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  • #16
    I believe raising the skillcaps on Polearm and Archery, especially making the Polearm skill Wheeling Thrust available at, say, 66 or 67, would go a long way to let samurai keep the maximum versatility in chains.

    In case you didn't notice, with Penta Thrust and Wheeling Thrust, we have a WS for every element of every level, IE can in theory chain with anybody.

    Archery is mainly to make another sub beyond warrior a suitable alternative.

    I liked the idea of having TP regen slowly when healing, instead of losing it. The whole idea of spending time in meditation.....


    • #17
      i think when a SAM is in critical HP (25% or under) they should get a TP gain like meditate (say, 10TPs instead of 20TPs)

      this isn't overpowered because yes, a Sam could remain in critical to get TP constantly, but they put themselves at serious risk of death to AOE or hate, and it could be just the thing to get in those last critical WS before a party gets wiped


      • #18

        Replaced the NewAbility01 with a samurai skill from FFX-2 called 'Nonpareil'.


        • #19
          I didn't ever catch this read in it's glory days (2 weeks ago?) but I would agree that a Quad-Cut would be a really great ability. If it were to be similar to barrage, but a melee version where we hit 4 attacks real quick. I would love to see this with 3~ cool down, and I think it would be nice to have an attack that does very good damage for boss battles, also.
          Daryus (active)
          75SAM / 37WAR / 37THF / 22MNK / 30RNG / 40NIN / 10PLD

          Pandavas - Midgardsormr >>> Impact - Hades

          Darius (retired)
          43DRK / 33SAM / 30THF / 10WAR
          PhoenixDown - Cactuar


          • #20
            Hey I was thinking this the other day. This would be a really cool addition to add to the Samurai.

            What about 3 or 2 job abilities (more on the 2 or 3 thing later)
            that are like "stances", and in each one you get a percentage bonus to a particular kind of damage?
            Like stance number one is the stab and thrust specific position (Where a Swordsman held they're sword in a thrust like position, with a leg stature that made leaping more fluid)
            This stance makes piercing damage +20%, but blunt damage -20%

            Stance number two is the defensive sword position, where one held they're sword pointing backwards, on the side of they're body. This position specialized in vertical cuts and reverse bashes.
            Blunt damage +20%, piercing damage -20% You could also just plain say "blunt side" or something.

            Stance number three is one that specializes in cutting damage. Where one held they're sword in a position that specialized in horizontal cuts. The reason why I said 2 or 3 is because I'm not sure there's a cutting type of damage. But I know there's piercing and blunt. Maybe instead of this if there is no cutting type of damage, you could have an "Iiaido" pose ( the sword draw stance) And get a bonus to your critical hit rate and damage from it, but an increase in delay time. You could stack that with either of the two stances for whatever monster you fight for sacrificed speed over critical rate bonus (Since Iiaido used both slashing and stabbing surprice maneuvers) Ofcourse the previous two wouldn't stack together, it'd be pointless otherwise.

            These would be activated like Berserk, Last Resort etc (a special icon is displayed above, when it shows the "Stance" is on)
            You know how some monster's take different types of damage worse than other's? Like Skelletons have a huge minus to blunt damage, but a huge bonus against piercing. Crabs have a huge minus against piercing, but a bonus against blunt and so on. Many monsters have this kind of stat deal.

            In past FF games Samurai's main purpose was to "even the playing field". A specialized "dueler" class that was able to level the playing field against almost any monster by changing certain things, making it totally even no matter what the monster you fought. These abilities would fit the class image perfectly! Lots of tp gain for damaging special's, and the ability to level your damage ratio to fit each monster you fight. Its not overpowered, as the Samurai would still be a cut and dry character. But that would be the beauty of it. With /War alone, you'd have those stances to match your damage type, Meditation for quicker tp, berserk for more power, defender for more defense, Third Eye, Provoke, eventually Warcry. With so many job ability options that are all very flexible, you'd be an incredibly versatile damage dealer. Not too overpowered in one aspect (blunt damage like monks, piercing like Dragoons, lack of magic like Dark Knights) But you can change yourself and the situation to match yourself to any opponent you fight. You'd be a true duelist, the class that can "Even the odds" Later on the type of damage you deal starts to matter a bit more, so that would make Samurai very alluring to take in. If these abilities were past the um, sub level it would also make Samurai more unique into they're own thing. And these additions would fit the image of a Samurai perfectly.

            What do you guys think of that? (And is there a cutting damage type? )

            ^. You have now seen everything..

            Name: Kiyotaru.
            Ethinticity: Windurstian.
            Home: Norg
            Main job: Ninja/Warrior (Current level's 50-60)

            Linkshells: Come and go.


            • #21
              i think there is a slashing/cutting type damage.. that's why sword/great sword is neutral against just about every mob..

              wwwwww {Do you have it?}


              • #22
                Ah well...

                I guess your regular old default "pose" (IE, no abilities activated) Can be your "slashing" pose.

                ^. You have now seen everything..

                Name: Kiyotaru.
                Ethinticity: Windurstian.
                Home: Norg
                Main job: Ninja/Warrior (Current level's 50-60)

                Linkshells: Come and go.


                • #23
                  Sword/Greatsword are neutral, but scythe is not.

                  Scythe, normaly regarded as slashing seems to take a -25% damage penalty to undead (ghosts and skels). Not sure if it is because of the type of damage, or just a hidden trait being that a scythe is dark weapon and doesn't work on dark creatures.

                  Axes aren't piercing, but they tend to do extra damage on crabs, and have no penalty on undead.

                  Knives/daggers aren't piercing either, but have a huge penalty on undead.

                  So... er, I don't think there is a type of damage (slashing, cutting, piercing, etc) and instead think that every weapon type has individual hidden traits that are sort of similar in certain cases.


                  • #24
                    What I mean is along the lines that Blunt weapons such as grapples and clubs have a +% against the undead and some other monsters, and a negative % on others (crabs such as). And Polearms have a +% against crabs and other types of monsters and so on. The idea is that those abilities would change that. They wouldn't be forced to have a negative penalty or a positive bonus against only particular types, they could change at will. Do the one that gives a blunt bonus and you do extra damage to bones, and so fourth.

                    Although now that I think about it, not everyone knows that certain monsters are weak to certain types of damage, or strong against other types, so its not too newbie friendly.

                    But I like the general idea, abilities that even the playing field. Broad and flexible abilities that allow you to make yourself an edge against any type of monster no matter what. I think that kind of general idea would be the best additions for a Samurai personally.

                    ^. You have now seen everything..

                    Name: Kiyotaru.
                    Ethinticity: Windurstian.
                    Home: Norg
                    Main job: Ninja/Warrior (Current level's 50-60)

                    Linkshells: Come and go.

