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does this job combo sounds unique?

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  • does this job combo sounds unique?

    ok the combo is SAM/DRG.

    On Ramuh, only a couple people have said it'd be great. The others think it's crap. The person who gave me the idea in the 1st place was my LS leader.

    all I want is your guys opinions, no matter what, i'm going to try it.

  • #2
    Re: does this job combo sounds unique?

    For SAM...

    SAM/RNG, SAM/THF, SAM/WAR are really the only viable subs.. and /DRG?.. that's a new one.
    RDM75| DRG75


    • #3
      Re: does this job combo sounds unique?

      and what's his reason about it being great?
      There are painters who transform the sun into a yellow spot,
      but there are others who with the help of their art and their intelligence
      transform a yellow spot into the sun.

      - Pablo Picasso


      • #4
        Re: does this job combo sounds unique?

        Originally posted by Jei
        and what's his reason about it being great?
        Well, you can use polearms, which are the fastest gaining TP weapons in FFXI along with the fastest gaining TP job, Samurai, and you can chain off yourself.


        • #5
          Re: does this job combo sounds unique?

          sam can use polearms without subbing drg. Skill in polearms remains the same. Problem with self chaining is the lack of TP gain with multi-hit WSs. You can selfchain with Gkatana just as well with spear these days.
          Calin - Ragnarok


          • #6
            Re: does this job combo sounds unique?

            you don't need to /drg to use polearms. in fact /drg helps nothing with polearms at all. Sam can use polearms by their own already and if you combine with /war the double attack will give you much more TP.

            And FYI, the chaining off yourself you can do it with any weapons as samurai. After you use 1 WS, activate the TP charge ability and follow by other WS. there you go, works with everything.

            Long ago there was a time when a multi hit WS could give you back tons of TP so basicly with polearm's penta thrust, you can get 60-70TP back. This, no longer exists. It was removed.
            There are painters who transform the sun into a yellow spot,
            but there are others who with the help of their art and their intelligence
            transform a yellow spot into the sun.

            - Pablo Picasso


            • #7
              Re: does this job combo sounds unique?

              Originally posted by Jei
              you don't need to /drg to use polearms. in fact /drg helps nothing with polearms at all. Sam can use polearms by their own already and if you combine with /war the double attack will give you much more TP.

              And FYI, the chaining off yourself you can do it with any weapons as samurai. After you use 1 WS, activate the TP charge ability and follow by other WS. there you go, works with everything.

              Long ago there was a time when a multi hit WS could give you back tons of TP so basicly with polearm's penta thrust, you can get 60-70TP back. This, no longer exists. It was removed.
              .....oh well then, i'll have to ask him about why /drg would be good. If not, I think i may go SAM/RNG. As a taru can i deal some good dmg with that combo?


              • #8
                Re: does this job combo sounds unique?

                Sam/Rng I only know their sidewinder/slugshots are really powerful in balista. Haven't PT with this combo for levelling up before so I can not tell.
                There are painters who transform the sun into a yellow spot,
                but there are others who with the help of their art and their intelligence
                transform a yellow spot into the sun.

                - Pablo Picasso


                • #9
                  Re: does this job combo sounds unique?

                  Originally posted by berzerk
                  Well, you can use polearms, which are the fastest gaining TP weapons in FFXI along with the fastest gaining TP job, Samurai, and you can chain off yourself.
                  Really...I'd love to see a DRG beat MNK in TP race from 0 to 100 without JA's when both of you have 100% ACC. All your jump timers aren't up all the time, you know.
                  Sure in a pinch you can get that TP faster, but in the end MNK will be using his WS more often.

                  Additionally, a good DD-melee NIN can get TP faster using low delay throwing weapons (Shruikens, or even any weapon from the "Dart series").

                  Plus theres this thing called RNG...

                  Actually come to think of it, in a 100% ACC situation, without all your jump timers being up, I think most jobs beat Polearms (except maybe Great Sword, Scythe, and Sword...sword probably still beats Polearm).

                  Another thought is why would you want to Self-SC except in an emergency (where you'd be Two-hour'ing anyways)? Your PT wants you to SC with others usually (ahem...Distortion opening for at least 30 levels), not with yourself. Trust me, SAM+THF SC is much more powerful than SAM+SAM til you can do Level 3 SCs. Big damage spikes are nice, but PT's want consistency. This is why I find only Rank 6+'s with high level jobs invite my MNK while the lower level leaders invite notorious damage spiking jobs like DRK.

                  Windurst Rank 10. ZM14. CoP M5-2.
                  RDM->62 (AF Completed), MNK->62 (AF Completed).


                  • #10
                    Re: does this job combo sounds unique?

                    what about RNG Sep? But idk, as a taru, i'll probably want SAM/WAR for the strength boost. But itd be awsome if you can have sub RNG high enough to use guns. SAM using guns would be awsome haha.. But you can't so that sucks... SAM/THF maybe nice. But i'm not all about using common jobs combos so idk..


                    • #11
                      Re: does this job combo sounds unique?

                      dragoon get no useful job abilities to make it a viable sub. 1-60 berserk gives more DoD then jump ever will. spirit link only works with dragoon main. 60-70 you get war cry, that is better for group ws, then drgs jump II

                      everyone is right, by subbing drg you will get no better polearm skill then your sam already has. an thats a B-

                      Nin75, Bst75. Drk61, War61, Rdm40, All other jobs are 37. All 3 starting city missions completed. All Zilart missions completed. All CoP missions completed. TouA completed.


                      • #12
                        Re: does this job combo sounds unique?

                        As a SAM/RNG you would use bows, not guns.
                        Only thing I could think of at all for subbing DRG would be the earring that increases your atk some, but I'm pretty sure its doesnt increase it by enough to make it better than berserk, much less once you get war cry and double attack (as was previously mentioned).
                        I RNG 75 I WAR 37 I NIN 38 I SAM 50 I Woodworking 92+2

                        PSN: Caspian


                        • #13
                          Re: does this job combo sounds unique?

                          war/drg at lower levels /can/ work with haste+5% earring and attack+6 cape. For any other melee job /war, /thf and/or /nin would be far superior to /drg due to berserk and later DA.
                          Calin - Ragnarok


                          • #14
                            Re: does this job combo sounds unique?

                            My old ls leader used to be sam/drg at low lvls it was ok he would pull and then just jump and let tank get hate but later lvls i think it would be useless and prolly wouldnt get invites not that sams get much from what ive heard.


                            • #15
                              Re: does this job combo sounds unique?

                              I stopped reading at "What about RNG?!"

                              (And I am still laughing)

                              Windurst Rank 10. ZM14. CoP M5-2.
                              RDM->62 (AF Completed), MNK->62 (AF Completed).

