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What is samurai like?

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  • What is samurai like?

    Well, currently I am a career BLM, stuck at 61, and I was thinking about playing SAM for a while. Currently it is level 4, but I was thinking if I like it I may take it up as my second, or new, job. From BLM, my pockets aren't loaded with cash, but I should be able to afford O. Kote and mabye with a little bit of farming snipers or a hauby... is that decent for a SAM?

    Also, should I keep Archery and Polearm skill up, or should I stick to using G. Ktn. only and worry about skilling those up once I hit 50+?

    Oh yeah, and my main question, do you feel that SAM is somewhat the melee equivenalt of a BLM? Seems that way to be wit the elemental stuff and all... which is why I chose it.
    Originally posted by Ellipses
    Really, it's just like pretty much every question about this game that begins with "Why." The answer is "Because."
    Originally posted by MCLV
    A subjob is like sex, you shouldn't have it untill your 18 but if you don't have it after 21 everyone laughs at you.
    More Sig:

  • #2
    Re: What is samurai like?

    Keep archery up, definetely. SAM/RNG for Sidewinder can be very good.
    Polearm, I've never really seen it used, but if you have the spare time, may as well.
    I think the Melee equivalent of a BLM would be RNG, pre-nerf.


    • #3
      Re: What is samurai like?

      I've only very rarely seen a SAM bother with Polearms. GKT seems to be the weapon of choice 99% of the time. And definitely Archery is a huge help for the job, so keeping that up to date would be really important.

      The gear you mentioned seems fine to me. Most SAMs don't even get all that so you'd be ahead of the pack in that department.


      • #4
        Re: What is samurai like?

        Alright, glad to know I'd be ahead if I chose SAM over BLM and sold my BLM gear. As for the melee equivalant, I ment the flow of the job, not the numbers it produces(i.e., BLM is elemental based with some support, SAM is elemental based with some support) or at least it seems that way. I will try to keep archery up, it is capped at ~11 from RNG now, but it's just so annoying to s/u >.> And I think I will try to use polearms and g.kt, but if it gets to hard i'll stick to g.kt only. Thanks for the input guys!
        Originally posted by Ellipses
        Really, it's just like pretty much every question about this game that begins with "Why." The answer is "Because."
        Originally posted by MCLV
        A subjob is like sex, you shouldn't have it untill your 18 but if you don't have it after 21 everyone laughs at you.
        More Sig:


        • #5
          Re: What is samurai like?

          sam used to use polearm for penta spam before TP nerf, but no one uses it now :x rng has second best archery in the game, and sam/rng isnt too shabby :O

          also, sam arent the most hardcore of DD <_< but witht he right equips they can be
          WAR75/ MNK45/ WHM38/ RDM6/ DRG13/ RNG42/ BLM21/ THF45 /SAM22 /NIN53 /BRD64 /DRK11 /SMN12/BST28/ PLD13/18 BLU/17 COR/1 PUP

          "The man all the ladies want."


          • #6
            Re: What is samurai like?

            Eh, it's ok, like I said I'm not interested in puttign out tons of numbers(though it is fun). but I more want an enjoyable experience.
            Originally posted by Ellipses
            Really, it's just like pretty much every question about this game that begins with "Why." The answer is "Because."
            Originally posted by MCLV
            A subjob is like sex, you shouldn't have it untill your 18 but if you don't have it after 21 everyone laughs at you.
            More Sig:


            • #7
              Re: What is samurai like?

              Last I checked, we do use polearm for xp in.. sea? Something about the mobs not taking much damage from GKTs.

              I just skill 'em up while lfp so no biggy for me.

              Also no point in skillin up archery unless you intend to lvl up RNG for a sub. you can't use ranged WSs unless you have sub RNG
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