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Post your Samurai

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  • #46
    I am not currently playing this game and it's Sony's fault for not having the HD ready. I played the Beta and it eas great. I'll start playing in March
    Name: Blacktiger
    Race: Mithra
    Reason: Highest Dex. and AGL
    Job: SAM (Main)
    Sub job: WAR
    Reason: Tp gain and etc
    Favorite Ability: Wardding Circle
    WAR 18, WHM 14, BLM 4, THF 46, DRG 42, NIN 21


    • #47
      My main so far is nin, but I might switch to Samurai...

      so far lvl17 Sam
      job:I wonder....
      sub:Using war for now, but might switch when I gain some lvls
      Why? More interesting to play as than war, or pld in my opinion
      Favorite abitlity: hehe I only have warding and Third Eye so far :sweat:
      Attached Files


      • #48
        This is my sam at lvl 24

        Nation: Bastok
        Rank: 4
        Jobs: 40DRG/6DRK/30WAR/36SAM/19PLD

        Leaping Lizzy - 0/3
        V. Emperor - 1/3
        Torrent - 1/1


        • #49
          My Samurai

          Level 42
          Subjob: Monk (Currently leveling Thf subjob)
          Why I chose this job: I had no idea it'd be my job of choice for quite a few lvls. I had him at 21 for my Monk subjob, and decided to lvl him up for the heck of it. Somehow, I got from 21-30 in about 3 days, and once I got meditate I fell in love.
          Favorite Ability: Meditate
          Attached Files

          San'Doria Rank 10
          Black Belt: O


          • #50
            Full AF soon, I shall post then \(ˆ—ˆ)/

            Mini pic in sig, Sometimes I pimp the O. Kote sometimes I don't 0_o

            If you ask me to level my Paladin I shall cut you \(ˆ—ˆ)/

            And yes.... it's true, all your base does indeed belong to me


            • #51
              chose: always loved samurai... love old sam flicks, their code, practicing the sword, etc... though i'll be mnk/sam once sam is capped (1st dan. black in tkd influence? heh)
              fave skill: tp store

              Aku Soku Zan ~ Saitohajime Sam75/War37 ~ San 10 : Zilart 14

              Thf37/Rng40/Nin37/Mnk15/Blm14/Whm10~ Fish30/Gsmith54/Bone21/Cooking53


              • #52
                Man that's eary marionette. I just saw you in jeuno (i was sitting next to you) like 20 minutes ago. Cool looking sams btw.


                • #53
                  Reason: Love samurai swords thought this would be best job for me *_*

                  [IMG]:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\My Documents\My Pictures\2473_oc[/IMG]


                  • #54
                    Reason: gonna like the sound of slashing
                    Fav ability: oOo (3rd eye)


                    • #55
                      Race: Hume
                      Gender: Male
                      Job: Samurai
                      Subjob: Warrior; Dark Knight; Ranger
                      Reason: I'm taking up on the DRK sub to be different.....
                      Fav ability: Souleater (when I get to lvl 60 :spin: )

                      Me at lvl 12:


                      • #56
                        Geh... I recently deleted my SAM and went to play another game thinking i couldn't pay for ffxi again... ended up i could wahhh

                        Name: Alphius
                        Race: Hume
                        Gender: Male
                        Job: Samurai
                        Subjob: Monk
                        Reason: 1. The stance for hume with great katana is like Cloud/Squall's stance just the opposite way >:D
                        2. Monk makes up the lack of job abilities SAM gets
                        3. I just love Samurais from anime
                        Favorite Ability: Third Eye (I pull a lot)


                        • #57
                          No Mithra Samurais throughout this whole thread?! Blah.

                          Name: Koyi
                          Race: Mithra
                          Gender: Hmmm.
                          Job: Samurai
                          Subjob: Thief
                          Reason: Samurais are sweet...Well I was going to be a ninja initially but I don't like tanking (and it's expensive).
                          Favorite Ability: Meditate ^^

                          Let's hope the attach thing works...!
                          Attached Files
                          Take...luck! Take luck and care. Take care of the luck. Good luck taking care of the luck that you might have...if you have luck, take it, care for it. TAKE LUCK CARE OF IN IT WHEN YOU TAKE LUCK CARE OF IN IT


                          • #58
                            Name: Steellord
                            Race: Tarutaru
                            Gender: Male
                            Job: Samurai
                            Subjob: Ranger
                            Reasons: After getting a blackmage to lv52, I thought that healing and casting spell is quite boring, therefore I decided to play a melee. With a high level blm, I can farm and keep a constant flow of gil.

                            IMO, Taru's accuracy is pretty good too!


                            • #59
                              Name: Vairu
                              Race: Hume
                              Gender: Male
                              Job: Samurai
                              Subjob: Warrior [I want to try Ranger though ('^.^)]
                              Reasons: I like WS's and love samurai's, always wanted to be one since i started. Not that many people take sam all the way so it's kinda unique compared to other jobs.
                              Favorite Abil: Don't know yet only lvl 7 >.< But our 2hr kicks ass ^_^
                              [Restarted 8/2008] | [MySpace!]
                              .,~`'<{:My Old Char's Stats Here:}>'`~,.


                              • #60
                                Name: Ahvienda
                                Race: Mithra
                                Gender: Female
                                Job: Samurai
                                Subjob: Warrior
                                Reasons: Fairly damaging, unique armor set for a dmg dealing type job. Fun as all heck.
                                Favorite Abil: So far, Meikyo.

