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Samurai Adv Job Quest - Step by Step

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  • Samurai Adv Job Quest - Step by Step

    Quest Name: "Forge Your Destiny"

    1. First thing you need to do is get your char till level 30. Next step is get to Norg and activate the quest. You don`t need here any fame for this part. The way to Norg is: Kazham > Yuhtunga Jungle > Sea Serpent Grotto > Norg. And don`t forget bring some Silent Oil, because you need it in Sea Serpent Grotto. The way in Sea Serpent Grotto is easy, just keep following the right wall till you see a "stone door". And when you target it, it will shown ???. Now is tricky, make sure before you open the door there no monster behind the door. You can check it easy, just look on your radar. Pass the door and recast Sneak on yourself. Keep followiing the right wall and you are soon in Norg.

    Map of Sea Serpent Grotto

    2. Next step is speak with Jaucribaix, your Quest Giver. He will give you also your Samurai Artifact Armor Quest.

    3. After talk with Jaucribaix, go back to the downstairs and speak with Aeka and she will give you an "Oriental Steel". Now search Ranemaud and talk to him, he will give you a "Sacred Sprig".

    4. Now head to Zi'Tah Sancutary and before you heading there, don`t forget buy a hatchet for the next part. The fastest way to get there is. Suicide yourself in Norg (hope you bounded yourself in Jeuno) and take a Chocobo in Port Jeuno. The way is Jeuno > Sauromugue Champaign > Meriphataud Mountains > Zi'Tah Sancutary.

    5. Take this map and look at the red point, there is your Fight Spot, at position L-9.

    Now trade first a hatchet to ??? and a NM Treant will spawn.

    Here a videoclip with the NM treant.

    When the NM is dead trade your Sacred Sprig to the ??? and you will get a Key Item -> "Sacred Branch".

    6. Now Head to Konschtat Highlands at position D-8, is easy to find (looks like a cave).

    7. Now prepare for the last fight and its easier than the treant. Trade your "Oriental Steel" to the ??? and a NM Forger will spawn.

    I have here also a videoclip

    Its the NM dead so it will drop a "Bomb Steel". Lot it and head now back to Norg.

    8. Now with the both items head back to Norg and talk again with Jaucribaix. Well now you need to wait 1 RL day for your reward. When your time is come, speak again with Jaucribaix and ou will get a clip with Jaucribaix and Gilgamesh. After the clip you will get "Mumeito" (don`t drop it, you need it for Samurai AF Quest) and your Samurai Job Flag.


    well, the quest should be able to do with 2 good group of level 30. But I prefer bring a high lvl Tank and Healer for help. I was level 61 Samurai/Ranger and I didn`t get any problem with the 2 NM.

    Now good luck and be happy with your new Job
    Final Fantasy XI Status:
    Name: Bloodberry
    Server: Leviathan
    Race: Hume F
    Nation: San d`Oria
    Rank: 10
    Job: SAM75/RNG60/WAR37/THF37/NIN37/WHM37/BLM17

    Bloodberry`s Tagebuch

  • #2
    Last edited by davidmmmm9; 03-12-2006, 01:59 AM.
    Bastok Missions completed
    Zilart Missions completed


    • #3
      dont be hostile, its very nice that he posted this i see no guides on this page which someone might come here to look.


      • #4
        Re: Samurai Adv Job Quest - Step by Step

        Originally posted by Bloodberry
        Well now you need to wait 1 RL day for your reward.
        I believe its only 3 RL hours till you can get the GK from him, not a RL day. was for me at least
        Current Job lvl's:

        Current NM's:
        Leaping Lizzy 3/9
        Jaggedy Eared Jack 0/1
        Spiny Spini: 3/3


        • #5
          yeah its 3 RL hours
          Nation: Bastok
          Rank: 4
          Jobs: 40DRG/6DRK/30WAR/36SAM/19PLD

          Leaping Lizzy - 0/3
          V. Emperor - 1/3
          Torrent - 1/1


          • #6
            how do u get to kazaam??? u need an airship?

            "If at first you dont succeed, skydiving isnt for you" LoL

            Eco Warrior: Completed 2/3 tries

            Rank 3= Completed

            Kahzam Airship Pass= Obtained


            • #7
              nice info
              Blm.75 - Whm.56 - Mnk.58 - Rdm.48 - Nin.37 - War.37 - Drk.37

              Merits - 98
              Goldsmith - 85.2


              • #8
                thanks for this mate, it's the only guide i've seen with pics/video clips.

                You need kazham airship pass, you can buy one for 120k or get 3 keys and do a quest to get it
                [Restarted 8/2008] | [MySpace!]
                .,~`'<{:My Old Char's Stats Here:}>'`~,.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by davidmmmm9
                  You don't need to cancel sneak to open doors, only invis, which you don't need in grotto. But otherwise, thank you for this useless thread when there's already guides on how to do this quest on this website.
                  Your lvl 75 job does mean u can say that to a person who is only trying to help, and as u can see many ppl apreciate it. So better shut up if u have nothing better to say. Thanks


                  • #10
                    Thanks Bloodberry! i got SAM, finally

                    thank you for this useless thread when there's already guides on how to do this quest on this website.
                    hey! i found this very useful, and i never found it anywhere else.

                    i'd like to see you make a better guide :p


                    • #11
                      yeah i got sam the other day too and its pretty fun its only lv 4 though so i dont have much to do yet
                      CHECK MY JOURNAL!


                      • #12
                        Re: Samurai Adv Job Quest - Step by Step

                        I don't know what people except from other sometimes.
                        I unlocked my samurai just 4 days ago, and i leveled it with monk sub without problems until level 15. Yesterday i was partying, and the black mage of my party asked me "Kildem, what will you sub to your samurai at high levels?" and me "monk" she laughed "no, seriously" and i repeated "monk".
                        I don't know what she excepted me to asnwer, but i think samurai/monk are two cool jobs that can walk together. She plays since 2 years, me since 1, so maybe she felt more expert than me, i don't know....
                        Signature, ah!


                        • #13
                          Re: Samurai Adv Job Quest - Step by Step

                          What is the minimum level someone can solo this quest at anyhow? I as a 37drg was thinking of using Samurai as a subjob, but I do want to solo this so I won't have to count on anyone else for the quest.


                          • #14
                            Re: Samurai Adv Job Quest - Step by Step

                            I know this is an older thread but i'll post anyway.

                            one of the best step-by-step how to do it i've seen yet,
                            the vids were helpful seeing what u gonna fight beforehand.

                            Got the forger part done,just searching for those who needs
                            the big tree looking thing taken care of.I am in the sanctuary
                            Anyone in asura need it done be there at around noon eastern (us)
                            this sunday, 18 dec.
                            I'll lend my hand as a 32war/16mnk,I also have 2 hatchets(just in case).

                            Thank You..........
                            A Warrior's place is not to die,

                            But to allow others to live.....


                            • #15
                              Re: Samurai Adv Job Quest - Step by Step

                              wow your set up is black.... that looks cool.... i didnt know you could change it till i watched the videos lol

