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Apparently my problem was being a SCH...

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  • Apparently my problem was being a SCH...

    Just got out of the most hilarious PT on my SCH.

    I got kicked for "not using enough MP"


    I was accused of being a SCH, really.

    PT was SAM, THF, MNK, PLD, WHM, SCH.

    Its a level 68 Mire PT, so shooting off nukes is a mixed bag on Imps, but OK on Jnun. So I'm in Light Arts mode for Imp and Dark Arts for Jnun.

    Apparently, to the PLD (our witless leader who never cured himself for hate) thinks its a bad thing. Our WHM is pretty witless too, shooting off Cure IV and V even if members only slightly got into the yellow (horror of horrors), at least he knew what Regen was. Oh and none of the melee were /NIN, which by this point is kinda needed for a place like this.

    So PLD can't hold hate worth a damn, WHM was always out of MP because he honestly wasted too much on high tier cures. The come in the odd requests "Jnun are weak to fire, enfire us."

    Or I could just not do parlor tricks and save that charge for something useful, such as Ebulliance > Fire III.

    So basically, my whole cardinal sin in that PT was refusing to Enfire-ga the PT, being a good DD on Jnun and using my MP effectively on Cures, because I seldom got low. I'm a real monster.

    Something is really in the water on my server, I swear.
    Last edited by Omgwtfbbqkitten; 04-23-2008, 03:41 PM.

  • #2
    Re: Apparently my problem was being a SCH...

    You know, sometimes being a team player is more effective than soloing with PT members. Anecdotes like these are often fictional, at least to skew the story in the poster's favor. In defense of the "witless" Paladin, it's entirely possible that he was silenced and/or Amnesia'd for a great deal of time. Any job becomes pretty much useless when that happens, and any excuse like "He should have had Echo Drops ffs, it's not my job as a support character to use Silena!" or anything similar is a tad ridiculous. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt this time though.


    • #3
      Re: Apparently my problem was being a SCH...

      There are always stupid people, as you probably know. You just found yourself in the unlucky situation where you met a whole party full of those.

      War75 Thf75 Pld75 Sam75 Mnk75 Rdm75 Nin75 Bard 75


      • #4
        Re: Apparently my problem was being a SCH...

        Dirty, I can see you love to troll. I think what's really happened here is that you've found a personality too similar to your own and you don't like it one bit.

        Given PLD and THF were the only ones that needed Silena in this setup and WHM and I were on that like white on rice for the PLD, that wasn't the reason. His "reason" was "I don't have a RDM."
        Last edited by Omgwtfbbqkitten; 04-23-2008, 04:13 PM.


        • #5
          Re: Apparently my problem was being a SCH...

          Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten View Post
          Dirty, I can see you love to troll. I think what's really happened here is that you've found a personality too similar to your own and you don't like it one bit.

          Given PLD was the only one that needed Silena in this setup and WHM and I were on that like white on rice, that wasn't the reason. His "reason" was "I don't have a RDM."
          I haven't started to troll yet, I'm even giving you the benefit of the doubt on this one. Actually, I used to have a great deal of respect for you, believe it or not. We hurt the ones we love, amirite?

          If his reasoning really was the lack of a RDM, then he needs to GTFO. We can get more than 3mp/tick without outside assistance from another player, the lack of any job AIDS isn't an excuse anymore.


          • #6
            Re: Apparently my problem was being a SCH...

            Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten View Post
            I was accused of being a SCH, really.
            From what your saying it sounds like you were accused of not being a SCH.

            If I group with a SCH I expect them to be using AoE enspells, AoE Stoneskin, AoE Phalanx before they use nukes or cure, Especially if there is a WHM present.

            Judging from your past comments on what you refuse to do on your other jobs (COR: Not using Corsair roll, RNG: Not Pulling, BRD: Not using Madrigal). Sounds to me like they replaced the useless SCH. (Which I don't blame them for doing)

            When you play the job as a RDM/WHM and don't have refresh your just wasting a party slot.

            Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten View Post
            Oh and none of the melee were /NIN, which by this point is kinda needed for a place like this.
            Not really, infact Im still pretty sure most melee still went /war here because of the whole silence thing and AoE spam (which makes for a pretty costly 3-4 levels). TBH I don't even remember having a Ninja tank through my time in the mire PLD only.

            Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten View Post
            Our WHM is pretty witless too, shooting off Cure IV and V even if members only slightly got into the yellow (horror of horrors), at least he knew what Regen was
            I mean what exactly were you curing then?

            Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten View Post
            Or I could just not do parlor tricks and save that charge for something useful, such as Ebulliance > Fire III.
            AoE Stoneskin/Phalanx/Enspells/Silena arent as useful >.> please. Stineskin alone would save your WHM MP, Phalanx would save your WHM MP and Enspells would have the dd's hitting up more killing a little faster saving the WHM MP.

            Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten View Post
            being a good DD on Jnun and using my MP effectively on Cures, because I seldom got low. I'm a real monster.
            If they wanted a good DD on Jnun they'd have brought a BLM. If they wanted someone who could cure well they'd have brought a WHM (oh they did). You were brought in as a support job an you didn't thats why your a monster.

            All in all it sounds like your into one of your cry's for attention again. I offer no sympathy for you for being lazy and halfassing your job. If you don't offer what your invited for then you are usless. SCH can nuke on its own time or with the BLM's in your situation your their as a support role, then again judging how you play your COR and BRD id say you probly don't know what that means.

            By the way..... Your using the word witless wrong to describe the PLD and WHM.

            sig courtesy tgm
            retired -08


            • #7
              Re: Apparently my problem was being a SCH...

              Mageo's Comedy Act

              Nearly spit out my coffee, and almost clicked the "Thanks" button for the humor. Almost.

              "AoE Phalanx before [SCHs] use nukes or cure" is the advice of the day?
              Bamboo shadows sweep the stars,
              yet not a mote of dust is stirred;
              Moonlight pierces the depths of the pond,
              leaving no trace in the water.

              - Mugaku


              • #8
                Re: Apparently my problem was being a SCH...

                Judging from your past comments on what you refuse to do on your other jobs (COR: Not using Corsair roll, RNG: Not Pulling, BRD: Not using Madrigal). Sounds to me like they replaced the useless SCH. (Which I don't blame them for doing)
                Classic MrMageo post here.

                I'm not seeing the problem with not using enspells - its a waste of a strategem and the MP to cast it. Why use the Enspells as a novelty for melee epeen when I can use a Strategem charge toward useful things? Ebulliance > Fire III is going to do 500 to 600+ damage to a Jnun and Enfire is going to let melees proc may 3-12 damage per hit. The Nuke damage will eclipse the Enspell damage during the fight, hence, the enspell is pointless.

                And what if I did need to shift to Light Arts strategems for Accession or Rapture? Imps spam silence, I can AoE Silena. I'd need the extra charge to hit Addendum: White before going to Accession. True, I could go /WHM to get around that at this level, but I'd lose access to Fast Cast, Gravity and Phalanx in the process, which I like to toss out as needed. I have to sit here and think about how to use my Strategem charges on the basis of subjob, WHM and BLM have less to offer me in the 68+ world. So I'm probably not going to Rapture any cure spells until I've been in Light Arts for a few minutes. If its a string of imps, that's fine, but if the next string of pulls is Jnun, there's no reason to stay in Light Arts if I can go Dark Arts and keep the chains rolling in.

                As for your other comments:
                • There is no point to using COR Roll in most situations, I tend to roll it in manaburns because you don't need Evoker's + Wizards' Roll there and BRD + COR PTs because BRD can put up a comprable buff I drop in favor of Corsair's Roll. I'll do it for trios and farming PTs. That's all I'll use it for. Otherwise Sanction, Sigil and EXP bands are that way ->
                • I have and will pull as a RNG, but never in a merit situation because it is pointless and evident with all the BRDs, THFs and CORs capable of outpulling me with lower delay skills and weapons. At that point, if you're going to look at me to pull, I'll say you're just as good a puller as I am. Because you are.
                • Accuracy is a melee's problem - this has been a fact of life since the advent of sushi. If I have to do Madrigal/Hunter's in an EXP setting, that speaks about the quality of whom I'm PTing with. Unless we're fighting THF mobs, accuracy buffs shouldn't be neccessary in most 40+ EXP PTs. Endgame mobs, go ahead and use Prelude/Madrigal/Hunter's, that's fair game because mob evasion has reached more absurd levels. Otherwise, buy a sushi from by bazaar, its not my problem your gear stinks.
                Last edited by Omgwtfbbqkitten; 04-23-2008, 05:35 PM.


                • #9
                  Re: Apparently my problem was being a SCH...

                  Relevant to this thread.

                  [ame=]YouTube - Nazareth - Love Hurts[/ame]


                  • #10
                    Re: Apparently my problem was being a SCH...

                    Lets see 103 MP used for fire 3 or 38 for Phalanx, 52 for stoneskin, and 25-? for 109 MP you lose 6 MP the whm saves a couple 100 MP, you have just incresed the chain, "Good Job"

                    You get 3 charges at this level if I am not mistaken. on 1:20 recast timers. It just so happens That Phalanx/stoneskin/enspells all last longer than this. Face it you didnt provide what your party wanted and you got cut because of it. Welcome to the life of being a expendable job.

                    It is true BLM has no real use here (so why are you pretending to be a blm?). To say WHM has no real role here slap yourself. WHM always has a spot if a RDM can't be found. If anyone in your party didnt have a spot there it was the SCH who thought he was being more usefull casting nukes instead of party buffs. (but the group remedied that didnt they.) Ask yourself why BLM's aren't invited to ToAU parties, then ask yourself why SCH's are, Ill give you a hint it's not for their nukes.

                    Pretty much you failed at your job today, its all right but to come on here and bash a whole party because you didnt get what you want is pretty typical of you. Perhaps you should look into low man things or search comment "Support Role no Thanks Nukes Yes Please".

                    Typical Mr Mageo post indeed, why because I am as usual sick of seeing you posting your whiney threads about how other people suck and don't do their job's right when you seldom don't do what is best for your party.

                    Madrigal is useful in times that party accuracy is low. If in a meripo and one person seems to be taking all the damage it usually means the other melee are not keeping up and could use a jolt of accuracy. Whats better keeping a respectable chain or bowing out early because the healer is busy keeping the accurate melee alive. It is your problem, you have the tools to fix it.

                    It would be like me saying oh I don't need to refresh anyone because they can go out and buy yaguado drinks, if they have MP issues its not my problem.

                    COR roll is acceptable alot more than you claim infact whenever I group with a cor he/she casts it no questions asked, 1 status buff and cor roll. Try breaking 30K without it.

                    You seem to be going back on your comments you made on RNG, Im sure I could dig up the page in the pet peeves thread where it first came up where you said, I dont play ranger to pull I play it to DD. I don't party with people if they want me to pull thats why I have no pulling in my serach if they can't read it it is not my problem.

                    Face BBQ you made this post because you want someone to back you up and say hey ya SCH's can nuke you shouldnt have gotten booted. Well BLM's nuke too and If I wanted someone nuking things at that level then I would invite one of them AM> anything SCH has to offer at that level.

                    You got lazy no big deal we have all gotten lazy but like I said you don't need to come here and drag people through mud because you did a bad job today, take it with a grain of salt and go find another party, or go solo.

                    *EDIT* I just wanted to add why would SAM and MNK go /NIN at this level? just curious.
                    Last edited by MrMageo; 04-23-2008, 06:24 PM.

                    sig courtesy tgm
                    retired -08


                    • #11
                      Re: Apparently my problem was being a SCH...

                      Give me some names of these ppl you party with. How is enfire damage based off of for SCH?
                      Thanks Kazuki.
                      Dragoon Equipment


                      • #12
                        Re: Apparently my problem was being a SCH...

                        As of the March update, AoE Espells base damage is based on the enhancing skill of the caster and not the target recieving the effect. The magic accuracy of any enspell is determined by which day of the week you use it, so if you're on Firesday, Enfire would generally be more accurate, but mob weakness should also be considered.

                        I will say there are times I'm willing to use enspells, but given that situation where my duties could go back and forth, I didn't see much point when I could just do more damage with an Ebullianced nuke instead.

                        After all, there's no hard rule that says I can't Cure from Dark Arts, I just end up spending a tad more more MP and casting longer to do so. Not like I'm slowing anything down by nuking a Jnun, though, if anything, I'm speeding things up.

                        And Skoal, if you really want to know, I'll tell you in PM later.


                        • #13
                          Re: Apparently my problem was being a SCH...

                          It is based Off of Enhancing magic which at level 68 and the AF peice for +15 skill puts you at 221 (B) + 15 for 236 (about A-) putting that into the formula for enspells.

                          Enspells when Enhancing > 150: (Enhancing / 20) + 5

                          (236/20) + 5 = 16.8 Damage.

                          Jnun are weak to enfire meaning youll be giving + 16 damage usually about 80% of the time

                          (not to mention you can provide AoE weather if you wish for a 10% boost to

                          Its a little more than BBQ gives it credit for and last a good chuck of time. +32 from the MNK + 32 from the THF, + 16 From the SAM, +16 from the PLD or 96 bonus damage. Each unresisted cycle. Factor in a 20% resist to that.

                          We will just assume the average delay for all members is 5 seconds (some more some less acctually its pretty well middle ground with PLD/THF around 3 seconds and MNK/SAM around 7 seconds)

                          3 minutes of enspell time

                          180/5 = 36 attacks with enspell up

                          36*96 = 3465 damage from enspells over a 3 minute period. There may be more resists but even hitting at 8 damage gives you

                          36*8 = 288 damage

                          you figure 20% of your 36 hits will be resisted

                          36/1.20 = 30 sucsesful attacks unresisted 6 resists

                          30*96 = 2880
                          6*8 = 48

                          = 2928 damage for 28 MP


                          EB+fire 3 for 600 damage (benefit of doubt)

                          2928/600 = 4-5

                          4*103 = 412 mp spent
                          5*103 = 515 mp spent

                          Now tell me which is more efficient for MP cost for production

                          Oh and as far as I can tell the accuracy is toataly depended on mob weakness not weather or day of the weak, they are solely for the Damage bonus. (1 weather 10%, 2x weather 20%, day 10%)

                          Pretty sure you would have been better off casting enfire than toying around with nukes.

                          sig courtesy tgm
                          retired -08


                          • #14
                            Re: Apparently my problem was being a SCH...

                            Originally posted by IfritnoItazura View Post
                            Mageo's Comedy Act
                            Honestly, this is one of the most rediculous posts I've seem from Mageo.


                            • #15
                              Re: Apparently my problem was being a SCH...

                              I think the point to not pulling on RNG was you're already racking up a lot of damage, who needs the extra hate from pulling? As for enspells, they are MUCH weaker than MrMageo thinks without native skill on the recipients.

