I'm starting to not like the idea of square making basically /war and sometimes /thf a good subjob, and all others pretty much go down the drain once you hit lvl 60 +. I thought of going sam/rng, but post 60, sidewinder will miss too often to not /war. I like sam/mnk, cuz i felt with meditate, lots of ws, i'd pull in alot of aggro, and the counter, high hp would help, but seriously, /mnk needs to get some benefits, or at least some near-auto aggro ability much like Soul Eater, or LR.
I just feel it kind of silly that i pretty much only have 1 subjob option once i hit lvl 60, otherwise, most ppl won't invite me, or they'll think i'm gimp. Why make /rng, /thf even possible at earlier lvls if they're not going to be useful in the end?
Just a gripe. Anyone else aggree?
I just feel it kind of silly that i pretty much only have 1 subjob option once i hit lvl 60, otherwise, most ppl won't invite me, or they'll think i'm gimp. Why make /rng, /thf even possible at earlier lvls if they're not going to be useful in the end?
Just a gripe. Anyone else aggree?