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SAM gear and renkei question

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  • SAM gear and renkei question

    After finally getting lvl 2 in crit hits, i decided to take up SAM for my DD alternative to my RDM, after all, it is the reason i lvled thf to 37 =p. I have 2 questions about SAM

    1) Okote- ive had this item for mnk, and it was a big help, since then sold it however. Would this item be as good on sam? Should i start farming to buy another? opinions please

    2) ive located Adens renkei chart but the one i print is either A. too small to read when i print it out or B. Prints a very large section but only 1/4th of the chart. Id like a printable one because i cannot keep my comp on and run between room to see a SC, any help with one that i can read printable? thank you

  • #2
    Re: SAM gear and renkei question

    1. Given your SAM's lvl from the profile, if your budget permits, get it. It helps as much as it did for your MNK, especially at lower levels.

    OKote's price dropped to 2.2 mil from upwards of 4 mil+ in my server. Hope it's the same for yours, too.

    2. Are you using the JPG version of it? If so, try using the PDF version. JPG often results in the funny printouts like yours did, depending on the applications you use to print them. But w/ PDF, it should be easier to adjust, as the Acrobat Reader's print menu already has a "fit to paper size" option.

    In case you didn't bookmark where you downloaded yours, here's the link;


    • #3
      Re: SAM gear and renkei question

      So Tachi: Gekko is more Str based? How about Yukikaze?


      • #4
        Re: SAM gear and renkei question

        Originally posted by raidenn View Post
        So Tachi: Gekko is more Str based? How about Yukikaze?
        Sorry, I deleted that line as I felt it wasn't really needed; for those wondering, my above post had a line saying something like "after 65 when you learn Gecko, you'll be more concentrating on STR boost due to the crazy STR adjustments Gecko and Kasha get."

        As far as STR adjustments go, Yukikaze, Gecko, and Kasha all get the same amount of STR adjustments, 75%. (They are said to have difference in the PDIF bonus factor, as they obviously vary in damages, but it's yet to be tested.) But due to the fact that Yukikaze isn't SC-friendly, SAM's usually don't use it in exp parties, unless you just spam, and no SC. So in reality, Gecko pretty much is the first WS for which you start building the serious amount of STR boost.

        Note that 75% adjustment is by far the greatest adjustment made on a single stat among all WS', including final stage Relic specific WS'. Even Tachi: Kaiten is STR 60%.
        Last edited by bside; 09-13-2006, 11:04 AM.


        • #5
          Re: SAM gear and renkei question

          If you guys wanna know about the stats that affect Weapon Skills FFXIclopedia is a good option.
          "In this world, the one who has the most fun is the winner!" C.B.
          Prishe's Knight 2004-Forever.



          • #6
            Re: SAM gear and renkei question

            What I did with the renkei chart was open it up in photoshop and cut it into 2 one page sizes. Then print them out and taped/pasted them together. So I had a decent sized renkei chart that I could post up behind my monitor or side of my tower :p.

            In terms of renkeis...the poster above me hit it on pretty well. Gekko and kasha will be basically all you use since it makes dark and light renkeis. Yukkikaze is mainly for fragmentation which I only ever used with rangers really.

            I prefer to swap between them in the case that a mage or ninja's debuff doesn't stick (rare chance most of the time) and i can toss out a ws for damage and a debuff for blind, silence, paralyze. That way it's on until either job gets back around to casting it again.

            Either way, if you have any pimped out gear for your monk like shura haidate, kabuto, togi it is great for samurai too. Leveling monk and samurai to 75 is a great thing because it saves inventory space since a lot of the end game armor can be used for both. That and you can fill in both sides of the light/dark renkei setup by choosing a job to use.

            Good luck :E


            • #7
              Re: SAM gear and renkei question

              I've yet to buy my own O. Kotes, but I have borrowed them from LS members. I have noticed a difference in melee damage, but I load up on lots of STR for WS. So I swap them out, but feel they're worth it.

              I used a Ruby Skillchain generator. ( is the PHP Link.) I just plug in the information I need at the start of the party, and go from there. But honestly, after a while I know what my Skillchain options are with most jobs and weapons. I static with a THF, so I know we're doing Enpi > Viper Bite. So that leaves a possible Skillchain with a PLD or NIN most likely. So I have two Distortion options with NIN at Lv.45, and then Distortion and Fusion options with a PLD for when they actually have TP. After a while you'll remember what Skillchains you do with which job, so you won't even have a need for the chart.
              PS2 Beta tester - Cactaur - Rank 4
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              Lakshmi: Windurst Rank 10 - Zilart, CoP, ToAU COMPLETE - WotG
              SAM90 - DRK90 - MNK90 - WAR90 - RNG90 - BST90 - RDM83 - NIN50 - THF46 - DRG42 - BLM40 - PUP23 - WHM20 - PLD13 - BRD13 - BLU10 - SCH10 - DNC7 - COR5 - SMN1

