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mithra sam?

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  • mithra sam?

    i dunno aqbout all your servers but high lvl samuri mithra you almost NEVER see on midgard... accept me of course >> (not realy high at 45 but still like... completely alone)
    i dun understand this seeing mithra naturaly high dex affords us the ability to concentrate on str gear and wind up being REALY excelant samuri... i would say like maybe 80% of samuri past lvl 25 are elvanmale? any thoughts? maybe ill be one of the only mithras to make it to sam 75!! alright!@
    yay new sig!

  • #2
    Re: mithra sam?

    moved to the SAM job forum

    even with all the STR gear you load, your STR will still not equal an ELV. probably the only redeeming feature of an ELV...

    Thanks Yyg!


    • #3
      Re: mithra sam?

      well i didnt say mithra were the BEST i just say were realy realy good any why not see more? i mean i see lvl 75 galka all the time? high lvl sam taru?
      yay new sig!


      • #4
        Re: mithra sam?

        Tarus are cute and a very popular race, Galkas are 2nd best for samurai stat wise, next to ELV, Elv is best obviously, Hume is more popular then mithra(with a little more str? i forget), leaving mithra in last place.

        Which FF Character Are You?


        • #5
          Re: mithra sam?

          DEX doesn't really give you as much leeway as you think. Your DEX will never make up for accuracy gear so don't think that just because you have a few dex more than others that you can skimp on accuracy gear. Your base DEX doesn't make that much of a difference, especially at lvl 45.
          My Signature. Now with 50% more processed ham product than those other leading signatures.

          Which FF Character Are You?
          Originally posted by Balfree
          Why does every discussion have to be a little festivity of sorts, with purple doom rain and lunatic frogs singing the yodelay on top of mushrooms and little babies being eaten by crazy flying cows and green gas explosions on the horizon and screaming goats?


          • #6
            Re: mithra sam?

            Yeah definitely gotta agree with the poster above on that one. Mithras aren't as accurate as most people think they are lol.

            Which FF Character Are You?


            • #7
              Re: mithra sam?

              mithra in endgame have about 12 STR less then Elvaan..
              and 17 DEX more then elvaan (8 accuracy if the formula of 2/1 is right and little more critical rate)
              you can get 8 accuracy simply and easy, but try to get 12 STR in those spots, where you get the 8 accuracy... (there is a STR cap for normal swings i guess, but not for the endgame SAM WS)

              and exspecially when you are SAM/THF in endgame, your WS with SA(TA) which makes a Critical hit, you won`t need DEX for it, only STR and lots of it!
              So, if you have the same DOT (without SC) , you have a big lack of dmg in any SC

              i`m 46 Mithra SAM too..
              i like playing SAM, and thats it!
              thats like you have to play, what you want. i don`t care about the mithra STR, i know i`m a bit behind all others, but i like it and with the right gear and skills, you are a good mithra SAM ^^

              so, a little bit of both, facs and personal impressions
              i like playing SAM more then THF or NIN



              • #8
                Re: mithra sam?

                good friend of mine is mithra sam. He's flippin' pimp. Even with his lower elvaan STR, his /thf WSs kick arse. But if he starts taking screen shots of his damage, of course some elvaan will have a screen shot of like 50 more damage...

                Anyway, mithra doesn't matter. I think the reason they're rare comes down to concept. A lot of people who play samurai do it out of that almost dead Role Playing section of the brain... you know, the section that also makes people often choose Hume. So you see a lot more hume samurai and elvaan samurai because that's the character they want to be, not because those are the stats they want. Maybe I'm way off base here, but I thought that's more of the kind of opinion the OP was looking for. And my sociology skills suck -- especially on a(n) MMORPGs.
                "And if he left off dreaming about you, where do you suppose you'd be?"


                • #9
                  Re: mithra sam?

                  I like playing Mithra
                  and i like playing SAM

                  so, it fits all together

                  the more DEX gives a bit more critical rate.. dunno if that makes the DOT (without WS) the same like elvaan, someone meantioned that in another thread before...



                  • #10
                    Re: mithra sam?

                    that makes sence.. ok thanks everyone ^^
                    btw still gonna make it to 75 sam mithra
                    yay new sig!


                    • #11
                      Re: mithra sam?

                      hmm i kinda thought about it and if you play yer charactor right most mithra make great Sam
                      myself a mithra sam 63 and going up i kno i dont do as much dmage as Elv but i can hit more than them w/o the acc gear i dont use a life belt i use a jungle belt(RSE belt) i hit a good amont of the time all the advice i have to say is get yer self Str gear and lots of it you dont need to load up on acc gear al though you need some about 3 piesce of my gear acc based
                      Sig in progress


                      • #12
                        Re: mithra sam?

                        Doesn't added dex increase the critical damage as well as crit rate?, and either way, isn't having an underlying higher crit rate improve mithras overall damage?

                        I mean, getting 1 or 2 more crits over a normal battle raises your DoT and damage done during the battle pretty significantly, doesn't that count for something? or do all these parse logs omit the number of cirts?
                        Learning > Intelligence > Experience. Weak minds are subject to experience before realization. Inteligent minds understand quickly with minimal experience. Learned minds excersise knowledge gained from study, and do not require experience to reach realization. Which is your claim?


                        • #13
                          Re: mithra sam?

                          hmm as a sam of all races 65+ (now finally elvaan) i have to say each race has its good and bad traits, but wut rlly matters is not ur char but ur gear and ur attitude towards playing ur race an sam that will get u though lvs fast remember its a rlly rlly small world (server) and the way act. lving usually depends on ur fame with other players some will say good things others bad an so on and so fourth. so dont get discouraged an keep ur head held high just remeber that. ok?
                          The Last and Only Samurai, All Shall Die at My Blade


                          • #14
                            Re: mithra sam?

                            I'm a mithra sam, wasnt the first job i wanted to be 75, jump jobs alot found that I loved being a sam and never looked back and never regret a moment of it. Yeah an Elvaan got 8 Str on me (not 12) as Sam/Thf, but I don't even play Sam/Thf anymore except for HNM. But Elvaan ack so ugly ;-; no offense guys/gals XD Elvaan just isn't "me" just doesnt look the look of it so I picked mithra :D

                            Besides... sam isnt the only job i plan on getting to 75 there's 14 other jobs out there (and more to come) some of which Elvaan isnt the most suited for.
                            "For too long, people just accepted their fate, their destiny. I for one, choose to fight it everyday, because to a man, there is no worthier an adversary." -Me

                            Linkshells: WindurstCavalry | DarkLegacy


                            • #15
                              Re: mithra sam?

                              Sam = TP(Skill chain/Weapon skill)

                              Dex > Str. (For base stats, not mods)

                              Its a hell of alot easier to mod Str than Acc...

                              For me it has to be... Mithra > All... soz

