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  • stuck

    Hello fellow Samurai. I am here to express my frustration and see how you all go through this situation. I dont know if it is a trend but I am level 49 and I cant seem to get a party anywhere. I am also one skill level from tachi jinpu which alone is driving me crazy. Now I dont know if its due to the new expansion and everyone trying for the new jobs but not getting a party is driving me insane. What did you guys do to get through these times. Any advice on how to get some invites? Let me know what you think cause I just want to hit 50 and get LB1 done and move along already.

    Which FF Character Are You?

  • #2
    Re: stuck

    form your own parties

    I know your pain, i went through this with my mnk and drk.

    Wait for a tank and a healers of some sort to get online and form your party around them.

    Originally posted by SevIfrit
    we asked for more wyvern control the give us emotes.... /em slams head off desk...


    • #3
      Re: stuck

      Lol, i always made my own partys with Drg... >.<

      War75 Thf75 Pld75 Sam75 Mnk75 Rdm75 Nin75 Bard 75


      • #4
        Re: stuck

        ya tried that a few times but it seems when you can get a healer you can get a tank or vice versa but whatever just have to keep on trying

        Which FF Character Are You?


        • #5
          Re: stuck

          be informative in your /tells when asking for a party. dont just blind invite.

          know where camp will be before hand. i hate getting invited to a pt and the leader sits there for 20 minutes asking where we should go pt. then asks if anyone else wants to be leader. if you are going to lead, do it. dont worry about people like it or not, youre the pt leader.

          be patient. when i was finishing nin, me and my set friend would wait upwards to an hr or so forming a pt. sometimes it's slow, you just need to keep checking to see whos seeking.

          make sure you keep the levels close and jobs relavant. no one likes to join a pt when its like lv. 45-48 lv. gap. make sure the melee can renkei with each other. having a war and thf in the same pt isnt the best idea, since they both close distortion. however later that changes and war can open light for a thf. also, after lv. 41 always make sure there is a rdm in the pt. at 55 you can exchange that for a brd if no rdm is available but make sure you have one or the other. no one likes having a pld tank and whm and blm when theres no refresh going around.

          like ghostraven said, find you tank, healer AND refresher first. melee slots are a lot easier to fill in after those vital pieces are done.
          Omni@Remora: NIN75 RNG75 MNK75 COR75 BST64 BRD53
          ♪♫ San d'Oria Complete ♪♫ ZM Complete ♪♫ CoP Complete ♪♫ AM Complete ♪♫


          • #6
            Re: stuck

            Omni brings up something I wish more people would do. Announce what you want/plan to do. Make yourself sound attractive. Here's what I /tell when I'm building a party.

            {Excuse me} PT {Do you need it?} Lv.71-73 JOB1, JOB2, ....

            I list the jobs I already have on board, and then if they accept I tell them to {Gather together} {Port Jeuno}. As a RDM I get a lot of random invites while I'm just walking around doing any number of things. And I almost NEVER get a /tell that tells me what I'm getting into. If they presented me with a list of jobs already signed on, I may be more inclined to accept the invite. I've also gotten a number of compliments on how I asked people to join.

            Built a party for my DRK static the other night in less than 10 minutes. Same get up, just included PLD52, DRK52, THF53, and the level range and mages jumped on quick. So see how that works for you when you're building your next party.

            Good /search comments are helpful as well when you see there are only 3 people seeking at your level. EXP tnl, maybe a piece of gear that'll make you stand out, how long you have to party seems to be popular lately, or food options. I've seen some /search comments listing Acc+35 Atk+30, or some showing their needed stats. Like DEX+25 AGI+25 for a THF, or a DRK listing what weapons they have access to. More information will help a party leader choose you over another person sitting in their Mog House watching their Moogle spin around in circles too. lol
            PS2 Beta tester - Cactaur - Rank 4
            RDM32 - BLM17 - DRK11 - RNG11 - BRD9 - BST7 - WAR6 - MNK4

            Lakshmi: Windurst Rank 10 - Zilart, CoP, ToAU COMPLETE - WotG
            SAM90 - DRK90 - MNK90 - WAR90 - RNG90 - BST90 - RDM83 - NIN50 - THF46 - DRG42 - BLM40 - PUP23 - WHM20 - PLD13 - BRD13 - BLU10 - SCH10 - DNC7 - COR5 - SMN1


            • #7
              Re: stuck

              Everything they've said will help you build parties, and find parties faster. As for the times when parties just aren't coming, try farming or crafting or something. If I'm going to have my flag up and be doing it for a while, might as well get some time in mining, fishing, farming, or some other way of making money. Use whatever subjob you want. Just be sure and put in your comment what your available subjobs are. Most party leaders are intelligent enough to check search comments when they see an odd job combo and the person is in a random area. (Especially when they're subbing a lvl 17 blm for a lvl 63 thf.) Keep your hp in Jeuno and carry a warp cudgel for a quick return. One of two things will have happened:
              1. You get parties fairly quickly and will have saved a little bit of your sanity and put a little gil in your pocket, or
              2. You'll still be waiting for hours or days on end, but by the time you hit 59 you'll have plenty of gil for an Haubergeon and whatever else your heart desires. Its win/win.
              I RNG 75 I WAR 37 I NIN 38 I SAM 50 I Woodworking 92+2

              PSN: Caspian


              • #8
                Re: stuck

                I mainly just fish well i seek tho all the new jobs are at my lvl atm so its not hard getting a pt lol

                Which FF Character Are You?

                And you, wich Final Fantasy character do you resemble?


                • #9
                  Re: stuck

                  Originally posted by Omni-Ragnarok
                  make sure the melee can renkei with each other. having a war and thf in the same pt isnt the best idea, since they both close distortion. however later that changes and war can open light for a thf.
                  Going to go off-topic with a pet peeve of mine here... if you disagree with my following opinions, know that there's no way to convince me otherwise so don't try. Fair warning. :D

                  There are only incompatible melee skillchains if you insist on melees always doing level 2 skillchains or always doing Distortion. For myself, I pick whatever are currently the best possible weaponskills on the menu. As long as the mob isn't particularly resistant to a skillchain element, even a lowly level 1 skillchain effect is fine when the tradeoff in physical WS damage is high enough to compensate. As such, I've yet to encounter an exp party where I can't find a way for one melee to skillchain with another. And Samurai having Great Katana WS littered all over the elemental chart, ideally should have no trouble skillchaining with any other weaponskilling job.

                  Let me provide an example: Level 45-ish almost full party with Ninja Tank and Thief for hate control, but the only other seeking melee to complete the party is a Monk. Oh no! No possible skillchain between Monk and Thief! Wrong! :D

                  Backhand Blow > SATA Viper Bite creates Scission, it is surprisingly strong especially if Backhand Blow manages to critical. My ideal for a stronger but more complex one however is to get the Ninja on the action and to go Raging Fists > Blade: To > SATA Viper Bite. Unless your Monk has very poor accuracy and doesn't Provoke prior to skillchain, Blade: To should not steal hate from them and mess up SATA Viper Bite. Or if there's a Black Mage who will absolutely die without Distortion: One Inch Punch > Blade: Rin > SATA Viper Bite this won't do as much physical damage, but that one's mostly for the nuker's benefit anyways.

                  Samurais are the skillchain masters, I view it as part of the job's role to be flexible and to know all their skillchains, or at least have a skillchain guide at hand to peruse.

                  And Warrior and Thief have plenty of ways to skillchain with each other starting from when they get their 40 skill weaponskills all the way up to endgame.

                  Back on topic. Most of the above suggestions are quite good. It may very well also be that too many players are leveling the new jobs, and there'll be a lack of players until they either catch up on the new jobs or get bored of them and resume leveling the 'old' jobs. :D

                  Avatar picture obtained from NamcoXCapcom Subarashiki Shin Sekai Community


                  • #10
                    Re: stuck

                    Originally posted by Muu Yi
                    Going to go off-topic with a pet peeve of mine here... if you disagree with my following opinions, know that there's no way to convince me otherwise so don't try. Fair warning. :D

                    There are only incompatible melee skillchains if you insist on melees always doing level 2 skillchains or always doing Distortion. For myself, I pick whatever are currently the best possible weaponskills on the menu. As long as the mob isn't particularly resistant to a skillchain element, even a lowly level 1 skillchain effect is fine when the tradeoff in physical WS damage is high enough to compensate. As such, I've yet to encounter an exp party where I can't find a way for one melee to skillchain with another. And Samurai having Great Katana WS littered all over the elemental chart, ideally should have no trouble skillchaining with any other weaponskilling job.

                    Let me provide an example: Level 45-ish almost full party with Ninja Tank and Thief for hate control, but the only other seeking melee to complete the party is a Monk. Oh no! No possible skillchain between Monk and Thief! Wrong! :D

                    Backhand Blow > SATA Viper Bite creates Scission, it is surprisingly strong especially if Backhand Blow manages to critical. My ideal for a stronger but more complex one however is to get the Ninja on the action and to go Raging Fists > Blade: To > SATA Viper Bite. Unless your Monk has very poor accuracy and doesn't Provoke prior to skillchain, Blade: To should not steal hate from them and mess up SATA Viper Bite. Or if there's a Black Mage who will absolutely die without Distortion: One Inch Punch > Blade: Rin > SATA Viper Bite this won't do as much physical damage, but that one's mostly for the nuker's benefit anyways.

                    Samurais are the skillchain masters, I view it as part of the job's role to be flexible and to know all their skillchains, or at least have a skillchain guide at hand to peruse.

                    And Warrior and Thief have plenty of ways to skillchain with each other starting from when they get their 40 skill weaponskills all the way up to endgame.

                    Back on topic. Most of the above suggestions are quite good. It may very well also be that too many players are leveling the new jobs, and there'll be a lack of players until they either catch up on the new jobs or get bored of them and resume leveling the 'old' jobs. :D
                    now that you feel that you have enlightened everyone, here is another idea for you to chew on.

                    it was a typical (very very typical and applicable) example.

                    of course there's plenty of skill chains all the jobs can do together. really, you arent shedding light on anything new here. however, for the garden variety mid lvl player that doesnt really want to do anything but 'ze best dmg' possible, that limits a lot of skill chains. do you agree? if you have a thf, you'd want him to end with fuidama viperbite. if you have a war (if you have rampage by then) you'd want him to end with that also. that was the example i was giving. the 2 most powerful ws for around that lvl. making a war and thf renkei together when you can get say a drg or rng to start distortion (for example ok?) is really lowering the possible max dmg. but of course, if party pickings are slim, then yea i agree you can make almost any job work with any other job. however if you do have the choice of picking btwn a few jobs, why not pick what will work the best?

                    again, i was giving the typical example. if you are trying to argue with me that theres more skill chains to do other than distortion, you know what? you win. here's your certficate for 1st place.

                    at that level, yea a war and thf can do spinning > cyclone for a fusion too. or a raging axe > fuidama viperbite for a scission. heck if you really want to get creative, do a cyclone > keen edge for a gravitation.

                    in addition, you need to figure in the dedication the player has to the game. i have a renkei chart printed out but do all players do? heck, most players dont know any other renkeis other than distortion. also, you need to make sure the player has even those skills you need. ive met wars that dont have g.axe lvld or sword lvld. sword is a good fusion starting in red lotus blade, but some wars still insist on doing raging axe even if it means not giving the pt a renkei.

                    so going back to my comment about having jobs that fit together in the renkei, yea any job will more than likely have some renkei that is possible but in all praticallity, there IS a reason why ppl do distortion way more than scission. you dont find pts dropping a scission renkei on a crab when they can do a fragmentation. there is a reason why a monk doesnt want to do one inch punch at 41 when he has raging fist instead. thus the reason why to accomodate the mnk with a nice opener for fusion. its not being narrowminded as you so implied, its about trying to be efficient. so on and so forth. get it?
                    Last edited by Omni; 05-03-2006, 02:47 PM.
                    Omni@Remora: NIN75 RNG75 MNK75 COR75 BST64 BRD53
                    ♪♫ San d'Oria Complete ♪♫ ZM Complete ♪♫ CoP Complete ♪♫ AM Complete ♪♫


                    • #11
                      Re: stuck

                      I made my own parties if there were enough people seeking at the time. It's probably the only way you're going to get XP sometimes.
                      Kenshin of Valefor: Behemoth Dethroner

                      Hitting people in four spots with a stick.
                      Thats Kendo!
                      It'll just take you 20 years to learn to do it right.
                      Level Does Not = Skill!
                      Level = Knowledge


                      • #12
                        Re: stuck

                        Thank you all for the input, it has been tough to even get a PT started at that level with everyone trying the new jobs and all. So Ive been leveling my RNG and man its been a cake walk to get a party cause of the low level. I might as well get something done and I can use RNG sub later on for SAM.

                        Which FF Character Are You?


                        • #13
                          Re: stuck

                          Oh yes I forgot to add, you might also want to try out Ballista! It's a good waste of time and gil.
                          Kenshin of Valefor: Behemoth Dethroner

                          Hitting people in four spots with a stick.
                          Thats Kendo!
                          It'll just take you 20 years to learn to do it right.
                          Level Does Not = Skill!
                          Level = Knowledge


                          • #14
                            Re: stuck

                            Originally posted by kenshin-san
                            Oh yes I forgot to add, you might also want to try out Ballista! It's a good waste of time and gil.
                            Or better yet, get a skill up crew going and combine this with a coffer hunt that's being led into after you have an escort quest going. In one of the LS I'm in (JP) they schedule this once a week. You'd be suprised how much exp you can get from just "helping" each other. If you're in an LS, make this something that's a vital part of the social aspect (It makes sure everyone in the LS gets together and know how everyone is doing)


                            • #15
                              Re: stuck

                              Omni, you're still wrong. In a lot of cases it is more efficient to do a level 1 skillchain over a level 2 skillchain, but since this is not really on-topic to this thread I will PM you instead. Check your Private Message please.

                              Avatar picture obtained from NamcoXCapcom Subarashiki Shin Sekai Community

