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  • New to the Forums

    Good morning Everyone ^.^

    Finally decided to join the forums after gleaning a lot of information from you. That and I noticed a large lack of players form Caitsith.

    I have been playing for about 6 months now, and really love the game. I have invested my time attempting to learn my job the the best of my abilities and getting the gear i feel to be the best (i'll post that a little later on) but I still think that I am lacking "something" that will make me a great samurai. I dont know if it is my use of meditate, my equipment, or just my general skill lvl that is lacking but I am not there yet...

    I have yet to memorise the renki chart, but i do have a print off of it next to the computer. And right next to it is a list of what all monsters are week against. I love making 2 SC a battle with 2 different people (when my pt will let me >.<) ( Favorites beeing Tachi: Enpi >> Viper Bite >> Distortion and Tachi: Kagero >> Raging Fist >> Fusion) I prefer to start skillchains but will finish them If i have to. I will only use meditate if it is needed. (Making people wait on the sam for a sc suxx0rz)

    But anyway here is my gear

    Battle Bow +1
    Walkure Mask <sp>
    Spike Necklace
    Beetle Earring +1 x2
    Jujitsu Gi
    Federation Tekko (switch to Ochuido's Kote <sp> for SC)
    Sniper Ring
    Venerer Ring (switch to Puissiance Ring <sp> for SC)
    Wolf Mantle
    Life Belt (switch to Swordbelt +1 for SC)
    Ryl. Sqr. Leggings
    AF Boots (switch to Savage Gaiters for SC)

    Any help or advice you could lend would be very well appresiated. Thanky you in advance

    Windurst Rank 5
    <[75 White Mage retired]> ((May she rest in piece))
    Originally posted by
    spoon·y also spoon·ey ( P ) Pronunciation Key (spn)
    adj. spoon·i·er, spoon·i·est
    1. Enamored in a silly or sentimental way.
    2. Feebly sentimental; gushy.

  • #2
    Re: New to the Forums

    Welcome to the boards.

    It all looks really good but if you can I would switch out the Wolf Mantle for a Jaeger Mantle until Amemit levels. Jaeger doesn't have amazing stats but you'll benefit more from the +3 attack than the defense from Wolf mantle.


    • #3
      Re: New to the Forums

      Yeah, I have been looking at the Jeager Mantle... It's just trying to get the 200k to pay for it. But I will probably add that item to my Shoping list for Lvl 55. So much to get and so little Money >.<
      Windurst Rank 5
      <[75 White Mage retired]> ((May she rest in piece))
      Originally posted by
      spoon·y also spoon·ey ( P ) Pronunciation Key (spn)
      adj. spoon·i·er, spoon·i·est
      1. Enamored in a silly or sentimental way.
      2. Feebly sentimental; gushy.


      • #4
        Re: New to the Forums


        Might wanna upgrade your katana since the AF is somewhat weak compared to the katana available at level 50+
        Last edited by Larian; 09-13-2005, 02:55 PM. Reason: Typos
        Jobs@75: MNK SAM NIN BLM BRD THF
        LS: EvilDeedsInc


        • #5
          Re: New to the Forums


          lol actually i've kept af wep till after 55 skipped >,,> Don-something lol heh i say i'm a pro but cant remeber a simple wep name. anyways money probs? try korroloka tunnel depending on ur server prices kill slimes for slime oils sell the stacks it takes time an theres competion but its worth it use penta thrust cuz the GK WSes wont kill it fast enough till ur 65+ an by then u should be on something more profitable. equip advice umm try to get a haubgeron as soon as possible get materials for it much cheaper and the person who will synth it might HQ it to a +1^^ oh and GL
          The Last and Only Samurai, All Shall Die at My Blade

