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Temple of Uggalepih Coffer Key

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  • Temple of Uggalepih Coffer Key

    It took me all the way to Lv 60 to FINALLY get a PT to enter this forsaken area. Any ways, I have a few questions regarding the coffer key that I hope a few other SAMs can answer.

    1. WTF is up with that Tonberry WS? A few people I've spoken with said it's just a regular Weapon Skill, while others state that the more Tonberry you kill, the more hate they have for you and thus the DMG of the attack increases? Which is correct? It nearly took out the other SAM in my PT with 1000+ DMG >< LOL, after that we both sent a tell to each other saying we were "too afraid to use another Weapon Skill".

    2. How far in are the key holders? Unfortunately my PT broke before we even seen a single one so I am uncertain how deep to go in. Furthermore, is there any safe camps once you get there? It seems that every section that has Tonberry in it, have 5 or more surrounding them; making it impossible to pull.

    3. How rare are the keys for this area? I've been in some zones (Kuftal, Boyahda) where keys pop off enemies like nothing. I'd like to spend as little time in here as possible

    4. Is it easier to try and hunt the Temple Bee and Hover Tank instead seeing how they aren't as insane as the Tonberry enemies?

    5. And finally, what is the recommended PT config for killing the key holders? I've read its a full of 60. I had SAM 60, SAM 57, WHM 58, PLD 67, PLD 62, RDM 61, BLM 60. Is this setup more than enough, or should I attempt to gather more members? Hopefully not, seeing how its next to impossible to get members for this key ><

    Hope to hear from anyone with some info on my questions....being AF-less at 60 is kinda embarrassing XD

    Thx in advance ^^

  • #2
    1) the "Everyone's Grudge" attack damage is determined by the number of tonberries the person has killed. more tonberries killed = more damage.

    2) on the first map you enter, and open the door down the hall to the left. you invis there, and follow the path out to yhoator.. then take a couple rights and you are on the key droppers map. you pull mobs back to the entrancem and they're really close by, relatively safe if you don't aggro a tank while fighting something else..

    3) eh.. when i went to get my key.. it dropped within an half an hour.. the other sam never got a key over the next hour and a half.. went back today for a prelate key to actually get my coffer, and a coffer key AND prelate key dropped off the first tonberry stabber we killed.. so first one drops relatively fast from my experience. diminishing returns the longer you stay.

    4) temple bees and hover tanks are just as bad as tonberries, if not worse. the bees can heal themselves, and VERY often do.. tanks have to be silenced ALL the time.. or they spam massive damage magic. tonberries are only bad if you've killed alot of them.

    5) a well balanced group of 56-58 can take the keyholding mobs.. not tons at a time, but 2 or 3 at a time before needing rest. i think your party should be fine.

    warning that the coffer can be even more of a pain in the ass than the key.. don't consider yourself out of the woods just because you get a key :p

    wwwwww {Do you have it?}


    • #3
      Thanks for the reply.

      The PT I went in with didn't want to sneak/invis the wole PT, so we were just clearing the Tonberry as we went. We must have killed a good 10+ of them. Does this mean the next time I go back, they're gonna be hella pissed? LOL XD

      Also, the LV 67 PLD said you needed Sneak+Invis for the Tonberry? Is it just Invis or both?



      • #4
        There`s a quest in Norg where you can reset your fame to Tonberrys.
        Final Fantasy XI Status:
        Name: Bloodberry
        Server: Leviathan
        Race: Hume F
        Nation: San d`Oria
        Rank: 10
        Job: SAM75/RNG60/WAR37/THF37/NIN37/WHM37/BLM17

        Bloodberry`s Tagebuch


        • #5
          just need invis for everything in that god-forsaken place.

          EDIT: i still don't know the approximate damage per tonberry on everyone's grudge.. but i think it's about 10-20 damage added on to it per tonberry you kill. (i think it's closer to 10.. because we've killed about 40 of them.. and my tank only takes 350-450 damage from it..)

          wwwwww {Do you have it?}

