bad option and I guess if you have a lot of /NIN dependant players, tossing out an Accession Aquaviel would just further survivability. It does have quite a duration. Where elemental AoEs are a threat, there are barspells
Dunno, just seems like this could get boring real fast, but thank goodness SCH is welcomed in so many things, there's nice variety in the job. Doesn't seem to matter where I go as a main healer, though. I did a Bibiki Bay PT the other day. EXP was slow, but it was pretty safe overall considering how deadly Hobgoblin Bomb Toss generally is.
Before I would comment that SCH was like the SAM of mages, but after so many PTs, I'm starting to thinks is more like a PLD with constant Rampart.
Guess I just want to find a way to make those merit PTs a little more exciting, though to be fair, I could just go manaburn if I got tired of spamming AoE SS/Phalanx.
Its so powerful I actually do object to the idea of stacking too many mages into a PT. I suppose in a way that for a WHM or RDM this would be great since they won't run low on MP and can focus on Haste cycles, but when that third healer mage is casually tossed in PT, I feel like we're inviting someone and giving them nothing to do.
I suppose WHM or RDM could become pullers in PTs where a SCH is present, though.
Still, whether its just a RDM or RDM+BRD/RDM+COR/COR+BRD, I seldom get below 800 MP. I just wish there was something more I could actually do. I'd ask for Haste from main, but then, that would be totally broken. SCH+SMN would be sick support and SCH+BLU isn't bad either.
When its not colibri, Enspells are good for most days of the in-game week. Its not a bad option and I guess if you have a lot of /NIN dependant players, tossing out an Accession Aquaviel would just further survivability. It does have quite a duration. Where elemental AoEs are a threat, there are barspells
Dunno, just seems like this could get boring real fast, but thank goodness SCH is welcomed in so many things, there's nice variety in the job. Doesn't seem to matter where I go as a main healer, though. I did a Bibiki Bay PT the other day. EXP was slow, but it was pretty safe overall considering how deadly Hobgoblin Bomb Toss generally is.
Before I would comment that SCH was like the SAM of mages, but after so many PTs, I'm starting to thinks is more like a PLD with constant Rampart.
Guess I just want to find a way to make those merit PTs a little more exciting, though to be fair, I could just go manaburn if I got tired of spamming AoE SS/Phalanx.