I was just curious as to why you would nerf samurai. Sure we get TP fast, but in the time we get 2 weapon skills with 100%tp a drk is breaking 1.8k, drg around 1.6k oh an blu doing self Skill chains for around 2k-3k damage. So why is it that samurai gets the low end of the stick? there are plenty of jobs that are over powered and a lot of ppl know it. So y leave those jobs be? By dropping Samurai stats u make less people want to play it. There arent many samurai as it is. Plus watching a ninja with duel wield hitting for 45-50dmg a hit on an IT mob, gettin 3-4 attacks in in the time i only get 1 for around 120dmg is a little wrong dont you think? so why is it your trying to "even" out the jobs when the fact is DD's are meant to do more dmg than tanks, i shouldnt watch a PLD do a 800 spirits within while now i can barely break 700 thanks to the new update. If your going to drop one jobs stats, dont increase other jobs, your just making it even more unfair. So i guess what im trying to say is, take what you did to samurai into consideration. You may say that the update you did to all 2hand weapon users equaled us out, but why are warriors, dragoons, and darks still breaking 1500-1800 damage? if anything BLU needs to be altered so they don't break 2-3k damage on their self Skill chains. (thats not including weaponskill damge, but the skill chain itself)
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Why nerf samurai?
Re: Why nerf samurai?
do we really need another one of these?
taru edit: kitty beat me to it.
moar taru edit: wall-o-text.Omni@Remora: NIN75 RNG75 MNK75 COR75 BST64 BRD53
♪♫ San d'Oria Complete ♪♫ ZM Complete ♪♫ CoP Complete ♪♫ AM Complete ♪♫
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Re: Why nerf samurai?
Nah, no we don't. If I want to hear drama I'll head over to the BG forums. Fact is, Samurai was overpowered. Plain and simple. I don't mind a job getting a boost, but if it causes to proxy-nerf other jobs to the point of 'we don't need x job because y job can do it better' then that says y job is overpowered and godlike.
And isn't S-E still tinkering around with 2handed/SAM update to see what works and what not until they got it kinked out? We're still seeing what this adjustment did to SAMs. From what I'm seeing it seems it only affects HNMs and Gods. Oh wow, so we can't go kill gods in five minutes! Wah wah wah! Pff, give me a break, they're gods they aren't suppose to go splat.
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Re: Why nerf samurai?
At the Fan Festival, S-E said that the recent adjustments made Samurai too powerful. That's why it was nerfed--too strong, to the detriment of game balance.Bamboo shadows sweep the stars,
yet not a mote of dust is stirred;
Moonlight pierces the depths of the pond,
leaving no trace in the water.
- Mugaku
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Re: Why nerf samurai?
If u read clearly i said i can understand why they did drop sam. But why so much? and it doesnt just affect the gods. im well equipped all i need is a hagun an im set, but the thing is to, there are alot of samurai complaing. The only ones who dont are the ones that are stacked with R/E gear. And if u realize this, the other reason sam was nerfed is because PEOPLE COMPLAINED ABOUT IT! everyone wants their main job to be the better one, but watchin RNG break 2200 now in bibiki on IT dhalmel at lvl 69, thats a little much of an increase for them dont you think? just look at it. They are doing to samurai what they did to monk. on average i watch my friends with 75 mnk break 700-800, the ones in godly gear manages to just pass 1k. See the similarities?
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Re: Why nerf samurai?
Sorry if I misunderstood, but your writing is very difficult to read.
As for RNG, many people do think the boost was overboard, and S-E will re-adjust it at some point.Bamboo shadows sweep the stars,
yet not a mote of dust is stirred;
Moonlight pierces the depths of the pond,
leaving no trace in the water.
- Mugaku
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Re: Why nerf samurai?
Lol yeah i get a little excited when i talk about certain things cause i like to be very opinionated. And what i really want SE to do is look at all the jobs, they all do different damage, so if one job is over powerful for breaking 1500 on ws. an others break 1400-1800. why only deal with one? And why haven't they taken a look at BLU yet?
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Re: Why nerf samurai?
Originally posted by Yukimaaru View Postbut watchin RNG break 2200 now in bibiki on IT dhalmel at lvl 69, thats a little much of an increase for them dont you think?Last edited by Omgwtfbbqkitten; 11-21-2007, 02:44 PM.
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Re: Why nerf samurai?
Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten View PostYou picked a bad mob for your argument. I would have done that as a 65 RNG against a dhamel. They use Berzerk. Anyone can put up crazy numbers on a Dhamel, you gonna tell my damage on Weak-to-piercing mobs is beyond reason, too? I didn't need help breaking 2k on Greater Colibri before this update.
And from what I've read, the damage boost of Velocity Shot doesn't put us hardly ahead of most other 2h'ers. Considering all we can do is damage, no magic, no tanking, etc., I don't think a small amount of damage more than most other jobs is that big of a deal. But yeah, I'm sure Velocity shot will get nerfed soon.I RNG 75 I WAR 37 I NIN 38 I SAM 50 I Woodworking 92+2
PSN: Caspian
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Re: Why nerf samurai?
If we're too powerful then fine, I can handle an adjustment to Velocity Shot. Just don't take away my f'ing Haste. RNGs have been demanding Haste for Ranged Attacks and we're finally getting it. You melees have no idea how annoying it is that all we get is a lol6% Haste with Snapshot when you you can get can get a so much Haste built and we get what, a 6%? 6% is a f'ing joke.
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Re: Why nerf samurai?
I hope not, RNG's finally gotten it's own back. I still say SE went overboard with this nerf though. I have no problems with them resetting Y/G/K to their original mods, but I'd like that 1:1 ratio back... please, no more sushi.
Then all they gotta do is beef up THF, BLM (well, SCs) and SMN and we'll be set for a good while.
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Re: Why nerf samurai?
Originally posted by Malacite View PostThen all they gotta do is beef up THFI RNG 75 I WAR 37 I NIN 38 I SAM 50 I Woodworking 92+2
PSN: Caspian
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Re: Why nerf samurai?
When mobs die so fast, isn't it kinda hard for THFs to manage the hate?
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