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Sam/mnk 1-75?

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  • Sam/mnk 1-75?

    Is it possible to get partys using MNK or THF as Subjob from lvl1 to lvl75?

  • #2
    Re: Sam/mnk 1-75?

    After 30 a thf subjob would be semi worthwhile as you get sneak attack from sub. Cant think why you would want that over /war until 60 when you would get sneak and trick attack and could replace the thf in your party. Berserk is more worthwhile to 60 for the extra Str and Atk+ from berserk. No idea why you would want to sub mnk. Your never going to use H2H as samurai so martials wouldnt benefit you and all mnks JA are specifically geared towards mnks and just wouldnt make your job any stronger like subbing war would. So yes to invites as sam/thf and no to invites as sam/mnk.
    75 Mnk Sam | 70 Drk | 40 Blm | 37 Nin Rng Thf War
    Woodworking 91.9+2
    ZM:Complete CoP:Complete ToAU:27


    • #3
      Re: Sam/mnk 1-75?

      eh just wondering because my brother keeps saying it that its better than Warrior ... I keep telling him hes wrong because I've lvl my Samurai too 48


      • #4
        Re: Sam/mnk 1-75?

        Before lvl 60, SAM often ask to /war for 1st provoke for SATA + Distortion with THF. It is because SAM has decent armor selection, Tachi: Enpi does decent dmg and can open Distortion, Third Eye, decent parry + evasion skill, good amount of HP... In other words, SAM/WAR + THF makes good partner. If SAM/MNK, a major selling point for SAM is gone.
        Server: Quetzalcoatl
        Race: Hume Rank 7
        75 PLD, 75 SAM, 75 WAR, 75 NIN, 75 MNK, 65 BLU


        • #5
          Re: Sam/mnk 1-75?

          Once you leave the Dunes, as you can sub anything in the Dunes and it won't matter, MNK sub is a no-no. Let's look at the abilities SAM gets with MNK and WAR sub, not bringing up the stats they give.

          WAR sub
          Level 10 - Provoke
          Level 20 - Defense Bonus
          Level 30 - Berserk and Resist Virus(I dont really care for Virus, but meh >_>)
          Level 50 - Defender and Double Attack(Double Attack owns)
          Level 70 - Warcry and Resist Virus II

          MNK sub
          Level 10 - Boost
          Level 20 - Counter
          Level 30 - Dodge, HP Boost
          Level 50 - Focus
          Level 70 - Chakra, HP Boost II

          Although from 10-20 a SAM can main tank just fine and you can do it with either sub, from 20 on WAR is alot better. Provoke is handy for taking aggro in emergencies, Defense Bonus and Defender complement these moments, Berserk Warcry AND Double Attack make the DD role of a Samurai a hell of a lot easier, and Resist Virus.......yea, its there.

          MNK sub gives you Boost, which is nice to use before WS, but it causes some aggro. and Berserk is better than this in that although it causes more damage which = more aggro also, it lasts for a longer amount of time. After level 20, although it may happen, you shouldn't be tanking anymore, so Counter isn't used as often. Focus is actually a really useful ability, but compared to having both Berserk AND Double Attack from /WAR at that level, it pales in comparison. I can see MNK sub working extremely well in Ballista though, but for XP situations stick to /WAR or the ever expensive /RNG sub.
          Cleverness - Hades
          DRK/NIN/WHM/BLM/SCH/WAR/PLD subs


          • #6
            Re: Sam/mnk 1-75?

            Never seen a /monk before. Try it out and seek party.


            • #7
              Re: Sam/mnk 1-75?

              /mnk is better than /war?

              i think your brother is making things up...

              Thanks Yyg!


              • #8
                Re: Sam/mnk 1-75?

                All Mnk could offer to an offensive Sam, which all sams are, is boost and focus. And all that gives is a small att+ for one hit and +20 Acc for 2 out of 5 minutes that doesn't scale.

                War gives you Berserk, +25% more att for 3/5 minutes, Att bonus, which is +10 att, Warcry, which gives +25ish att for 30 seconds out of every 5 minutes and double attack, which will give you an extra swing every 10% of your attacks, including WS.

                Now looking at that, it might *seem* mnk would be useful for the acc buff to help tp gain, but War, and even Rng, would be better as their traits are both much better at gaining TP then focus. Mnk sub is only good for two things as far as I understand, PvP with the HP+, Counter, Dodge and Chakra or Spirits Within spam, which is surpasses by /thf sub and SaTa WS with good equip.
                "I have a forebrain, my ability to abstract thoughts allow for all kinds of things" - Red Mage 8-Bit theater


                • #9
                  Re: Sam/mnk 1-75?

                  Monk does offer a few good options, but like it has been said, warrior and thief are pretty much main stream; and for good reason.


                  • #10
                    Re: Sam/mnk 1-75?

                    hey dont forget about rng, i t hink rng at 60 is the best sub, but i havent tryed it yet cuz im 41, all i heard is sub rng if u think u can survive it, and thats the kind of challenge i like. and also i thirst for blood. lol


                    • #11
                      Re: Sam/mnk 1-75?

                      I still wanna ask if I can sub /MNK on my SAM. Truely, I hate WAR with a passion. I hated leveling it to 23 and quit there. I really wanna level SAM, and the only other jobs I can possibly use would be MNK or RNG.

                      MNK is 32 now, RNG is 4 but I'm willing to level that. However, I'm poor as hell and don't really know of any way to make a steady income. So I'm limited. Do I HAVE to level WAR or can I bypass on MNK? Should I level RNG, and if so, whats a good way to make money as 32MNK / 30RDM / 36SAM ? And THF is out of the question, I'll quit before I level that job again.


                      • #12
                        Re: Sam/mnk 1-75?

                        well the truth is that not alot of people are ready for sam/rng, too much hate maker that can cause instant massacre to be written on your forehead, learn that today as i got my butt handed to me alot of the time for making 700+ws dmg at only 100%tp and at times more than once with meditate, but the truth is that some subs are meant for certain situation, if its dd what you seek , sub thf, if its dd and sc sub war, i subbed war and didnt like it so i subbed thf, i liked it better, until i subbed rng, but yet rng doesnt do too good on certain mogs, such as puks, but the subject is about /monk, you can try it, but the truth is, that you are going to have to make the parties, and from what i saw on a previous post where they showed the diff on both subs, thank you Clever Ninja, i see no reason to sub mnk, infact i dont see how mnk subb will make your sam stronger, but ill let you go on this note, make the pt, prove us wrong and make the impact, some times for a weird sub to be accepted people that are willing to explore have to make a impression on other players, so make your pt's and make sure you know what youre doing and getting into, cause one thing is to make an impression and get invites after that than to make a fool out of your self and no one take you seriously.


                        • #13
                          Re: Sam/mnk 1-75?

                          Originally posted by Dwarkyzidez View Post
                          I still wanna ask if I can sub /MNK on my SAM.
                          The answer is still "No, not for exp parties."

                          Originally posted by Dwarkyzidez View Post
                          Truely, I hate WAR with a passion. I hated leveling it to 23 and quit there. I really wanna level SAM, and the only other jobs I can possibly use would be MNK or RNG.
                          Well, /MNK is not an option. You're left with RNG, then.

                          As an alternative, you can level and use /DRG, perhaps?

                          It's a terrific support job at SAM20/DRG10 for Jump and Attack Bonus. Not sure how it parse against /WAR after Lv.30, but it shouldn't be that bad.

                          At SAM30/DRG15, you can add Wyvern Earring (Haste+5%) and Wyvern Mantle (Attack+6) to the setup, too. At SAM60/DRG30, you'd get Accuracy Bonus, and High Jump comes at SAM70/DRG35.

                          In truth, though, if you plan to take SAM to Lv.75, you really should level both WAR and THF.
                          Bamboo shadows sweep the stars,
                          yet not a mote of dust is stirred;
                          Moonlight pierces the depths of the pond,
                          leaving no trace in the water.

                          - Mugaku


                          • #14
                            Re: Sam/mnk 1-75?

                            speaking from experience with a friend running sam/drg at level 30 alongside my sam/war:

                            I outparsed him.. barely. his ws were more frequent and he could self SC, but my per hit damage and per ws damage were higher, berserk pushed me over. it's just flat out better than jump at this level (obvious reasons) haste+5% from the earring closed the gap alot (we tried it both with and without the haste earring) viable sub. probably more damage than sam/thf until at least 66 - doesn't match sam/war until *maybe* 60+ with the accuracy bonus and eventually high jump.

                            sam/drg makes the ideal haste build though. very easy to cap haste from gear.
                            Grant me wings so I may fly;
                            My restless soul is longing.
                            No Pain remains no Feeling~
                            Eternity Awaits.


                            • #15
                              Re: Sam/mnk 1-75?

                              sam/drg or any /drg is used early on for the fact that /drg gets a attack bonus at lv. 10. no other job gets this trait that early.

                              If you do happen to take it past 30, then the haste earring helps too but in the end, /war will always beat out /drg. /thf is great for hnm since it forces criticals and burst dmg is very important for hnm.
                              Omni@Remora: NIN75 RNG75 MNK75 COR75 BST64 BRD53
                              ♪♫ San d'Oria Complete ♪♫ ZM Complete ♪♫ CoP Complete ♪♫ AM Complete ♪♫

