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Samurai & Sub-Jobs

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Hidoku
    A Ninja sub-job can Dual Wield, and if this really adds to attack, I think That would be the strongest Samurai? Unless there is a flaw to dual wield that I don't know about:sweat:
    Besides the increased delay, dual wielding would force you to use either 1h swords or knives, both of which are poor weapons for sams.
    Seulgaist - | sam.60 | thf.54 | brd.52 | drk.49 | mnk.39 | rng.31 | whm.27 | nin.27 | war.23 | blm.17 | drg.11 | etc. | Bold = current main. Currently leveling


    • #17
      What you've described about ninjas is what is stereotypically known. In reality, the truth about ninjas is very vague. There are no concrete details, any truths, any knowledge about what a ninja was or did. What history there is on ninjas that everyone tells you is a common gossip. It's more of a rumor/gossip than history lets on. Why is it this way? For one, there are too many definitions of what ninjas where or are. No one agrees at all on a single defintion on ninja. For example, one side of the spectrum is that they where supposed to be, magical stealthy assassin mages, while on the otherside of the spectrum you take out the magic stuff and you leave stealth and assassain, but add spy. If you where to place them into a category, they fall under mythological easier than truth. More like a vampire tale.

      In a way, that's the whole "lure" of the ninja. They are so unknown and mystical that it only fuels interest in them.

      Anyways, back on topic:

      A ninja sub wouldn't compliment a sam main at all. Sure it'd be cool to duel weild and even at higher lvls your /nin would get the duel wield bonus bonus. But the fact still remains that the stats and passive abilities of the ninja in no way benefit you like the generic /war would. Why? Well ninjas use agility and evasion, sam's do not. Sam uses dexerity and strength. The core function of a Sam is to gain tp and start and chain skill chains. The core abilities of the SAM are all about Weapon skills, which in the case of the ninja, is the weakest part. Sure, ninja's have WS, but that's not their strong suite. The strongsuite of the ninja is to set up elemental weaknesses on the mob, to which to then exploit.

      A dark knight sub, while you'd hit harder, you'd have even less defense and you couldn't be a backup tank, which everyone wants you to be(-_-). You'd hit a little harder than you do now, but you'd be able to do more explosive weapon skills. Overtime, the damage would pile up, but on the receiving end of things, you can't take damage to save your life, literally. Since you have the /drk sub your def is even lower than it normally is and you will take more damage.

      Everyone and their mother chooses /war sub, but why? Because higher up /wars have provoke, resist virus, beserk, defender, double hit, attack power up, etc. etc. The passive abilities and active abilities directly enhance a sam. With the ability to change from defender with provoke you could be the back up tank for a short while, giving time to the main tank to regain health, etc.. With beserk on, once the tank has the aggro again you can lay it into the mob a little harder. Once you are a 60SAM/30WAR you're double attack and double hit make you enjoy it even more.

      In the end, the /war sub is more versatile to the needs of not only you, but the party as well.


      • #18
        i was blown away by the effectiveness of a really nicely equipped SAM/RNG the other day.
        Tarutaru! Rank 10 San'Doria
        BLM:74 - WHM:37 - RDM:34
        RNG:46 - NIN:27 - WAR:20 - MNK:8

        Currently Playing: WOW Beta
        Next Project: WOW PVP Beta


        • #19
          You'll never be blown away by a really nicely equipped sam/anything. They're a gimped class~period.
          MNK: 31 RNG:70 WAR:35 SAM:10 NIN:35

          Current Funds: 1,300,000


          • #20
            we are pretty gimped but i still like us hopefully well get something else that makes us better im still amazed how fast i gain tp though without meditate i was gaining 170 tp while the dk was at 100


            • #21
              I gain TP faster than most Samurai~
              MNK: 31 RNG:70 WAR:35 SAM:10 NIN:35

              Current Funds: 1,300,000

