Hi, I know the topic is dumb but I can't help but ask you guys since this place has been such a great help with a lot of info's from in game players, and experiences from each one that I just can't help but ask.
I have a friend, who decided to go SAM/RNG, atm he's using SAM/WAR, and trying to earn gil by being a cab driver (i.e. WHM ports) for equips. We both had a long debate about him buying a Royal Squire's Chainmail (i think for 40k) instead of saving it up for a Jujitsu gi (140k) *all prices btw are from Garuda*. Now he said he hits fine and dandy and doesn't have any problem with accu (cause i'm trolling around your guys's boards and your biggest concern of all is accu). Now he's a 41/20 SAM/WAR hume, and the last place he leveled were off the Nest Beetles. Now the question. I was wondering, does he really need to get the Jujitsu Gi to get to 50 or is his equipment (he's getting the RS legs as well) is good enough for him to GET to 50?? Oh on the side note he said his dex is only +7.
And if his equipment isn't that good enough, what do you guys suggest him wearing if he gets to the point where he can't hit jack squat?
I have a friend, who decided to go SAM/RNG, atm he's using SAM/WAR, and trying to earn gil by being a cab driver (i.e. WHM ports) for equips. We both had a long debate about him buying a Royal Squire's Chainmail (i think for 40k) instead of saving it up for a Jujitsu gi (140k) *all prices btw are from Garuda*. Now he said he hits fine and dandy and doesn't have any problem with accu (cause i'm trolling around your guys's boards and your biggest concern of all is accu). Now he's a 41/20 SAM/WAR hume, and the last place he leveled were off the Nest Beetles. Now the question. I was wondering, does he really need to get the Jujitsu Gi to get to 50 or is his equipment (he's getting the RS legs as well) is good enough for him to GET to 50?? Oh on the side note he said his dex is only +7.
And if his equipment isn't that good enough, what do you guys suggest him wearing if he gets to the point where he can't hit jack squat?