NOTE: THIS IS NOT A GUIDE!!!!!!!!!!, this is just a list of information about SCH, with my own thoughts and inexperiences as part of a commentary about SCH, you can find the same status information (not including my thoughts and input) on, also the QUOTED portions are words and thoughts copyrighted by me.
Light Arts
Now that you know LA's basic use here is more information of SCH's Magic skill lvl and how it really works.
Divine Magic: Skill Ranking: D, Cap at lvl 1: 4 Cap at lvl 37 101, Cap at lvl 75 210
Healing Magic: Skill Ranking: D, Cap at lvl 1: 4 Cap at lvl 37 101, Cap at lvl 75 210
Enhancing Magic: Skill Ranking: D, Cap at lvl 1: 4 Cap at lvl 37 101, Cap at lvl 75 210
Divine Magic: Skill Ranking: B+, Cap at lvl 1: 5 Cap at lvl 37 109, Cap at lvl 75 256
Healing Magic: Skill Ranking: B+, Cap at lvl 1: 4 Cap at lvl 37 109, Cap at lvl 75 256
Enhancing Magic: Skill Ranking: B+, Cap at lvl 1: 5 Cap at lvl 37 109, Cap at lvl 75 256
Job Ability
Job Ability
Dark Arts
Ok here I am going to List SCH's Skill lvls before and after using DA's
Elemental Magic: Skill Ranking: D, Cap at lvl 1: 4 Cap at lvl 37 101, Cap at lvl 75 210
Dark Magic: Skill Ranking: D, Cap at lvl 1: 4 Cap at lvl 37 101, Cap at lvl 75 210
Enfeebling Magic: Skill Ranking: D, Cap at lvl 1: 4 Cap at lvl 37 101, Cap at lvl 75 210
Elemental Magic: Skill Ranking: B+, Cap at lvl 1: 5, Cap at lvl 37 109, Cap at lvl 75 256
Dark Magic: Skill Ranking: B+, Cap at lvl 1: 5, Cap at lvl 37 109, Cap at lvl 75 256
Enfeebling Magic: Skill Ranking: B+, Cap at lvl 1: 5, Cap at lvl 37 109, Cap at lvl 75 256
Job Ability
Job Ability
Job Ability
Job Ability
Ok I am writing this thread to give people an idea of what SCH is really about. They are constantly being compared to BLM and RDM, that is a big no no people SCH is a very different job. I am going to start with SCH's abilities to change stance in battle, They are able to go from a healer stance to a much more damage dealing stance I will break down each ART for you here so you can see the true potential of both sides.
- Optimizes white magic capability while lowering black magic proficiency. Grants a bonus to divine, enhancing, and healing magic.
- Obtained: Scholar Level 10
- Recast Time: 1:00
- Duration: The Ability will not go away until you switch your "Art", are KO'd, switch zones, or log off.
- Using Light Arts gives a scholar access to abilities that enhance white magic.
- Light Arts reduces MP costs for White Magic spells by 10%, and increases MP costs for Black Magic spells by 20%.
- Light Arts decreases casting time for white magic by 5-10%, and increases casting time for black magic by 20%.
- Light Arts reduces recast time for white magic by 10%, and increases recast time for black magic by 20%.
- The change in spell cost and recast times will be reflected in the spell menu.
- Raises the skill cap for Enhancing Magic, Divine Magic, and Healing Magic from a D rating to a B rating. Note that this will increase sub job skills to the main job's level at a B rating.
- Raises your divine, enhancing, and healing magic. If your main job skill is 0-200 it brings it to 246, 210-250, it's raised to 256, 256-276, it has no effect. This is on Lv75 jobs.
- Skill ups are still possible even if you are over the skill cap after using Light Arts (assuming you were below cap before using Light Arts).
Now that you know LA's basic use here is more information of SCH's Magic skill lvl and how it really works.
Divine Magic: Skill Ranking: D, Cap at lvl 1: 4 Cap at lvl 37 101, Cap at lvl 75 210
Healing Magic: Skill Ranking: D, Cap at lvl 1: 4 Cap at lvl 37 101, Cap at lvl 75 210
Enhancing Magic: Skill Ranking: D, Cap at lvl 1: 4 Cap at lvl 37 101, Cap at lvl 75 210
This is all after using Light Arts:
Healing Magic: Skill Ranking: B+, Cap at lvl 1: 4 Cap at lvl 37 109, Cap at lvl 75 256
Enhancing Magic: Skill Ranking: B+, Cap at lvl 1: 5 Cap at lvl 37 109, Cap at lvl 75 256
Ok now that you know all that, I am going to show each stratagem under the Light Arts ability, Keep in mind that you can only use these if Light Arts is active.
Job Ability- Reduces the MP cost of your next white magic spell by 50%.
- Obtained: Scholar Level 10
- Recast Time: Stratagem Charge
- Duration: 1 Spell or 60 seconds, whichever occurs first
- Penury is a stratagem, which obeys different usage rules than typical Job Abilities.
- The 50% reduction in MP cost does not stack with the 10% reduction from Light Arts.
- The word penury means extreme poverty, destitution, scarcity, or insufficiency. Unlike parsimony, which implies conservation for the sake of prosperity, penury implies conservation out of necessity.
Job Ability- Reduces the casting time of your next white magic spell by 50%.
- Obtained: Scholar Level 25
- Recast Time: Stratagem Charge
- Duration: 1 Spell or 60 seconds, whichever occurs first
- Celerity is a stratagem, which obeys different usage rules than typical Job Abilities.
- This ability also affects the recast time of the next spell.
- The word Celerity means swiftness of speed, a synonym for haste.
Job Ability
- Extends the effect of your next healing or enhancing white magic spell to party members within range.
- MP cost is tripled and casting time is doubled.
- Obtained: Scholar Level 40
- Recast Time: Stratagem Charge
- Duration: 1 Spell or 60 seconds, whichever occurs first
- Accession is a stratagem, which obeys different usage rules than typical Job Abilities.
- Spells that can be targeted outside of the party can also work on other people not in the party. This includes such things as Protect and Cures.
- The word accession means a number of things, but most relevant meaning is an increase by something added, referring to the extension of range of spell effects.
Job Ability
- Enhances the potency of your next white magic spell.
- Obtained: Scholar Level 55
- Recast Time: Stratagem Charge
- Duration: 1 Spell or 60 seconds, whichever occurs first
- Rapture is a stratagem, which obeys different usage rules than typical Job Abilities.
- Increases potency by 50%. Works with cures, dia, and banish. Does not work with enhancing spells.
- Can be stacked with Divine Seal.
- The word rapture means ecstatic joy or delight.
Now from my experiences I have noticed that SCH is not only able to main heal a party, it can main heal very well. Although in later lvl's you will notice it to be a bit harder to keep your MP pool up, Although SCH is able to cure almost as good (note WHM is still better) as WHM, we are given the MP pool about the size of RDM but without the Convert and Refresh, make sure you have plenty of cookies and or try to get a support job when forming your own party in order to keep up with the healing. Some of SCH's enfeebling spells (if /RDM) are classified under Light Arts, but in order to get the spell to stick you Must put Dark Arts up. It seems to me that SE did not clearly take into account the White magic enfeebling spells, but the -mp and +casting time are not too big on those ones, so takeing the penalty for that inst so bad. Now I am going to move on to describing Dark Arts in a bit more detail.
Dark Arts
- Optimizes black magic capability while lowering white magic proficiency. Grants a bonus to enfeebling, elemental, and dark magic.
- Obtained: Scholar Level 10
- Recast Time: 1:00
- Duration: The Ability will not go away until you switch your "Art", are KO'd, switch zones, or log off.
- Using Dark Arts gives a scholar access to abilities that enhance black magic.
- Dark Arts reduces MP costs for Black Magic spells by 10%, and increases MP costs for White Magic spells by 20%.
- Dark Arts decreases casting time for black magic by 5-10%, and increases casting time for white magic by 20%.
- Dark Arts reduces recast time for black magic by 10%, and increases recast time for white magic by 20%.
- The change in spell cost and recast times will be reflected in the spell menu.
- Raises skill caps for Elemental Magic,Enfeebling Magic, and Dark Magic from D to B. Note that this will increase sub job skills to the main job's level at a B rating.
- Raises your enfeebling, elemental and dark magic. If your main job skill is 0-200 it brings it to 246, 210-250, it's raised to 256, 256-276, it has no effect. This is on Lv75 jobs.
- Skill ups are still possible even if Dark Arts puts your skill level over the cap (assuming you were below cap before using Dark Arts).
Ok here I am going to List SCH's Skill lvls before and after using DA's
Elemental Magic: Skill Ranking: D, Cap at lvl 1: 4 Cap at lvl 37 101, Cap at lvl 75 210
Dark Magic: Skill Ranking: D, Cap at lvl 1: 4 Cap at lvl 37 101, Cap at lvl 75 210
Enfeebling Magic: Skill Ranking: D, Cap at lvl 1: 4 Cap at lvl 37 101, Cap at lvl 75 210
This is after using DA's
Dark Magic: Skill Ranking: B+, Cap at lvl 1: 5, Cap at lvl 37 109, Cap at lvl 75 256
Enfeebling Magic: Skill Ranking: B+, Cap at lvl 1: 5, Cap at lvl 37 109, Cap at lvl 75 256
Ok now we move onto the stratagems available when Dark Arts is in effect, Please bare with me I realize that this post is very long but once I get through explaining each DA's Stratagem I can move onto my real point, ok here they are.
Job Ability
- Reduces the MP cost of your next black magic spell by 50%.
- Obtained: Scholar Level 10
- Recast Time: Stratagem Charge
- Duration: 1 Spell or 60 seconds, whichever occurs first
- Parsimony is a stratagem, which obeys different usage rules than typical Job Abilities.
- The word parsimony means extreme or excessive economy or frugality, or stinginess. Unlike penury, which implies conservation out of necessity, parsimony implies conservation for the sake of prosperity.
Job Ability
- Reduces the casting time of your next black magic spell by 50%.
- Obtained: Scholar Level 25
- Recast Time: Stratagem Charge
- Duration: 1 Spell or 60 seconds, whichever occurs first
- Alacrity is a stratagem, which obeys different usage rules than typical Job Abilities.
- This ability also affects the recast time of the next spell.
- The word alacrity means cheerful readiness, promptness, or willingness.
Job Ability
- Extends the effect of your next enfeebling or dark black magic spell to targets within range.
- MP cost is tripled and casting time is doubled.
- Obtained: Scholar Level 40
- Recast Time: Stratagem Charge
- Duration: 1 Spell or 60 seconds, whichever occurs first
- Manifestation is a stratagem, which obeys different usage rules than typical Job Abilities.
- The in-game description does not mention dark magic, although this ability does work with it.
- This ability will remove shadows from all targets, similar to a -ga spell.
- The word manifestation refers to any outward or perceptible indication or materialization of a phenomena.
Job Ability
- Enhances the potency of your next black magic spell.
- Obtained: Scholar Level 55
- Recast Time: Stratagem Charge
- Duration: 1 Spell or 60 seconds, whichever occurs first
- Ebullience is a stratagem, which obeys different usage rules than typical Job Abilities.
- Increases potency by 20%. Works with drain, aspir, bio, nukes, and helix. Does not work with enfeebles.
- The word ebullience means to be overflowing with fervor, enthusiasm, or excitement or in high spirits.
Ok from what you can see SCH makes an addiquate damage dealer or if you prefer nuker. SCH in no way is ever going to be better than BLM (unless lower exp lvls and the SCH has better INT+ gear than the BLM) at nuking, SCH is NOT a replacement for BLM in any way. But from its ability to switch roles so easily SCH has become a very well rounded job. From being able to main heal, enfeeble, and nuke the mob at a B+ lvl, Mind you there are jobs better at each of these than SCH, but SCH is not about weather or not to compete for these positions, the beauty of it in fact is its ability to switch between them and still maintain a very good average.
SCH has been labeled as a "gimp" RDM, or even a "gimp" BLM when in fact they should not even be compared to those jobs. RDM has a much different role when it comes to 75 than a SCH would, same go's for BLM. They are both master's in their own traits, but SCH is not a master at any, it can basically be labeled as good at everything. SCH's AoE effects are what allows it to stand out, from Aspir-ga, Gravity-ga, Bind-ga, Stun-ga, to Protect IV-ga, Shell IV-ga, Cure IV-ga. I know right now they probably sound like its not enough to boost the job, but with a 4 minute reuse of stratagem charges, and being allowed to use 3 in total by combineing the stratagems and perhaps even using the 2hr SCH becomes a very versatile and useful job at 75. Despite common misconception SCH is NOT useless and will remain "useless" till more people realize just how useful the job is.
NOTE: I am not saying the job is perfect, nore am I saying everyone should LVL it, but the job is far from useless as most people have begun to label it as (note most of those ppl haven't even taken the job past 40, or even lvl 10 for that matter) nothing more than useless, but once you take a closer look you begin to see there is way more to this job than most people know. Sure SCH needs a lot of improvements as most newer jobs that have been released do, but why not try to see its potential instead of hating on it in the end.
SCH has been labeled as a "gimp" RDM, or even a "gimp" BLM when in fact they should not even be compared to those jobs. RDM has a much different role when it comes to 75 than a SCH would, same go's for BLM. They are both master's in their own traits, but SCH is not a master at any, it can basically be labeled as good at everything. SCH's AoE effects are what allows it to stand out, from Aspir-ga, Gravity-ga, Bind-ga, Stun-ga, to Protect IV-ga, Shell IV-ga, Cure IV-ga. I know right now they probably sound like its not enough to boost the job, but with a 4 minute reuse of stratagem charges, and being allowed to use 3 in total by combineing the stratagems and perhaps even using the 2hr SCH becomes a very versatile and useful job at 75. Despite common misconception SCH is NOT useless and will remain "useless" till more people realize just how useful the job is.
NOTE: I am not saying the job is perfect, nore am I saying everyone should LVL it, but the job is far from useless as most people have begun to label it as (note most of those ppl haven't even taken the job past 40, or even lvl 10 for that matter) nothing more than useless, but once you take a closer look you begin to see there is way more to this job than most people know. Sure SCH needs a lot of improvements as most newer jobs that have been released do, but why not try to see its potential instead of hating on it in the end.