I saw a bit of this discussion on the Blade bash post, but it’s been a month since anything has been posted there sooo… lets see if we can get some opinions on this. I’ve only been 75 SAM for a few months now; I’m still working on my merits and haven’t really gotten into my Tier 1 or Tier 2 Merits yet. I’m an active member in an HNM LS, and I’m planning on eventually using my SAM for off tanking purposes in Salvage and Nyzul.
I’ve already decided, that it will be important to go at least 3/5 Store TP, and for tanking I may want to go 5/5 Third Eye recast. A lot of other SAMs seem to go 5/5 Store TP, and 5/5 Meditate for tier 1. I really don’t understand these choices since it’s only necessary to have 3/5 for a Six Hit setup, and the extra 2 is not enough to push even close to a 5 hit setup without sacrificing important gear. At the same time, 5/5 Meditate only shaves 30 seconds off your recast for Meditate, which I could see as being nice, but I’m not really sure that’s worth it in the long run.
Which brings me to the main point of my post; Why is Zanshin Attack rate, looked at as a bad choice? From what I understand, default Zanshin proc rate is somewhere around 10%, which is the same as Double Attack. Like double attack, there are plenty of pieces of gear which increase the effect, and Zanshin doesn’t just proc on misses either, it procs on defended and partial damage attacks too. If one were to merit 5/5 Zanshin attack rate, and use a Katana strap, they could easily have 20% Zanshin.
I know the goal here isn’t to miss, however I don’t necessarily think it’s easy to stack enough hit rating to ensure you never miss as it is. Also, I understood that the more hit rating you stack the less effective it becomes. Wouldn’t it arguably be smarter to stack better gear, and be prepared for a miss? Apposed to stacking accuracy gear to boost your hit rating past 80-85%?
As honest as I can be, I don’t really understand all the formulas that seem to go into effecting damage and accuracy. I stack a fair amount myself, but I don’t seem to go nearly as far out as some seem to. Ultimately I want to know which path other players think is most effective for a good SAM, and if anyone else believes Zanshin is effective enough, or with the right gear could be effective enough to be worth the effort.
I’ve already decided, that it will be important to go at least 3/5 Store TP, and for tanking I may want to go 5/5 Third Eye recast. A lot of other SAMs seem to go 5/5 Store TP, and 5/5 Meditate for tier 1. I really don’t understand these choices since it’s only necessary to have 3/5 for a Six Hit setup, and the extra 2 is not enough to push even close to a 5 hit setup without sacrificing important gear. At the same time, 5/5 Meditate only shaves 30 seconds off your recast for Meditate, which I could see as being nice, but I’m not really sure that’s worth it in the long run.
Which brings me to the main point of my post; Why is Zanshin Attack rate, looked at as a bad choice? From what I understand, default Zanshin proc rate is somewhere around 10%, which is the same as Double Attack. Like double attack, there are plenty of pieces of gear which increase the effect, and Zanshin doesn’t just proc on misses either, it procs on defended and partial damage attacks too. If one were to merit 5/5 Zanshin attack rate, and use a Katana strap, they could easily have 20% Zanshin.
I know the goal here isn’t to miss, however I don’t necessarily think it’s easy to stack enough hit rating to ensure you never miss as it is. Also, I understood that the more hit rating you stack the less effective it becomes. Wouldn’t it arguably be smarter to stack better gear, and be prepared for a miss? Apposed to stacking accuracy gear to boost your hit rating past 80-85%?
As honest as I can be, I don’t really understand all the formulas that seem to go into effecting damage and accuracy. I stack a fair amount myself, but I don’t seem to go nearly as far out as some seem to. Ultimately I want to know which path other players think is most effective for a good SAM, and if anyone else believes Zanshin is effective enough, or with the right gear could be effective enough to be worth the effort.