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Hi level input please.

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  • Hi level input please.

    First off, I finally got level 50 sam and I was researching more on AF equipment. I'm a Galkan, and my current hp is in the thousands now. But, as I was reading the stats on the AF, it seemed to me like they were made with being a tank in mind. Now, I KNOW that samurais aren't the IDEAL tank, but I don't think they wouldn't be terrible either at level 60. I was thinking something like sam/mnk for tanking.. Here's a list of the AF stuffs for easy reference.

    Myochin Domaru
    Def: 41 HP: 10 VIT: 3 Vs. Dark: 15 Occasionally Boosts TP When Damaged

    Myochin Sune-Ate
    Def: 13 HP: 20 Vs. Fire: 10 Evasion: 5 Enmity: 5

    Myochin Kote
    Def: 15 HP: 15 DEX: 4 Enmity: 2 Enhances Effects of Rice Balls

    Myochin Kabuto
    Def: 20 HP: 10 MND: 5 Enhances Warding Circle Effect
    Enhances Meditate Effect

    Myochin Haidate
    Def: 30 HP: 15 STR: 3 Vs. Earth: 10 Parrying Skill: 5

    Eris' Earring
    Enmity: 2
    (if the designers indeed were intending for sams to tank, demons even, that would explain why these can't be worn by pld)

    Tonosama Riceball
    HP+15 DEX+3 VIT+3 CHR+3(helps hate a bit) (for 30 minutes)
    (w/ Sam AF gloves equipment attack +45 Def +32 double attack +1)

    def 164
    hp 70
    vit 6
    evade 5
    mind 5
    str 3
    parry 5
    chr 3
    atk 32
    emt 11

    extra tp when hit
    +1 double attack (still works without /war, or so I've heard)
    enhanced med
    extra vit
    counter attack

    Now, before you flame me, let it be known that I'm ASKING if this would work, not STATING that it would. With the parrying and dodging skills that a samurai already has, couple that with counter and 3rd eye for those brutal special attacks, I'd say they'd be pretty decent. Don't think I haven't thought about the loss of provoke though. Getting hit and occasionally getting extra tp for it, as well as the occasional double hit, you'd gain tp incredibly fast -in theory- so then, do you think that spamming weapon skills as soon as you get them would compensate for provoke?

    I would like some input from Nodachi and Kujo because I think their posts are really insightful. But anyone is welcome to comment.

    This is gonna hurt >,.<

  • #2
    Sam are not tanks and can`t really tank a mob. Enmity items are for sam a waste. And btw tell me, how could you keep aggro without provoke while you are sam/mnk ?

    Anyway you should spend your money for Accuracy and Attack. I have atm 2 Sniper`s Rings and a neck with Def:7 acc+5 rng acc+5 and it will really help you to get enough TP for skillchains.

    The reason why Square/Enix puts Enmity on our AF is just, they won`t we spam Penta Thrust or Sidewinder like an idiot.

    p.s after LvL60 just sup Warrior all other are craps. well, maybe /thf and /rng but if you want a really good sam so do /war
    Final Fantasy XI Status:
    Name: Bloodberry
    Server: Leviathan
    Race: Hume F
    Nation: San d`Oria
    Rank: 10
    Job: SAM75/RNG60/WAR37/THF37/NIN37/WHM37/BLM17

    Bloodberry`s Tagebuch


    • #3
      I see your point, but what about if you subbed war with the extra def bonus and defender. Because really, I just can't let the "occasional extra tp for getting hit" and other things go so easily. There has to be a real reason for it.

      Maybe they're not meant for normal mobs, but what about demons? That would also explain the extra boost in their circle effect -although I know it's a party ability- and the extra boost in def against fire and darkness.


      • #4
        its impossable to be an effective tank w/o /war, form the ablities listed, u gave boost, counter, and accuracy, which leads me to belive u intened /monk, w/o provoke, you will fail as a tank, unforunate isn't it
        March 23 2004, a day that will live in infamy.
        Use search, or deal with assholes like me


        • #5
          The "occasional extra tp for getting hit" effect on our AF Body is also a joke. Look, they cancel the "extra tp for getting hit Effect" on AF2 (FFXI MysteryTour)

          And about foods, buy Meat Mithakabob its better than Tonosama Rice Balls. I use Shogun Rice Ball if I need to kill some BCNM or an Avatar.

          Shogun Rice Ball for 1hour:

          30hp+ 4dex+ 4vit+ 4chr+ 45att+ 32def+ 8%double attack+ (and yes, 8+ = 8%)
          Final Fantasy XI Status:
          Name: Bloodberry
          Server: Leviathan
          Race: Hume F
          Nation: San d`Oria
          Rank: 10
          Job: SAM75/RNG60/WAR37/THF37/NIN37/WHM37/BLM17

          Bloodberry`s Tagebuch


          • #6
            Originally posted by Bloodberry
            Sam are not tanks and can`t really tank a mob. Enmity items are for sam a waste. And btw tell me, how could you keep aggro without provoke while you are sam/mnk ?

            I know enmity is a waste for sam in some cases but there are so many times where you have to pull hate for thief to play well that i enjoy having it. If thief wern't tweaked at NA release i'd say enmity is a waste but otherwise i see it useful.

            Also on the tanking aspect. With a good smn and appropreate equips SAM -can- tank (i had to at 66 >.>). But basically you won't want to be main tank on anything post 55ish really. You will however be the first to provoke mobs when playing with thief, so with you being galka you'll shine nicly at those times when you do take hate.


            • #7
              Thanks for your thoughts, informative.

              Bamce Sylph, yeah I know that losing voke is a major blow to being a tank. Just wondering if the enmity and extra hits would be able to make up for it, but you're right, it won't.

              Bloodberry, thanks for your, albeit straightforward, opinion. I'm currently trying hard to stock up on +acc gear, so far just the jujitsu gi and sitbacki with a life belt to match. Other than those, just the balance rings and other +dex stuffs. What I was trying to do here was to see if there was a way to break the run-of-the-mill sam that can actually work.

              Nodachi, thanks for your input. I know that sams aren't searched for as a MAIN tank, but thanks for sharing that it CAN be done, to a certain degree of course. I hold your input in high regard because it seems like you really know your stuffs.


              • #8
                I went through the same thing you're going through now...only I didn't stop to look at the stats of my AF until after I had the set. I looked back and realized that most of our AF is junk. Kind of depressing if you ask me.

                The pants are ok considering how easy they are to get. Go with RK breeches if you have the extra money and can stand the look. The helm is hideous but the effect on it is vital if I want to keep up with my renkei partners. The gloves are decent if Tonosoma riceballs are affordable on your server (they aren't here). Hold on to your Ochi's. The boots are kind of blah but anything else you can wear is just plain ugly. The chest the sadness. Both ugly and crappy at the same time. Don't be fooled, the effect is junk. Buy a master's gi and wear that until you can afford a haubergeon.


                • #9
                  It's pretty good for farming though. However, I recommend you get all your AF, and then farm 2 mil straight for your Haubergeon, before levelling again, ha ha.

                  I do like the look personally, but it could be mainly relative to what other AFs look on Galkas as to why I like it. It does shine (literally) a ton on galkas where it doesn't seem to on the smaller models, looks nice.


                  • #10
                    The shine on the helm was ok but the shine on the domaru is hideous. It doesn't match the un-shinyness of the gloves, legs and boots and it makes the poly/texture combination look horrible. Take a look at the flaps, particularly the rear one. You can tell from the texture that it's supposed to be a multi-layered banded kind of design. The reflectiveness is based off the polygon, not the texture however. So when you see the shine it completely ruins what they tried to do with the texture.


                    • #11
                      the extra enmity stuf fon af is kinda pointless seems every melee gets + and every mage get - on they'res, including theives, i woulda thought to put -enmity on theives af, and make it effect trick, so that they trick for less agro
                      March 23 2004, a day that will live in infamy.
                      Use search, or deal with assholes like me


                      • #12
                        From what I heard the +enemity on thieves carries over on the trick making it more potent for hate management. However about the def of sam AF, rdm actually has more def with their AF, kinda scary. However if you can't farm the gil at least you can get assult jerkin at 67.
                        The beast myth: "I hear it gets better next level"

                        My pet has more HP right now than a level 75 galka monk >.> If only it could provoke...


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Kyoujin
                          The shine on the helm was ok but the shine on the domaru is hideous. It doesn't match the un-shinyness of the gloves, legs and boots and it makes the poly/texture combination look horrible. Take a look at the flaps, particularly the rear one. You can tell from the texture that it's supposed to be a multi-layered banded kind of design. The reflectiveness is based off the polygon, not the texture however. So when you see the shine it completely ruins what they tried to do with the texture.
                          I hear what you're sayin. FYI tho the gloves use to be shiny as well >.> then they changed it lol.

