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  • #16
    Re: SAM vs. DRK

    Originally posted by Gwynn View Post
    Sorry, but I have to dissent on that point. Red Mage getting Refresh doesn't put the integrity of the job out the window. Red Mages job is to Refresh, Haste, Enfeeble, Heal, and do whatever else they can possibly do to make things flow smoother for the party. Without Refresh, there wouldn't be a whole lot we could do to help out mages, which would only make us weaker. A RDM who can hold down all his important enfeebles, a 5 person Refresh, 3~ Haste, and help back up heal at the same time doesn't have any integrity? I don't see how that works out.
    I'm not saying that I don't admire RDM. I do. You practically have to juggle flaming knives to be able to get everything done that's expected of you. But, lets say, that there's a RDM at level 44 or somthing and they get invited to a party. Lets say that RDM never bought refresh. They would never stay invited to parties. RDM turnes from -> being a helper to melee in the form of enfeb. and helper of mages in the form of back heals/nukes -> to being the parties Refresh puppy. Just seems insulting to the job...
    Last edited by Antivomit; 10-27-2006, 06:02 AM.
    Lowering Expectations Since Birth...


    • #17
      Re: SAM vs. DRK

      As a level 30 rdm, I have to kind of take offense to the description that after certain levels we loose our importance. I just recently leveled up my non-advanced jobs to at least 14(except white mage--lvl 11). Upto this point the only job where you can do both attack things(black mage spells) and healing(white mage spells) without needing another mage or job is rdm. I realize down the road white and black mage's get far more powerful verisons of these spells,but you still need another mage to heal(in the case of black mages), or a meele job(in the case of white mages), whereas the rdm can do both. Well I realize this game is based on partying, you still have to look at each job indivudally when comparing 2.
      To answer the question of the original post:I guess it depends on what is needed in a party at the time, what the party is trying to do, and most importantly which job you are the most comfortable doing at the time.
      Remember, the best way to figure out the better job between 2 of them is to actually try them out for a few levels(at least). Once you have tried them out it should become apperant to you whic one is better for you.
      u have to know when to hold them, know when to fold them


      • #18
        Re: SAM vs. DRK

        As a level 30 rdm, I have to kind of take offense to the description that after certain levels we loose our importance. I just recently leveled up my non-advanced jobs to at least 14(except white mage--lvl 11). Upto this point the only job where you can do both attack things(black mage spells) and healing(white mage spells) without needing another mage or job is rdm. I realize down the road white and black mage's get far more powerful verisons of these spells,but you still need another mage to heal(in the case of black mages), or a meele job(in the case of white mages), whereas the rdm can do both. Well I realize this game is based on partying, you still have to look at each job indivudally when comparing 2.
        To answer the question of the original post:I guess it depends on what is needed in a party at the time, what the party is trying to do, and most importantly which job you are the most comfortable doing at the time.
        Remember, the best way to figure out the better job between 2 of them is to actually try them out for a few levels(at least). Once you have tried them out it should become apperant to you whic one is better for you.
        u have to know when to hold them, know when to fold them

