If i start as a BLM and become a Samurai, will I have different stats if I became War and then became Sam, like would i have more strength because I was using war???
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BLM to SAM or War to Sam
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Not really.
I'll explain.
When you get your character, you can level any of the 6 basic jobs. Then when you get to 18, you can do the subjob (sub) quest, and aquire the ability to use a job at half your main jobs strength.
Now it get's tricky, because you can't gain experience to your sub, only to your main. So if you played war to 18, and then got the sub ability, and then decided to sub thf and level on, you would be a level 18war/1thf.
So then you'd have to "level your sub" (which far to many are leniant with), which means making thf your main job, and war your sub. (this is exactly what I did.) But then you are once again level1.
So now you have to level your thf as well, up to at least 9, to use it as a fullworthy sub job for your war. Preferrably, you'd level it to 20, so you won't have to go back and level it again as soon as war becomes 20.
Now, some sub jobs work better for different main jobs.
You should very seldom mix melee and mage classes when you are levelling, as the gains for the party are far overshadowed by a complimentary job.
As a rule of thumb, up to level 60 you can always sub war for melee and whm for mages and not get any large criticism for it. The only exception that comes to mind is bard, for which you should sub whm, but that's about it, I think. (since whm cant sub whm, it's up to you which of rdm/blm/smn you use. Personally having more than one person with escape when you get high enough is really worth it. At the same time, you get conserve mp as well ^^)
So if you level your blm to 30, then get the samurai job, you will most probably have to level warrior anyways, preferrably to 37. (37 = half of 74, since 75 is the limit.) You could play on as a sam/blm but you would be as desirable as a sam15/war1.
If I'm to dizzy/blurry and don't really make any sense, please ask on, I'll try to explain to the best of my ability.
So to answer your question: Nope, you won't be a weaker samurai because of that you levelled samurai, you will be a weaker samurai because that job combination isn't really any good. You get far more value out of warrior sub, and if you feel like being special, thf sub.
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OK just say I play Blm to level 30, no subjob (no one would do that, but just for this question just bear with me) and then I change to samurai, will I have different stats (without armor on), if i played War no subjob to level 30, like when u lvl up do u get points in the attribute that your job focus's on, e.g int, mp for mages, str etc for warriors, sorry i cant put this question in an easier way. So if i was blm then turned to sam, would i have really bad str and high mp, int, and if i played war then sam, would i have high str etc. Thanks
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The answer is no.
This game doesn't have stat-growth the way you're thinking. You're thinking of the Final Fantasy Tactics system, right? If so, no, it doesn't matter what you level up. Serpico covered the rest: You'd be better off leveling the Warrior, because you'll have to level one after you unlock subjob and also Samurai.
Samurai with a subbed Black Mage is unlikely to get invites remotely as often. If that's what you want to do for your enjoyment, that's fine, but don't expect roses.
Main Job(s): 75 MNK
Secondary Job(s): 38 WAR / 38 WHM / 37 THF
San d'Oria Rank: 10
Zilart Mission: 14
Promathia Mission: 1
Dynamis Interloper: JEU / WIN / BAS / SAN
Current Status: Returning to my old favorite; the Monk. Also awaiting my new PC so I can try out World of Warcraft.
Got Drama? Read Shinryuken's LiveJournal!
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It's basically like this.
None of your character's stats are really permanent. If you change your job or subjob, your stats will change. If you're a level 30 BLM with no armor, you will have normal lv30 BLM stats. If you then change to a level 1 WAR with no armor, you will have normal lv1 WAR stats.l
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