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Maat [G5]

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  • #31
    Originally posted by davidmmmm9
    a couple small things
    double attack couldn't have gone off because you have no subjob during this fight
    and I was under the impression that all buffs (including food) were removed once you entered the bc
    Also on a side note i actually perform a double attack once and awhile with thief as my sub with my current katana.

    And belated congrats on beating Genkai 5. I was thinking since Maat doesn't seem hard to hit to ditch the snipers for phalanx or even str rings but now i'm sure of it after reading your post - thanks for the heads up of what's to come.


    • #32
      How I won him, hehe: into BC : Hit mediate
      2.Equip Opopo Necklace
      3.Sleep until 300% TP food ( Steam Crab )
      5: enage, Tachi: Yukikaze
      6:Maat Meikyo Sushui
      7:Ate Hi-Potions until he is about to use shoulder tackle
      8: Third eye the shoulder tackle
      9: Meikyo : Yukikaze>Gekko>Gekko
      10: Meditate : Yukikaze
      11: Icarus : Gekko
      12: Win ^^


      • #33
        I like that 12th step to your formula lol.


        • #34
          just came back from a failed Maat attempt.

          Fun part was, I never got even a third WS in, since due to living in europe, the connection is really laggy and often takes mashing the macro to get it to work..... however, anyone seen Maat do this?

          I hit him, he goes Asuran Asuran Asuran. Dead a split sec after landing gekko > yukikaze.

          Also, is penta spamming at polearm skill 209 an option?


          • #35
            Maat's level varies between like 68 and 72. You not only got one of the 71+ Maats...but three Asurans? You have some massively bad luck =P


            • #36
              taru sam here~

              beat him 3rd try @ lvl 69.

              enter BC, meditate x2, third eye, engage

              yuki > meikyo > gekko (frag) > third eye (his tackle) > yuki (missed -_- ) > gekko > meditate > vile elixir > enpi > icarus wing > gekko (reverb) > normal hit.

              Maat gave up at around 15~20% HP.

              on my second run I tried testing out the lvl 3 renkei theory, got as far as gravitation from penta, but I got stunned during my weapon switch back to GK, so the meikyo + gekko was to slow, ended up getting hit hard.

              Equipment was:
              AF Helm
              Ryl Grd Collar
              2 Coral Earrings
              2 Tiger Rings
              AF Gloves
              Amemit Mantle
              Survival Belt
              AF Pants
              AF Leggings

              Items used:
              Tonosoma Rice Ball
              2 Hi-Pots
              1 Icarus Wing
              1 Vile Elixir

              Had 282 HP at the end of the battle.
              /cheer Tarutaru melee!


              • #37
                Originally posted by Khaunshar
                just came back from a failed Maat attempt.

                Fun part was, I never got even a third WS in, since due to living in europe, the connection is really laggy and often takes mashing the macro to get it to work..... however, anyone seen Maat do this?

                I hit him, he goes Asuran Asuran Asuran. Dead a split sec after landing gekko > yukikaze.

                Also, is penta spamming at polearm skill 209 an option?
                Noooo! Don't use a plm in the maat fight!!

                You'll do far more damage if you jinpu > 2hr > gekko > Meditate > yuki > gekko > gekko because of the renkei damages (he should give up after the yuki or the 2nd gekko, but its best to have the rest of the renkei rdy to use just in case).

                As far as Asuran goes, Maat did that to me in my 2nd fight against him (beat him on the third). But it was after he did Combo > Spinning Attack > Shoulder tackle renkeis. Then after like 6 hits, he regained enuf tp to asuran me (my macro messed up this fight). In none of the 4 fights I've heard of (3 personal for me) have I heard him using 3 asurans.

                My first fight, Maat hit me 4 times (110-150 damage each time) before he got warmed up enuf to start his 2hr. By this time I was too low hp to start using potions. The delay in him using his 2hr messed up my strategy so bad.

                Note: To survive his 2hr, you either need to pop potions before he uses shoulder tackle, or time it so 3rd eye will soak his shoulder tackle (then pop potions) to disrupt his renkei.

                Title: Sergeant Major
                SAM75, RNG75, PUP75, PLD60, My NPC65
                Bastok Rank 10, San d'Oria Rank 10, Windurst Rank 10
                Missions: Completed/Zilart Completed/CoP Completed/ToAU: Playing the Part-Sergeant Major
                Midgardsormr|Cactuar (MNK51)


                • #38
                  i beat him on my second try no items used .... it went like this

                  1. be a galka
                  2. Use med
                  3. wait for med timer to hit 0
                  4. attack maat so he uses Meikyo Shisui
                  5. dodge atleast the first 2 ws's ... all 3 if ya got skills like me
                  6. tachi: gekko - yuki - gekko - gekko - gekko

                  hes really quite easy


                  • #39
                    Has anyone tried using Hobaku once Maat starts his 2hr? I know the dmg is craptacular, but I want to stop as many of his WS's as possible, regardless of dmg inflicted. Was also thinking of using a shorter delay GK. Possibly the Gold Muskateers.


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by decca
                      1. be a galka
                      rofl. Not everyone is fortunate enuf to be galka. The rest of us mere mortals need hi potions. A Taru may need a Vile Elixir. Grats on winning tho. ^^

                      Title: Sergeant Major
                      SAM75, RNG75, PUP75, PLD60, My NPC65
                      Bastok Rank 10, San d'Oria Rank 10, Windurst Rank 10
                      Missions: Completed/Zilart Completed/CoP Completed/ToAU: Playing the Part-Sergeant Major
                      Midgardsormr|Cactuar (MNK51)


                      • #41
                        Shoved it to the old man late lastnight.

                        This was my first, and only try

                        -Kazaridachi (Weapon)
                        -Lightning Bow (Ranged)
                        -Myochin Kabuto (Head)
                        -Haubergeon+1 (Body)
                        -Royal Guard's Collar (Neck)
                        -Corral Earring x2 (Earrings)
                        -Myochin Kote (Hands)
                        -Sniper Ring x2 (Rings)
                        -Amemit Mantle (Back)
                        -Life Belt (Waist)
                        -Myochin Haidate (Legs)
                        -Myochin Sune-ate (Feet)

                        -Hi-Potion x10
                        -Icarus Wing x1

                        **How It Happened**
                        -Ate Tonosama Rice Ball before entering BC.
                        -Once in BC, used Meditate, and then waited 3:00 mins for the timer to recharge.
                        -Once Meditate was recharged and ready for use, I approached Maat and used Third Eye.
                        -Waited for timer on Third Eye to reach 15 seconds, and then engaged him.
                        -Used Tachi: Hobaku, then an Icarus Wing.
                        -I fubbered up on using my Icarus Wing so I wasn't able to chain Hobaku and Gekko.
                        -Maat then used 2hr with the following Weaponskills: Combo > Spinning Attack > Tackle.
                        -After he hit me with Combo, I used Third Eye again, and dodged the Spinning Attack. Then, as luck would have it, somehow his Tackle missed me
                        -During his 2hr, I chugged down as many Hi-potions as I could.
                        -After he was done, I activated my 2hr and performed: Tachi: Gekko > Tachi: Yukikaze (Induration Skillchain) > Tachi: Gekko (Fragmentation Skillchain).
                        -I chugged down 2 more Hi-potions before I performed my last Gekko (just to be safe).
                        -Hit Maat with a regular attack once after 2hr, and he gave up.

                        The Entire Video was over 150 megs, so I couldn't upload the whole thing. I cut out everything but the actual battle. The Webspace my ISP provides, is only 10 megs so I wasn't able to upload it there. I put it on Angelfire, so it probably won't last that long. If you're interested, check it out while you can.

                        If anyone has any alternative (more stable place to host this) please let me know.

                        Shattering Stars (SAM)

                        (Click Save Target As)

                        **Final Thoughts**
                        I didn't have too much of an actual strategy except for :
                        1. WS the hell out of Maat.
                        2. Don't die.

                        -Originally, though, I had planned on using Tachi: Hobaku > Tachi: Gekko which I had learned chained in an exp party earlier that day.
                        -I had never used an Icarus wing till this fight, and soon learned that you need to carefully time using them after a WS or else you fubber it like I did and have to try twice and screw the renkei up
                        -Counting the DMG he did to me, I didn't need to use a single Hi-potion, but I still recommend bringing them seeing how I did get lucky and somehow his tackle WS missed me (Guess even Samurai Maat misses just as much as us )
                        -As stated before, don't go in there thinking you got it all planned out. Chances are, things won't go exactly as planned
                        -Lastly, let your instincts take over. The entire battle went by so quick I didn't even have a chance to think. By the time you hit 70, you should know your job well enough that you should be able to just react accordingly to the situation.


                        • #42
                          Nice eoyote, i just got back from vegas last night gotta try to get a testimony and fight him.

                          So far c7 fought him 3 times now and lost all 3 lol, im hoping to get lucky like you and win first time.. we shall see..

                          seeing how I did get lucky and somehow his tackle WS missed me (Guess even Samurai Maat misses just as much as us )
                          My Gear


                          • #43
                            Originally posted by b0rked
                            Nice eoyote, i just got back from vegas last night gotta try to get a testimony and fight him.

                            So far c7 fought him 3 times now and lost all 3 lol, im hoping to get lucky like you and win first time.. we shall see..

                            LOL, that doesn't surprise me, C7 isn't a very skilled player anyways :sweat: BTW, not to sound rude borked, but my defeating Maat had nothing to do with luck. I'll admit I was fortunate to have maat's 3rd WS miss me, but I had well over 800 hp at that time. Even if he had landed that 3rd WS, I still would have defeated him.

                            After completing G5, I have to say it truely is the ultimate challenge. It shows what players knew their job, and those that didn't.

                            It's not about luck, it's about your skill and knowledge of the job


                            • #44
                              Originally posted by Eoyote

                              LOL, that doesn't surprise me, C7 isn't a very skilled player anyways :sweat: BTW, not to sound rude borked, but my defeating Maat had nothing to do with luck. I'll admit I was fortunate to have maat's 3rd WS miss me, but I had well over 800 hp at that time. Even if he had landed that 3rd WS, I still would have defeated him.

                              After completing G5, I have to say it truely is the ultimate challenge. It shows what players knew their job, and those that didn't.

                              It's not about luck, it's about your skill and knowledge of the job
                              Agreed on C7, this has been said for a while now by other sams I know as well <.< he did manage to get pretty good gear though so... kudos to that.

                              Anyways, why'd you quit Eo? One more level and your sam would have actually been useful with Kasha~ RL stuff?


                              Also, G5 sam is partially luck-based. If you get a lv71 maat and he decides it's time for 2 hr + 3x asuran, GG. I don't see how you could lose if you get a Maat that's under 71 though (except for lack of skill)


                              • #45
                                Alot of people dont win matt fight on the first try, i wasnt trying to say that you suck or anything like that.

                                My oppinion is you were lucky that those ws's missed you, even though it wouldnt have changed the outcome more then likely, going to fight maat now *crosses fingers*
                                My Gear

