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Tweaks and such.

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  • Tweaks and such.

    Continuation of the “Before you…wrong path� thread below. I would post this in that thread but I doubt many would see it.

    I figured it was time to sit down and type out some of my ideas. This is a work in progress so keep the flaming down.

    Current standing:
    Lv5 --- Resist Blind
    Lv10 -- Store TP
    Lv30 -- Store TP
    Lv40 -- Demon Killer
    Lv50 -- Store TP
    2Hr --- Meikyo Shisui
    Lv5 --- Warding Circle
    Lv15 -- Third Eye
    Lv30 -- Meditate

    My ideas:
    Lv5 --- Resist Blind
    Lv10 -- Store TP
    Lv25 -- Critical Hit Rate Up
    Lv30 -- Store TP
    Lv40 -- Demon Killer
    Lv45 -- Critical Hit Rate Up
    Lv50 -- Store TP
    2Hr --- Meikyo Shisui
    Lv5 --- Warding Circle
    Lv15 -- Third Eye
    Lv20 -- Blade Grasp
    Lv30 -- Meditate
    Lv50 -- Nonpareil

    New traits:
    *Critical Hit Rate Up: Self-explanatory. Unique.
    --Offensive increase that is unique and shouldn’t be overpowered.
    New Abilities:
    *Blade Grasp: Increases parry skill. Duration 00:02:00. Interval 00:05:00.
    --Semi-unique. Samurai-flavored.
    *Nonpareil: Increases accuracy and strength. (Does not stack with Focus.) Duration 00:02:00 or 00:03:00. Interval 00:05:00.
    --Our weapons don’t exactly kick ass so I don’t think this would be ‘too much’.

    Let me know what you think. Feel free to post your own views and ideas. Keep the flaming to other threads.

    EDIT: Replaced NewAbility01 with a samurai skill from FFX-2.

  • #2
    finally ~_~

    critical hit rate up isn't really necessary, but it seems to be a popular opinion..

    blade grasp would be kinda useless after level 50, since sam rarely takes hits for an extended period of time.. but since you would aquire it at 20, i can see how it could be decent for awhile, and maybe in one of those emergency situations at higher levels.

    accuracy and attack up ability.. eh.. i'd still prefer accuracy traits to an ability. if it was stackable, maybe ~_~ i think the skill should favor the accuracy bonus, less than the attack bonus, and i'm sure most of you with accuracy issues will agree.

    wwwwww {Do you have it?}


    • #3
      i want to know why Warding Circle is lv5 when the lowest 'demon' is the lv25 Eye for rank 3 BCNM. seems like a waste.

      sounds good otherwise


      • #4
        why is ancient circle level 5 when the lowest dragon is in the same battle? hmm?

        wwwwww {Do you have it?}


        • #5
          I think blade grasp would be a bit useless because samurais don't really get be up often and arent really taken as tanks in teh higher lvls.

          I think passive delay down on great katana skills would be a nice adjustment. It would add to slightly more dmg over time and slightly more tp over time. Samurais are suppose to be tp machines, without a multiple hit weapon skill I think passive delay down on great katana would be a fair adjustment. Then again multiple hit weapon skill tp return is being adjusted in next patch it seems so I don't know lol.


          • #6
            i thought of 3 cool ideas that we'd need:

            Active abilities:
            LVL 50 Quadra Attack: (kinda like Cyan from FFVI) JA: Samurai proceeds to do 4 immediate slashes for % TP (total dmg = 1/4 normal dmg)
            Duration: Instant
            Cooldown: 3:00 minutes Effect: +enmity when used (a LR with attacks)

            Passive Traits: Meatbone Slash : At critical health, Samurai can sometimes do the damage of HP lost (kicks in like 5% or something)

            extra relic glove effect LVL 71: "Enhances Dmg of Quadra Attack to 1/2 normal dmg)

            extra AF1 glove effect: (could be hidden effect: enhances "focus effect" - hinting at subbing mnk for our accuracy problem?)

            My main reason for all of this is that:
            1) If we have an ability to do 4 attacks in one setting so quickly, it'll kind of make us think less of the delay when it comes to building TP

            2) I feel if Samurais used that ability, it would make the use of Samurai / Mnk a bit more efficient as you would gain aggro +enmity (as does alot of our relic equipment does for some reason).

            3) Having Samurai / Monk could do a few things. Make Martial Arts work for the GKT, so the delay is lessened (since the way of the samurai is a martial art of some sort =p) If that was a possibility, samurai would bitch less about delay and missing.

            4) they could use focus, which would help out accuracy problems.


            • #7
              Blade Grasp isn't supposed to be amazing. I thought another offensive ability would be too much but that it would be nice to have something around level 20. We tank a lot around that level so new samurai would get the most use out of it. It would make raising parry easier too. You definitely wouldn't get much use out of it later on though...but does a monk get a lot of use out of Dodge or Counterstance later on? In the end it's mostly flavor, but it could save your ass in those odd situations where the paladin dies to a Flare-WS combo.

              accuracy and attack up ability.. eh.. i'd still prefer accuracy traits to an ability. if it was stackable, maybe ~_~ i think the skill should favor the accuracy bonus, less than the attack bonus, and i'm sure most of you with accuracy issues will agree.
              Rangers already have the accuracy boosts and Dragoons have the accuracy/attack mix. I was looking to be at least semi-unique with the upgrades and trying not to go with a "I want what they got" much as I do want what they got. I know focus works well for monks, from my own observations, so I think NewAbility01 would solve a lot of the accuracy issues we have after 50. I placed it at Lv50 so that it could be a significantly powerful increase and so that other jobs could not get it through a sub.

              Critical Hit Rate Up has potential. Crits don't do a whole lot more than normal hits but if we were to get a crit every few swings...potential.


              • #8
                I think all of those would be great actually. I for one, have always said we needed a passive crit up or somthing along the lines of a critical rate up ability. And "blade grasp" would have most likely saved me in many instances, and for those times where you can't shake hate, instead of draining your mages MP you could use that bad boy.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Kyoujin
                  Blade Grasp isn't supposed to be amazing. I thought another offensive ability would be too much but that it would be nice to have something around level 20. We tank a lot around that level so new samurai would get the most use out of it. It would make raising parry easier too. You definitely wouldn't get much use out of it later on though...but does a monk get a lot of use out of Dodge or Counterstance later on? In the end it's mostly flavor, but it could save your ass in those odd situations where the paladin dies to a Flare-WS combo.

                  Rangers already have the accuracy boosts and Dragoons have the accuracy/attack mix. I was looking to be at least semi-unique with the upgrades and trying not to go with a "I want what they got" much as I do want what they got. I know focus works well for monks, from my own observations, so I think NewAbility01 would solve a lot of the accuracy issues we have after 50. I placed it at Lv50 so that it could be a significantly powerful increase and so that other jobs could not get it through a sub.

                  Critical Hit Rate Up has potential. Crits don't do a whole lot more than normal hits but if we were to get a crit every few swings...potential.

                  hence why i say it would be decent at around the level you get it ~_~ and i realize this was mainly directed at enoki

                  and i'm guessing since you say it would solve the accuracy issues that it *would* favor the accuracy bonus moreso than the attack bonus. i still think it should stack with other stat boosting moves (ala berserk, focus), since all the other job abilities similar can do so.

                  i also like the idea of the katana delay reduction. that also has potential, and most of the other jobs that specialize in a long delay weapon get some sort of trait like this.. monks get martial arts to reduce delay, and ninjas get their thing-a-ma-bob that reduces delay on dual wield.
                  dragoon and dark knight don't get them, but they get their gd multi-hit ws'es ~_~ so maybe a passive katana delay trait.. 5% reduced delay gained somewhere between 35~50. or maybe two of these traits instead of crit rate +? -10% on total delay by level 50? that would have almost the same effect dps-wise as getting a few extra crits?

                  eh.. just some thoughts there.

                  wwwwww {Do you have it?}


                  • #10
                    the problem w/ the "new ablity01" is that u can run beserk for 2-3 min and then click it in favor of that ablity which could become very unbalances since it would be like running on super crack all the time. btw anyone know if rangers acc bonus works on melee attacks?
                    March 23 2004, a day that will live in infamy.
                    Use search, or deal with assholes like me


                    • #11
                      What about something to increase return tp?

                      ^. You have now seen everything..

                      Name: Kiyotaru.
                      Ethinticity: Windurstian.
                      Home: Norg
                      Main job: Ninja/Warrior (Current level's 50-60)

                      Linkshells: Come and go.


                      • #12
                        Bamce, ranger acc bonus is across the board. It works for melee and ranged.


                        • #13
                          What do you guys think about either an ability or a trait that bestows 100% WS accuracy?

                          It's kind of ridiculous that as a supposed TP/WS master, I hit both slashes of my Enpi maybe 25% of the time on IT's, and that may be being generous...

                          I'm also a strong advocate of reducing the delay (and, though to a lesser extent, the DMG) of all Great Katana's to somewhere in the ~300 zone. A katana was never known as a powerful weapon, but rather one that was swung fast and true to deliver solid and accurate strikes.

                          Everything else about FFXI's Samurai follows this ideal, why do the actual weapons then not?

                          For example, on the Okanehira that I'm using now, it's DMG is 38 and it's DLY is 450. I'd much rather see a DMG of 29 and a DLY of 350. Much more 'Katana' like, don't you think?

                          Lastly, SE needs to do some tweaking on the equipment that Samurai's can/can't equip, because some of the omissions are downright ridiculous.

                          Honestly, MNK's and NIN's can use Battle Gloves, yet we can't?! C'mon!
                          Samurai: 74 --- San- Rank: 9
                          Zilart: z14 --- Promathia: c1-2

                          AF1 [6/6] ~ AF2 [0/5]
                          Shura [0/5] ~ God [1/5]
                          Sky [o] ~ Moon [x]
                          Tachi: Kasha [o]
                          Optical Hat [o]
                          Bushinomimi [o]


                          • #14
                            Hmm, the later generation daito katanas are more 1h than 2h with a normal 26" blade, but I think it was because they banned katanas over a certain length. Before that, the cavalry based nodaichi were quite long, ranging from a few inches longer than the typical katana, to ones with a 3 foot blade.

                            Then there are some of the truly rare foot based nodaichi, which were comparable to the 2h swords of medival europe, with a supposed 4-5 foot total length. That's gigantic compared to the average hight of japanese people then.

                            I wish there were samurai only spears, as I'm a fan of the sohei's (budhist monks) favorite weapon, the naginata. A sort of wakazashi katana sized blade on the end of a short spear. It was also used extensively as a defensive weapon by women in the castle as a last resort, and is often seen in the hands of women in modern practice. Smoothly wielded, I find it the most graceful and effective close range weapon japan had to offer. Great at chopping off legs of horses and people.


                            • #15
                              I still want auto TP regen (similar to WHM's HP and SMN's MP regens). Too powerful perhaps, but .

