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story of a wanna-be ranger ^^

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  • story of a wanna-be ranger ^^

    Its funny how the sam/rng topic changed to self renkei discussion^^. Back to business, soldiers!

    Yesterday, for the first time of my life , I was experimenting subbing rng sub in xp pt lvl ~ 64 @ Boyhada tree on crawlers. With all kinds of agi and ranged acc + items i had rng acc + 44 agi + 19(i was using archer's knife). Also, i had brd in pt that was giving me prelude all the time. About 75% of my normal shots landed, sidewinders (150-200tp) - 75% + . The brd even said i was hitting more than some of the rngs he partied with - he lied of course <.<

    BUT, after about 2hrs of being a not-bad-at-all wanna be ranger, BLM had to log and we got another 1, and I magickedly transformed to a TERRIBLE archer. While normal shots were still landing so so, sidewinder missed 9 out of 10 , even with 200 + tp and sharpshot. What really made me sad is sidewinder landed when i went solo and missed everytime i was in skillchain. I"m sure the BLM did nothing wrong, and i was still getting prelude from the brd. The BRD must've been too tired, forgot some words in Prelude lyric and gave me defective prelude. That's the only reason I can think of now ^^ WE still got nice xp in that pt, but the whole pt was wiped out when i was 239 -> 65, some HP'd and some got raise 1 ; ;

    Today I tried sam/rng again in another xp pt. Still same equip + PRELUDE ( what a lucky bastard I am ) WE were hitting cockratrices in cape terrigan. There were many VTs but I was pulling ITs only. My hit rate with bow was much higher than in boyahda. Normal shots landed about 9 out of 10(ok ok, 8.5 out of 10 >.> ), sidewinder (150-200tp - 700-800dmg) - 7-8 out of 10. WE were doing really well, and I was a really good wanna be ranger again:D But the party disbanded after about 1.5 hr ; ; We got about 6.5k xp. I got my lvl 65, and was 0.6 points to Gekko ; ;

    That was my happy story about /rng sub for sams ( with sad ending ;
    Make conclusions yourselves :p