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Need advice on this combo SAM/THF

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  • Need advice on this combo SAM/THF

    I hope the high levels samurai out there could give me some advice on this. From SAM1 to SAM29, i will sub a war. SAM30 onwards I will sub a THF

    These are the reasons why I think SAM/THF is good at high lvls:

    1) THF gives one of the highest DEX in this game so it can improve your hit rate to gain TP

    2) THF got sneak attack (with 1 min interval) from lvl 15 onwards, meaning it should be just abt the right time for me to gain TP to 100+% and use sneak attack + WS together

    3) I will be using polearms instead of GKT, which have a 390 avg delay as compared to 435 for GKT, so that i will hit more often, and polearms got slightly higher DMG btw. Only disadvantage is I cant use Raiden Thrust at 70 skill which is only for WAR/PLD/DRG, and lesser skillchain options, but I can live with that

    4) I dont know if the sneak attack DMG multiplier will stack with trick attack DMG multiplier but i am presuming they are 2 independent abilities which can multiply on each other. For example if sneak atk x2 DMG and trick attack x3 DMG, sneak+trick will give u x6 DMG. correct me on this if I am wrong

    5) I dont know how TP gained from WS is like or how it will become (nerfed?), but I would like you to picture "sneak attack + penta thrust", so after you do the WS, u get 5 hits of TP back, which will be around 40% (again, correct me if I am wrong coz i nv follow the update changes and i am still quite a noob at lvl 30), and it wont be long before u get to 100% for "trick attack + penta thrust" which gives u another 40% TP, and the cycle goes on with "sneak attack + penta". Get the picture here?

    Anyone is free to criticize my theory if they think it wont work. I figured out chances are it probably wont bcoz i rarely see SAM/THF but I would like to know the reason why.

    also, i have 2 questions that needs answered so that it can help with my decision-making:

    a) how much additional TP will the job trait "Store TP" add? +1% every hit?

    b) how much TP will meditate add? and the interval before you can use it again? (on the guide book it says 1 min, but i seen posts which says its 3 mins?)

  • #2
    1) The DEX difference between THF and WAR subs is TINY and not worth bringing in to the conversation.

    3) There is no longer any good reason for us to use a polearm. There isn't a single polearm WS that's better for XP parties than what we can get with just GK, now. Also, SAM can't use lances, and normal spears are mostly not as good as GK, especially if you compare the skill level difference, small as it is most of the time. Oh, GKs are mostly 450 delay, not 435.

    4) This is true. SA is a higher damage bonus than TA though... I'm not sure if TA gives you any damage bonus at all from subbed THF.

    5) Right now a full-hit pentathrust will return something like 16% TP. Sixteen.
    Also, Sneak attack from THF sub only affects the first hit of a multihit WS. If it did, the number of DRG/THFs would be astounding. It's not going to force penta to land all hits. In fact, you'll probably only get 2-3 hits per penta to land on average on XP mobs.

    a) Store TP gives slightly less than 1% per hit per level of Store TP. Store TP 1 - lv10, 2 - lv30, 3 - lv50, and apparently 4 is lv70.

    b) 3min recharge. Gives back 20% every ~2 seconds for a total of 100% TP for SAM main without AF helmet on. Sometimes it'll glitch and you'll only get 80%... sometimes it'll REALLY glitch and you'll get 120%.


    • #3
      Generally, I see the main boon of thf being

      1) farming with treasure hunter and gil finder

      2) no hate from guillotine

      the problem with example two is that samurai don't have guillotine, or other crazy Drk weapon skills.

      Trick attack will be gained at lvl 60 anyways
      and by then, you'll have warrior's double attack

      double attack= more swings= more chances to land a hit= more TP

      and Berserk > SA*TA


      • #4
        Sure... nobody mentions Berserk > SA -_-
        SAM 53 |WAR 29| DRK 7| BST 3| MNK 5| RDM 4| PLD 14
        Currently farming 1,400,000 Gil


        • #5
          penta doesn't work with sa anyways
          Bastok Missions completed
          Zilart Missions completed


          • #6
            Klades mentioned Mediate recovers ~20% for every 2 secs till 100% TP for SAM main, is it the same for SAM sub?

            whats Guillotine that TMPikachu mentioned?


            • #7

              Guilliotine is the first Weapon Skill dark knights gets that can really kill them if they don't use it wisely.

              lvl 200 Scythe, 4 hits, good damage, nice graphics.
              It then falls behind due to sneak+trick+crossreaper/spiral hell doing 1000dmg + lvl3 renkei dmg.

              And believe me, only thing sneak is good for is Sneak+Tachi: Enpi
              That's it. And you more than make up for the chain bonus with double attack and berserk.

              Also, when I'm the trick partner for thf, it's nice to throw on defender and take 70-80 dmg instead of 100dmg when I woke it on incoming.
              (of course I stack 3rd eye when he says he's pulling ^^ )

              Dex difference is like +1 or MAX +2 acc around level 40 or so, and then you're high enough for +acc eq anyways, and then at 50 you get Double Attack, which makes any acc bonus look like a joke. I mean, even if you have 1 measly acc more, with Dattack you get 1 ATTACK more.

              I have levelled thief tho, and I use it to farm. Sneak+3rd eye up, hit mob, steal, jinpu. Rinse, repeat. For exp PT's tho, I have trouble seeing thief as a viable option post 50. Up until then it's useable if you make sure that you end every renkei with sneak+Enpi.

              Lengthy post, but hey, it's me ^^ (edit: You can't sneak Jinpu, it's elemental, I meant enpi of course. baka me. And spelling.)


              • #8
                SJ SAM only gives you 60% back... 5 ticks of 12% instead of 5 ticks of 20%, I think it is.

