Aloha everyone,
Recently I've been contemplating coming back to the game and starting a Samurai. From what I remember, Samurai was a very respectable damage dealer, but I always thought their weaponskills were somewhat lackluster in the 'coolness' department (God I hate myself for saying that) when compared to Dark Knight for example. Is this true or do Samurai's get some very visually pleasing weaponskills of their own? Pathetic as it may be, this would be an important factor in my decision
Recently I've been contemplating coming back to the game and starting a Samurai. From what I remember, Samurai was a very respectable damage dealer, but I always thought their weaponskills were somewhat lackluster in the 'coolness' department (God I hate myself for saying that) when compared to Dark Knight for example. Is this true or do Samurai's get some very visually pleasing weaponskills of their own? Pathetic as it may be, this would be an important factor in my decision