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Sam out dmg Drk?

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  • #16
    thats some sick damage right there!
    Kenshin of Valefor

    Hitting people in four spots with a stick.
    Thats Kendo!
    It'll just take you 20 years to learn to do it right.
    Level Does Not = Skill!
    Level = Knowledge


    • #17
      i think DRK/WAR will give more dmg over time but ws-wise /THF is better , Sneak attack + Spin or Cross is stronger then berserk + Spin or cross


      • #18
        Originally posted by Beowulfe
        i think DRK/WAR will give more dmg over time but ws-wise /THF is better , Sneak attack + Spin or Cross is stronger then berserk + Spin or cross
        I think the major point of doing DRK/THF is because their spin slash is quite a large amount of damage you can trick onto a tank. The more you put on the tank like that the less likely it'll go for anyone else, the downfall though is if the tanks needs it off you might be in trouble then unless you have a MNK. The monks Damage Over Time should be just enough to keep them right under the total hate so they are probably the most likely to be able to pull hate away and be able to survive a few hits.

        A RNG could pull the hate away too but the chances of them surviving after doing that may end up quite slim.

        Top Physical damage I would say RNG (After all it's part of their job description, to end a battle before it even starts). However SAM is the top at gaining TP, they can easily keep par in TP gain with a RNG but they can do it at a far safer method then a RNG.

        In order for a RNG to get a meditate equivalent gain in TP they'd have to use Barrage, with bad hate control this means that monsters going to be on them after the Barrage is done. A SAM however can use meditate gain that nice amount of TP and the monster won't even flinch or look their direction.

        Just like said earlier every job has it's advantage and disadvantage the trick as the party leader and party members is to reconize the parties strength and play on it while keeping an eye on their weaknesses to prevent a tragedy from occuring.

        Cheezy Test Result (I am nerdier than 96% of all people. Are you nerdier? Click here to find out!)


        • #19
          If you count the extra skillchain + magic burst damage then a Samurai might outdamage a Darkknight. But individual melee damage, a Drk outdamages a Samurai easily. (Samurai are awesome though - in a party that knows what they're doing, I'd definitely want a Samurai as the 2nd damage dealer) The downside to Samurai - theres alot of noobs out there who don't know how to skillchain (or really suck at it) - Samurai's abilities are wasted often
          Mikeb Hume - 48 BST / 23 WHM / 29 WAR / 37 MNK


          • #20
            Oh yeah, that'd be fun .. SAM & DRK in the same pt as the 2 melee dmg spots

            DRK Misses.
            Sam Misses.
            DRK Misses.
            Sam uses Meditate!
            Sam Misses.
            DRK Misses.
            Sam hits the mob for 60 pts of dmg.
            DRK misses.
            Sam Misses.
            Drk Misses
            Sam misses.
            Drk hits the mob for 90 pts of dmg.
            BLM casts Firaga III on the mob.
            BLM defeats the Mob.


            • #21
              not when you have enough acc equips
              and especially a bard
              Bastok Missions completed
              Zilart Missions completed


              • #22
                A 300 tp spiral hell with soul eater and SA did over 1800 solo on a exp mob at lv 74. NO other job in this game can rival that on an EXP at any lv.

                If a 3 man team does darkness with a drk/thf closing using a 300 tp spiral hell and the follow up MBs, i can bet the mob won't be the only thing that will shit itself.

                Don't take this the wrong way, sam is a fun job, always have tp and thats about it....


                • #23
                  Ok yes

                  What you do say about 300 tp cross IS true. Rng side only get's 1500 or so, and that's not lvl3.

                  Here's the kicker tho. Do YOU want to stand around and wait for a drk/thf to build 300tp on an exp mob?

                  I can probably crank out 4WS minimum before that happens. Minimum. When I played sam, and drk was in pt, I'd always just medi and ws, because they'd gain tp slow. ^^


                  • #24
                    When you compare ws dmg you dont do war sub vs thf sub. You do thf sub vs thf sub and war sub vs war sub. Hes one of my pics on a VT Golem in Ro Maeve. Ive done 1300+ dmg with kasha and gekko havent got a screen of it though but ive never had light do this much dmg.
                    Attached Files


                    • #25
                      thf sj

                      nice dmg

                      oh, and

                      /poke silverblood
                      •70 Samurai•

                      too many assholes choosing money over friends


                      • #26
                        LOL Well yeah, the BRD used Light Threnody. That helped big time!

                        Now I'm nowhere near Lv.75, but @ Lv.48 with PLD, DRK, MNK a SA Slice - Red Lotus Blade - Raging Fists our Light/Fire effect did 350dmg. This was after MNK and I (DRK) did 420+dmg and PLD tossed in 150 or so. That was with out the aid of our BRD's Light Threnody. She couldn't get it to land.

                        But, for my low levels, best renkei damage I've ever seen was in Garliage Citadel. DRG and myself against beetles. With both our weapon skills, and two magic bursts, we landed 1800dmg on that poor beetle. That was some of the best fun I had pre-Lv.45.
                        PS2 Beta tester - Cactaur - Rank 4
                        RDM32 - BLM17 - DRK11 - RNG11 - BRD9 - BST7 - WAR6 - MNK4

                        Lakshmi: Windurst Rank 10 - Zilart, CoP, ToAU COMPLETE - WotG
                        SAM90 - DRK90 - MNK90 - WAR90 - RNG90 - BST90 - RDM83 - NIN50 - THF46 - DRG42 - BLM40 - PUP23 - WHM20 - PLD13 - BRD13 - BLU10 - SCH10 - DNC7 - COR5 - SMN1


                        • #27
                          hmm silver.. you go for mainly STR equips for SATA correct?


                          • #28
                            I don't know why you would include the renkei damage as your own. If anything it would be split between you and the other melee who participated


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by Fullmetal
                              I don't know why you would include the renkei damage as your own. If anything it would be split between you and the other melee who participated
                              Not sure where he said renkei damage was his own but if -

                              a. it was resisted
                              b. wasn't a 3 part renkei
                              c. silver didn't do quite as much damage (i'm assuming he had 300 TP etc for that ws)

                              the renkei effect wouldn't have been nearly as strong as it was.


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by replica
                                Not sure where he said renkei damage was his own but if -

                                a. it was resisted
                                b. wasn't a 3 part renkei
                                c. silver didn't do quite as much damage (i'm assuming he had 300 TP etc for that ws)

                                the renkei effect wouldn't have been nearly as strong as it was.

                                No i didnt have 300tp and the bard did lightning not light therondy of im not mistaken. And Yes i use str equip macros for Sata i consistently do 1000+ whether i have 150tp or 300tp. If i have 300tp ive done a 1390 dmg kasha to a VT Hati. I mostly posted that picture cause of the light damage. Although i find the str equip macros show a mich bigger difference on HNMs and Gods.

