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  • Sam/rng

    I just hit level 30 SAM and i was wondering what is a good level to start subbing Ranger? I know you may say you could sub Ranger 1-75 but i want to know when it starts to become beneficial
    66 DRK / 46 RNG / 37 WAR / 34 SAM / 24 NIN

  • #2
    Re: Sam/rng

    When you have the Soboro Sukehiro, and around the 50s when you obtain the Weapon Skill Sidewinder.


    • #3
      Re: Sam/rng

      At Lv.30 the only thing RNG provides is an Acc Bonus trait. But by subing RNG you're losing the chance at Berserk or Sneak Attack. I would say you could toy with subing RNG at Lv.60.

      Swidewinder @ Archery Lv.175 - SAM57
      Barrage @ /RNG30 - SAM60

      That way you could build TP fire off a Sidewinder, Barrage + Med. fire off another Sidewinder and depending on how much TP Barrage returned and your timing, pop off another Sidewinder quickly there after. So that's 3 in the span of less than 10 seconds.

      I haven't seen many SAM's sub THF outside of Merit parties (And this one has a fully upgraded Relic Bow.) or in PVP. (SAM60/RNG30 can be pretty sweet in Ballista. Check File Planet for the video.)

      I guess it can't hurt to have all sub jobs available, but I honestly don't think you'll be sub'n RNG too often that early in your career.
      PS2 Beta tester - Cactaur - Rank 4
      RDM32 - BLM17 - DRK11 - RNG11 - BRD9 - BST7 - WAR6 - MNK4

      Lakshmi: Windurst Rank 10 - Zilart, CoP, ToAU COMPLETE - WotG
      SAM90 - DRK90 - MNK90 - WAR90 - RNG90 - BST90 - RDM83 - NIN50 - THF46 - DRG42 - BLM40 - PUP23 - WHM20 - PLD13 - BRD13 - BLU10 - SCH10 - DNC7 - COR5 - SMN1


      • #4
        Re: Sam/rng

        I liked going SAM/RNG @ 30-40, there's definitely not enough ACC gear before 40, that /RNG is like giving me 2xSniper's rings with no penalty and I can eat meat and get about the same dmg as with Berserk up and do dmg with my GKT. It's kinda like being SAM/WAR with Sushi and Berserk but with more DEF & RACC/Slightly less ATK/Melee ACC(Assuming Sushi gives more than +15ACC at this level[I use Rice Dumplings]) and no Provoke. Also food is up for 30min-3hr(or more depending on food) Berserk is up 3 of every 5min.

        Probably not the answer most people want to hear but SAM/RNG has it's place Lv1-40 (and then again 57+).

        Overall, SAM/RNG probably doesn't have the same potential DMG output as SAM/WAR. But I remember on more than one occasion having to drop Berserk due to getting raped because both hits on my Enpi critted with zerk up causing me to do considerably more damage than I anticipated. I found that in practice I was able to do about the same if not more damage as a SAM/RNG due to my playstyle. Also, SAM/RNG is pretty fun when you toss Sharpshot up and go ranged for a min.

        Summary:SAM/WAR has more dmg potential than SAM/RNG, but unless your tank is pro(unfortunately most aren't) you won't be able to realize that potential and pretty much all subs will end up equal, play a viable sub that you find interesting.


        • #5
          Re: Sam/rng

          You can start using it from lv 1 actually if you really want access to ranged weaponskills.

          The "best" time to start using as you put it, is levels 20-30 where you'll get that +10 accuracy bonus. Unless you're tanking, this really helps a lot more than any other sub for DD purposes, save for DRG (+10 attack and jump, but +10 accuracy has a much larger impact IMO)



          • #6
            Re: Sam/rng

            im going for sam/rng when i hit 60 and maybe as early as 58, but my rng is only lvl 46 so any ideas on how i can lvl rng att with out pting?and is it ezier to lvl rng att with ranger subbed?


            • #7
              Re: Sam/rng

              I'm using it now in the 40's (been using it since 20 really, with a break in the 30's for /WAR) and I freaking love it.

              I have 4 archery merits so my experience is a bit skewed, but I was in Gustav last night fighting Hawkers and Goblins. Well, on the gobs my average shot was around 110, and 137+ on the flies. Never mind the 200+ weapons skills! (Go Flaming Arrow!)

              Oh it was hawt. I could have opened Fusion for the MNK with flaming arrow for more dmg, but I opted to use Kagero instead since I didn't want to miss heh (only missed once >.>)

              In short, you can use /RNG at any level for SAM really, provided you know what you're doing. And actually, the dmg output for /RNG beats out /WAR once you get sidewinder. The only problem is spamming it is suicide.

              "BLAH BLAH BLAH TIDAL WAVE!!!"


              • #8
                Re: Sam/rng

                I just got my sam to 58 and i Finally got my rng skill up to 175 after weeks of trying to lvl archery during pt while subbing thf, well i have a question for sams out there that do sub rng for pt, what gear do u gear with, i hit 98% of all rng attack that i shot, but when it came to side winder it was a 50% of hitting. Im using marks man ring and a scorpion ring+1 and a jaridah peti along with a mermans gorget, along with attack +5 earrings and empress hairband, and boundy boots, o.kote, the +10 acc belt, af pants, and squid sushi+1, what would you guys sudgest i change?

