Personal account:
1st attempt: Ran in, Killed the book in 2 nukes, ran out of mp trying to nuke through Gunther's Shell 3 (increases his resist rates to ridiculous levels even at level 75), died.
2nd attempt: Ran in, took 30 seconds buffing up, Gunther opens with shell 3 on both him and the book. Stand around perplexed, finally kill the book, dispel dispel dispel, blizzard4, Gunther runs up to me and does True strike for 331 damage, followed by another True strike for 300+ damage TWO SECONDS LATER, die, Reraise2, run out of time.
3rd attempt: Finally decide to do it the cheesy level 75 way (oneshot the book) on Iceday during ice weather. Run in, RR scroll, Blizzard 4, "The Crimson Grimoire recovers 0 HP" Oops! (runs away)
Final attempt: Quickly blow up orcs for another testimony

Well, that's that.

What I personally learned:
If S-E wanted to make a genkai encounter even more annoying at level 70 than RDM was, they've succeeded wonderfully. I can't imagine doing this without 71+ gear and with Stone 4, because you won't and can't one-shot the book (You'll need to Alacrity a second spell and Gunther will autoaggro you). A few theories for the level 70 genkai fight (not quite applicable to 75s):
1) Don't bother trying to nuke through Shell 3. It's a waste of time and MP, you might put him in the 20-50% HP danger zone (explained below), and Gunther doesn't nuke very hard anyway, so you have time to dispel him. If you dispel Gunther, he has a high chance of wasting time casting protect 4 or regen again.
2) If you must die/reraise (very probable) do it FAST. Gunther's ranged spell damage sucks, so if he kills you after 4 minutes, when you unweaken in 5 minutes, you'll have all of 1 minute left to kill him. The ideal situation would be to kill the book and unload all your mp/die under 2-3 minutes. Gunther takes about 30 seconds to walk back to his original spot and you WILL need to dispel him after you unweaken. (He has 3 buffs, Shell3, Protect4, and Regen. Only Shell is important.)
3) Try not to reduce Gunther to a point below 50% hp where he hasn't conceded yet. He'll melee you and you'll probably get repeated true-strike in the head (which hurts a LOT more than his stupid spells since he has perma 300% tp or something). I think maybe a helix spell would help here if you cast it early, so you can Modus Veritas it in this situation and kite him around. I opened with Drain so that Drain > Blizzard 4 would avoid him ever hitting this HP range (20-50%). Blizzard 3> Stone 4 > Drain would probably be your best bet at 70.
4) The element of the book is RANDOM. It's not based on day. Attempt #3 and #4 were the exact same game day.
One caveat: Final Fantasy XI: Scholar
I found a post on Alla about how "Oh, any job can solo this with full swing", which might work, but I don't personally recommend or trust - if you miss with full swing, you die (and scholar has terrible staff skill); He said he "Opoed to 300 TP" (Translation: Spent at least 6 minutes in a 10 minute BC asleep, making Reraise semipointless unless you can one-shot while weakened); You can't nuke the book with an earth staff because weapon swaps will kill your TP and by the time you're finished, Gunther will have fully buffed himself AND the book with Prot4 and shell3 AND the other buffs he listed will leave you with only 2 minutes left to actually do the BC since some of those items have terrible activation speeds. Try it if you want, I certainly can't recommend it.
He also doesn't mention dispelling at all, which is weird because at level 75 with 302 Elemental skill and a Hyorin Obi, I was still getting a more than 60% resist rate with shell 3 on Gunther and couldn't break 250ish damage reliably with tier FOUR nukes (Unlike players, Enemies get spell resistance when they use Shell).
1st attempt: Ran in, Killed the book in 2 nukes, ran out of mp trying to nuke through Gunther's Shell 3 (increases his resist rates to ridiculous levels even at level 75), died.
2nd attempt: Ran in, took 30 seconds buffing up, Gunther opens with shell 3 on both him and the book. Stand around perplexed, finally kill the book, dispel dispel dispel, blizzard4, Gunther runs up to me and does True strike for 331 damage, followed by another True strike for 300+ damage TWO SECONDS LATER, die, Reraise2, run out of time.
3rd attempt: Finally decide to do it the cheesy level 75 way (oneshot the book) on Iceday during ice weather. Run in, RR scroll, Blizzard 4, "The Crimson Grimoire recovers 0 HP" Oops! (runs away)
Final attempt: Quickly blow up orcs for another testimony

Well, that's that.

What I personally learned:
If S-E wanted to make a genkai encounter even more annoying at level 70 than RDM was, they've succeeded wonderfully. I can't imagine doing this without 71+ gear and with Stone 4, because you won't and can't one-shot the book (You'll need to Alacrity a second spell and Gunther will autoaggro you). A few theories for the level 70 genkai fight (not quite applicable to 75s):
1) Don't bother trying to nuke through Shell 3. It's a waste of time and MP, you might put him in the 20-50% HP danger zone (explained below), and Gunther doesn't nuke very hard anyway, so you have time to dispel him. If you dispel Gunther, he has a high chance of wasting time casting protect 4 or regen again.
2) If you must die/reraise (very probable) do it FAST. Gunther's ranged spell damage sucks, so if he kills you after 4 minutes, when you unweaken in 5 minutes, you'll have all of 1 minute left to kill him. The ideal situation would be to kill the book and unload all your mp/die under 2-3 minutes. Gunther takes about 30 seconds to walk back to his original spot and you WILL need to dispel him after you unweaken. (He has 3 buffs, Shell3, Protect4, and Regen. Only Shell is important.)
3) Try not to reduce Gunther to a point below 50% hp where he hasn't conceded yet. He'll melee you and you'll probably get repeated true-strike in the head (which hurts a LOT more than his stupid spells since he has perma 300% tp or something). I think maybe a helix spell would help here if you cast it early, so you can Modus Veritas it in this situation and kite him around. I opened with Drain so that Drain > Blizzard 4 would avoid him ever hitting this HP range (20-50%). Blizzard 3> Stone 4 > Drain would probably be your best bet at 70.
4) The element of the book is RANDOM. It's not based on day. Attempt #3 and #4 were the exact same game day.
One caveat: Final Fantasy XI: Scholar
I found a post on Alla about how "Oh, any job can solo this with full swing", which might work, but I don't personally recommend or trust - if you miss with full swing, you die (and scholar has terrible staff skill); He said he "Opoed to 300 TP" (Translation: Spent at least 6 minutes in a 10 minute BC asleep, making Reraise semipointless unless you can one-shot while weakened); You can't nuke the book with an earth staff because weapon swaps will kill your TP and by the time you're finished, Gunther will have fully buffed himself AND the book with Prot4 and shell3 AND the other buffs he listed will leave you with only 2 minutes left to actually do the BC since some of those items have terrible activation speeds. Try it if you want, I certainly can't recommend it.
He also doesn't mention dispelling at all, which is weird because at level 75 with 302 Elemental skill and a Hyorin Obi, I was still getting a more than 60% resist rate with shell 3 on Gunther and couldn't break 250ish damage reliably with tier FOUR nukes (Unlike players, Enemies get spell resistance when they use Shell).