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Hello again my fellow Samurai!

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  • Hello again my fellow Samurai!

    It's been a while, but I'm back. and Ready to get back into the Samurai roll of things. Currently I am Sam48 I have war37 and Thf32. Well I'll lvl my thf first. THEN onto samurai.

    Fortunatly I allready have all my coffer keys for my AF ^^
    "There can be only one..."

  • #2
    Re: Hello again my fellow Samurai!


    I just picked up samurai myself and I'd just like to say that I LOVE this job. I have it at level 23, currently staticing with a brd and a rdm, and I plan on making sam my very first 75 melee job ^^ Do you have any advice for a lowbie like me? :D


    • #3
      Re: Hello again my fellow Samurai!

      Mog, I am a newbie to sam myself, currently at lvl 18, I was told by a Lvl 75 LS sam to level both Great Katana and Polearm, both apparently have merits later on.


      • #4
        Re: Hello again my fellow Samurai!

        At the lower levels, I found Archery to be great for building TP. Tack on some pretty cheap RngAcc items, back up a bit, and fire a few arrows a fight, and you'll have TP before you know it. Doing this in Kor-[TAB] was great damage and great TP build.

        My SAM's Lv.45 now, and when I took up SAM, my DRG was already in the mid to late 20's, so I didn't bother with Polearm at all. But I really don't see any advantage of Polearm over Great Katana in those levels. Both have WSs that open and close Distortion, can do similar damage, both multi-hits, so I'd just stick with GKT honestly.

        Another suggestion is to find a THF once you hit Lv.30. EXP becomes a breeze in some points due to the great Skillchain. I've staticed my SAM with a friend of mine's THF from Lv.30 to Lv.45, and partied are a breeze if you can find a tank! /sigh
        PS2 Beta tester - Cactaur - Rank 4
        RDM32 - BLM17 - DRK11 - RNG11 - BRD9 - BST7 - WAR6 - MNK4

        Lakshmi: Windurst Rank 10 - Zilart, CoP, ToAU COMPLETE - WotG
        SAM90 - DRK90 - MNK90 - WAR90 - RNG90 - BST90 - RDM83 - NIN50 - THF46 - DRG42 - BLM40 - PUP23 - WHM20 - PLD13 - BRD13 - BLU10 - SCH10 - DNC7 - COR5 - SMN1


        • #5
          Re: Hello again my fellow Samurai!

          Originally posted by tdh View Post
          At the lower levels, I found Archery to be great for building TP. Tack on some pretty cheap RngAcc items, back up a bit, and fire a few arrows a fight, and you'll have TP before you know it. Doing this in Kor-[TAB] was great damage and great TP build.

          Another suggestion is to find a THF once you hit Lv.30. EXP becomes a breeze in some points due to the great Skillchain. I've staticed my SAM with a friend of mine's THF from Lv.30 to Lv.45, and partied are a breeze if you can find a tank! /sigh
          Yeah, currently, I keep my bows and arrows up to date and I'm leveling archery with my samurai. It's nice to have tp fast. :D

          Moreover, I sub thf for added dexterity. I better question I have is: is there any reason at all I would sub war? Would thief be sufficient enough to level sam, or am I ever gonna be required to voke off somebody? /panic
          ~~~BLM SAM RNG NIN PLD~~~


          • #6
            Re: Hello again my fellow Samurai!

            I prefer /war actually. Double attack, Berserk, Warcry all helps. Yes you will be needed to provoke mobs off your healer from time to time.

            The only reason I see for /thf is only for WS.


            • #7
              Re: Hello again my fellow Samurai!

              Right now I'm a 24 SAM and I just prefer the /RNG for the accuracy bonus. Is that wrong? I know about WAR and THF, but I really don't see those SJs applying till around 30.

              I wanna try eatting those rice balls too but can't find any on the AH ; ;
              Last edited by Zempten; 12-08-2006, 08:12 PM.


              • #8
                Re: Hello again my fellow Samurai!

                I'd say to you mog my good sir do not try camping the lv50 jse legs (StoreTP+6) because I have been here for 4-5hours and still no freaking pop! Its 4:30am atm and Im not sleeping till it pops. Damn my stubborness...they are only 300k.
                75 Mnk Sam | 70 Drk | 40 Blm | 37 Nin Rng Thf War
                Woodworking 91.9+2
                ZM:Complete CoP:Complete ToAU:27


                • #9
                  Re: Hello again my fellow Samurai!

                  Originally posted by Zempten View Post
                  Right now I'm a 24 SAM and I just prefer the /RNG for the accuracy bonus. Is that wrong? I know about WAR and THF, but I really don't see those SJs applying till around 30.
                  I wanna try eatting those rice balls too but can't find any on the AH ; ;
                  Do you get a lot of invites as sam/rng ? /war adds str I think.
                  Riceballs are bought from the tenshodo.


                  • #10
                    Re: Hello again my fellow Samurai!

                    Originally posted by Aeolus View Post
                    I'd say to you mog my good sir do not try camping the lv50 jse legs (StoreTP+6) because I have been here for 4-5hours and still no freaking pop! Its 4:30am atm and Im not sleeping till it pops. Damn my stubborness...they are only 300k.
                    The bugbear? Are you killing the placeholders?


                    • #11
                      Re: Hello again my fellow Samurai!

                      Bugbear Strongman yea, Ive been killing all 3 Bugbears and just killing the PH for a while and still no spawn. Im going to bed next time phs spawn and continuing in the morning. *sigh* Stayed up so late I wont be able to get up for the 2 important shadows in 4-5hours which I have been killing the last 3days. Stupid NM.
                      75 Mnk Sam | 70 Drk | 40 Blm | 37 Nin Rng Thf War
                      Woodworking 91.9+2
                      ZM:Complete CoP:Complete ToAU:27


                      • #12
                        Re: Hello again my fellow Samurai!

                        The point of getting invites is not a problem when you start your own PT.

                        Also the lost of STR from /WAR at the lower lvl is what? 2 or 3 STR? Where instead I could gain the Accuracy Bonus from /RNG and eat the rice dumplings for more atk and a bit of accuracy. I'm fairly sure it's a wrothwhile trade, but I was wondering on others opinion. Also I noticed that I'm hitting for around 60s with my bow as opposed to swining my katana for the 40s, but now that I got Hasso I'm not sure which is better.

                        Another thing that is interesting is that I can get TP with my GK, SC with person A, use Sharpshot, gain TP vai the bow, and then SC with person B. It's kinda of neat I think ^ ^ It's sorta of likea ghetto meditate lol


                        • #13
                          Re: Hello again my fellow Samurai!

                          Originally posted by Mog View Post
                          Moreover, I sub thf for added dexterity. I better question I have is: is there any reason at all I would sub war? Would thief be sufficient enough to level sam, or am I ever gonna be required to voke off somebody? /panic
                          Honestly, that added DEX isn't going to make or break you. And the difference from /THF and /WAR is probably 2 or 3 DEX, so it's not something that could be noticable.

                          Now, as I just finished typing that, I have to point out that when I was leveling DRK I was subing THF for the added DEX and tacking as much DEX as I could get my Elvaan Mitts on! All before the Sushi Age and no real way to know if it actually helped.

                          Now you can sub THF for SAM Lv.30+, but the problem is you're going to be spending a lot of time leveling with THFs. SA Enpi might not be able to turn the mob at that level. So if you build your own party, and don't included a THF I don't see why not, but having a THF is a lotta fun and a lotta EXP.

                          Originally posted by Zempten View Post
                          Right now I'm a 24 SAM and I just prefer the /RNG for the accuracy bonus. Is that wrong? I know about WAR and THF, but I really don't see those SJs applying till around 30.
                          With the Acc Bonus, this is viable. RNG Acc Bonus kicks in at Lv.10 correct? So add on some of the limited Acc gear at that level, find some food that offers 5~10 RngAcc and you should do pretty well. Also have Sharpshoot for RngAtks, which is a great way to build TP at that level.

                          I would say SAMs should have RNG subjob later. Even if it's just to have Sidewinder for Brenner/Ballista. I think I may level my RNG this weekend and get it caught up some, then see about learning Sidewinder for my RDM to play with. ^^
                          PS2 Beta tester - Cactaur - Rank 4
                          RDM32 - BLM17 - DRK11 - RNG11 - BRD9 - BST7 - WAR6 - MNK4

                          Lakshmi: Windurst Rank 10 - Zilart, CoP, ToAU COMPLETE - WotG
                          SAM90 - DRK90 - MNK90 - WAR90 - RNG90 - BST90 - RDM83 - NIN50 - THF46 - DRG42 - BLM40 - PUP23 - WHM20 - PLD13 - BRD13 - BLU10 - SCH10 - DNC7 - COR5 - SMN1


                          • #14
                            Re: Hello again my fellow Samurai!

                            I wonder how much R.acc Sharpshot adds and how it compares to the +10 acc of Hasso.

                            In Qufim I did sam/drg for attack+10 and Jump. Quite fun. I also had a macro to slap on all R.acc gear Sam equippable (not a lot at that level) and fire my bow, but I really only fired 1-3 times/fight (except in Korr-[tdh] parties, where I was bound so often that I found myself forced to). If I had RNG leveled, I would've liked to try that. Mobs aren't horrendously evasive at that level though, and acc+20 (Trait + Hasso) may be a bit of overkill. Meh, prolly not.

                            sam/thf 30-60, I feel, is a bit weak. First off, these are prime levels for thieves, and if Thieves can't have their day anywhere else, you owe it to them to see how incredible they are right around 35+ And that means voke and doing tachi: enpi >> VB with a great MB. It's insane how dead mobs are after these things hit. In addition, I feel that Berserk > SA'd first hit of Enpi. Honestly, 60+, I still feel /war is more potent, or at least continues to compete, but I'm not gonna go into that.

                            I did level as sam/war once with a sam/thf in CN. It was irritating. SC was obviously Enpi >> Enpi Distortion. He wasn't extremely communicative, and due to us being tied to his SA timer, we pretty much always had 200% tp when we would SC. It still doesn't make a lot of sense how that ended up, but it happened 90% of the time. While his damage output would've been higher with one SA'd WS and one w/out, he still got more out of SA'ing a 200% WS than I did just doing 200% Enpi unstacked. The end result? Me feeling like a lot of damage potential was consistently being wasted and whadya know? The parser says he outdamaged me by something like .8% Nothing huge, but I felt like I had the better DD potential, but since we were fighting on his terms instead of mine, he came out ahead.
                            "And if he left off dreaming about you, where do you suppose you'd be?"


                            • #15
                              Re: Hello again my fellow Samurai!

                              Originally posted by tdh View Post
                              Honestly, that added DEX isn't going to make or break you. And the difference from /THF and /WAR is probably 2 or 3 DEX, so it's not something that could be noticable.

                              Now, as I just finished typing that, I have to point out that when I was leveling DRK I was subing THF for the added DEX and tacking as much DEX as I could get my Elvaan Mitts on! All before the Sushi Age and no real way to know if it actually helped.
                              Yeah, I realize this now. I'm in the process of leveling warrior to 30 or so, so I can sub that until I hit 60 Samurai. I'm chock-full of dexterity already with the gear I've got (leaping boots, spike necklace, etc) and the fact that I'm tarutaru. And from what you guys are saying, added attack, berserk and provoke all help out.

                              So I guess when I hit 60 SAM, then I'll sub thief for sneak attack, trick attack for more hate control.
                              ~~~BLM SAM RNG NIN PLD~~~

