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Party vs All Other Sub Discussion.

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  • Party vs All Other Sub Discussion.

    I making this topic in response to the many arguments of Party correct vs "Gimped" subs. Accordingly im asking those who would like to perticapate in making suitable guide This fourms Job to post the PROS and CONS of EACH sub weither it be an appropiate sub or a non appropiate sub. Also please indcate which subs you would recommend for pting, perhaps in its own section in your post. If you would like to contribute more besides the job of this fourm please visit the other job fourms. after considerable information is recorded i will begin to make a guide for the site. Credit will go to the Users of FFXIO * taking down each name of a contributer would be tedius and in-effecient but i will work out an appropiate credting title*

    The job guide would be added to ffxio database and added to the main page.

  • #2
    well, I'll try to write my way of the Samurai. Because I think at some level range is better to use /thf or /war and /rng.

    Level 1-29:

    I started with sam/war. Well, you have no other choice, /war is the best sub job for a party, till you hit level 30. And you can tank a mob, because with Third Eye you can evade every 1min 1 physical attack, and Defense Bonus is also nice to have. Ah, and Provoke to get off a mob from a healer :p .

    Samurai's ability:
    - Resist Blind (worthless)
    - Store TP I
    - Meikyo Shisui (2hr)
    - Warding Circle (worthless, till you are doing your AF3)
    - Third Eye

    Warrior's ability:
    - Defense Bonus
    - Provoke

    Level 30-49:

    Most of my time here I was sam/thf. Because Sneak Attack + Tachi: Enpi did great dmg (300-500 dmg) and it's also good for a party without a thief. Sure, you can still play here sam/war, but the damage was nice in Crawler's Nest and good for expchains .

    Samurai's ability:
    - Resist Blind (worthless)
    - Store TP I
    - Store TP II
    - Demon Killer (/laugh)
    - Meikyo Shisui (2hr)
    - Warding Circle (worthless, till you are doing your AF3)
    - Third Eye
    - Meditate (woot! finally)

    Thief's ability:
    - Gil Finder
    - Evasion Bonus I
    - Treasure Hunter I
    - Resist Gravity
    - Steal
    - Sneak Attack (nice effect)

    Level 50-60:

    I was here sam/war again. At level 50 with sub job /war you will get a great ability, Double Attack. With Double Attack you could get much faster TP than a sam/thf.

    Samurai's ability:
    - Resist Blind (worthless)
    - Store TP I
    - Store TP II
    - Demon Killer (/laugh)
    - Store TP III
    - Meikyo Shisui (2hr)
    - Warding Circle (worthless, till you are doing your AF3)
    - Third Eye
    - Meditate (woot! finally)

    Warrior's ability:
    - Defense Bonus
    - Resist Virus (/cough)
    - Double Attack (TP boost)
    - Provoke
    - Beserk (best Attack boost in game, expect Souleater)
    - Defender (well, I just use it when I need to help for Trick Attack on Tank)

    Level 60-

    Well, I'm now sam/rng and I don't think I'll change my sub job till I hit level 75. Because sam/rng rocks if your equipment has enough +range accuracy (I have atm ~+42). And I can just say, I build much faster my TP than a sam/war with Double Attack. Because he will miss a lot more than me and Barrage is a mini-Meditate :p. But the true reason why I can't stop play sam/rng is just about Sidewinder. I can do 500-800 damage on a IT mob and Tachi: Gekko or Tachi: Yukikaze just a half what I can do with Sidewinder.

    Samurai's ability:
    - Resist Blind (worthless)
    - Store TP I
    - Store TP II
    - Demon Killer (/laugh)
    - Store TP III
    - Meikyo Shisui (2hr)
    - Warding Circle (worthless, till you are doing your AF3)
    - Third Eye
    - Meditate (woot! finally)

    Ranger's ability:
    - Alertness (does it work ?!)
    - Accuracy Bonus I (woot!)
    - Rapid Shot (good skill)
    - Accuracy Bonus II (wooot!)
    - Sharpshot (I can't live without it)
    - Scavenge (wow, I found a worm..)
    - Camouflage (um.. wears off when I just used it..)
    - Barrage (much better TP builder than Double Attack. 1-5 hits so ~16-60% possible and great damage)

    Level 65-75

    Ok, between this level range is definitly the best choice Thief for your subjob. Sure you can play as sam/war but you will make better damage with sam/thf than with /war or /rng. One thing you should know now. When you hit level 65 you can make renkei3 and you will do it till Lv75. So that is why you can't play sam/rng now but for farming and hunting NM is still the best choice. And don't worry when you have a Thief or ???/thf in your Exp-Party. The best skillchain I ever had was with a drk/thf: Skillchain -> Spinning Slash > Tachi: Kasha = Light. And about the position: Drk > Mob < Paladin < Sam. The drk's WS can do enough hate to make the mob face to him. Then you will use SaTa + WS on Paladin to bring the hate back to the tank.
    Final Fantasy XI Status:
    Name: Bloodberry
    Server: Leviathan
    Race: Hume F
    Nation: San d`Oria
    Rank: 10
    Job: SAM75/RNG60/WAR37/THF37/NIN37/WHM37/BLM17

    Bloodberry`s Tagebuch


    • #3
      Well, this thread has been here a while, and I haven't posted anything at all~ which makes me feel a little guilty, since I'm largely responsible for it being here in the first place.

      My perspective on what support jobs are best for SAM at which levels is slightly different than that of some, but I wouldn't take the time to post them if I didn't feel that they were the best subs to use.

      Levels 1-9: /WHM
      You're just soloing, so you can use whatever you want. Use /SMN if you please. WHM, however, is by far the best for these levels. 1 Cure effectively adds 10-20 HP to your max, and it recovers on a seperate bar, which reduces downtime by loads. It easily outweighs any offensive/defensive bonuses that any other sub could offer. /RDM works okay for this purpose, too.

      Levels 10-19: /WAR
      <Do you need it?> <Provoke>? <Yes, please!> Now that you can use Provoke, your parties will expect you to have it and use it. You can wear the same gear as any other tank at this level, so please don't make a fool of yourself by saying things like, "SAM is not a tank!" ... ANY melee is a tank in dunes. Deal. /WAR is the -only- thing you should be using here.

      Levels 20-29: /RNG, /WAR
      If you want to step away from the tank/backup tank role at this level and define yourself as a damage-dealer, /RNG is the absolute best way to do that. At level 20, /RNG will give you passive accuracy bonus +10, which is just huge at that level. ACC +10 is the only reason you need to sub RNG (though bow WSs can be handy). It comes down to Provoke vs. ACC bonus at this level, and depends entirely on what your party needs you to do. You're right outside Jeuno for crisesakes. Keep them both leveled so you can switch as needed.

      Levels 30-49: /THF, /WAR
      Sneak Attack and Berserk come into the picture, and the game changes for the Samurai. ACC+10 from /RNG is still nice, but will slowly begin to outlive its value (though not for long). Personally I found that SneakAttack+WS was more beneficial damage-wise than Berserk. Fortunately, you're no longer considered a tanking class (most of the time), so you don't have to ditch the /WAR sub just to avoid it. Many parties will want you to backup tank, and for that, /WAR is a must. You should have both /WAR and /THF levelled anyway, so suck it up and be versatile. I prefer /THF here when possible, but sometimes you simply must have Provoke for the party to function, and Berserk won't output THAT much less damage than SA, possibly not at all in your case.

      Levels 50-59: /WAR
      Double Attack is just too good to pass up XD. Don't you DARE use anything else. Now that you have Provoke, Berserk, AND Double Attack, you can use /WAR to its fullest potential. <Congratulations!>

      Levels 60+: /WAR, /THF, or /RNG
      WAR retains its classic value now that you've completed the package with Double Attack. /THF renews its value with Trick Attack. Depending on the party setup, you may be asked to be the Trick Attacker, or the Trick Attackee. As always, keep both /WAR and /THF leveled so that you can play either role of the Fuidama setup (SATA). /RNG quickly adds the second passive accuracy bonus, Barrage, and Sidewinder to its arsenal, making it deadly, but at the same time limiting its value for Fuidama. You will find that there is a time and place for each of these subjobs to shine.

      If you really want to function fully as a SAM, you MUST have THF and WAR leveled. RNG is more of a luxury class. No one will expect you to have it, but there will be instances in which it will serve you best.

      Well, that's all for now... hope this info helps a few of you out :spin:


      • #4
        what about monk??
        Are you a casual gamer?Join my FFXIV group for casual gamers :


        • #5
          Re: Party vs All Other Sub Discussion.

          *** UNTESTED SUB :/****
          hmm yes @62 i was partying w/ a Drk was wondering what about Drk O.o ( yea yea ZOMG what is what yer thinking) any who.. @30 Drk gives some good JA's And passive things
          mostly thinking this to be a good sub cuz im mithra (ie way better acc than you)
          youd have
          **** JA's(usefull ones) ****
          Last Resort(woo attack up) (15)
          Weapon Bash(you can stun) (20)
          Souleater(more attack up) (30)
          Atk Bounus I (10)
          Resest Para (20)
          Arcana Killer (25)
          Atk Bounus II (30)
          this is basicly what beifits you the most as a /drk plus some use full magic for ballista
          Drain, Asipr, Bind, Sleep and Various Elemental Spells that are Teir I
          im mainly thinking this cuz i have more acc than other races, my drk is 0(havnt unlocked it)
          so i have yet to try it out 63Sam now so when i hit 65 ill work on it im thinking i shuld pump out some nice numbers.
          Sig in progress


          • #6
            Re: Party vs All Other Sub Discussion.

            If you can find open-minded parties, or have a static:

            Try Samurai/Dragoon from level 20-29. Jump is basically Double Attack on a 1 minute and a half timer, and you replace the level 10 Defense up bonus from /Warrior with level 10 Attack up bonus from /Dragoon. At level 30 if you don't mind sacrificing Berserk and continue to sub Dragoon, buy the +Haste Wyvern Earring that is activated by having a /Dragoon subjob.

            About Samurai/Monk at higher levels:

            Samurai is very rarely called to be a Spirits Within Cannon on certain extremely resistant to physical damage HNMs. But if that situation ever occures you'd of course want to equip as much +HP gear before using this HP-based sword weaponskill, to this effect Monk's Max HP Boost Job trait would also be beneficial if you are somehow put into this role. Samurai and Monk have the highest HPs of melee jobs excluding Paladin and since Paladin can't exactly sub Monk nor gain TP easily on physical resistant HNMs a Samurai/Monk would be much less hassle to fulfill this extremely situational role. At High levels a Samurai/Monk will also have the useful Focus Job ability and stacking several Boosts prior to a Samurai's weaponskill can cause a significant jump upwards in weaponskill damage. Chakra is also a nice job ability to have while soloing after level 70 as it not only heals a small percentage of your HPs but also erases common bad status effects like Poison.

            Samurai/Mage job:

            Can be useful for soloing if subbing Red Mage or White Mage. keep a Dagger handy if you have sufficient skill to use Energy Steal (Dagger is E-rating for Samurai) Meditate > Find an Aspir-able mob and then Energy Steal most of your MP back and then cure yourself without having to rest. Somewhat off-topic but I have read that Dagger is also a devastating weapon for Samurai to employ in Ballista if you are allowed to use your 2 hour ability. Find a group of people standing close to each other from the opposite team then Meditate and run into their midst Cyclone > Meikyo Shisui > Cyclone > Cyclone > Cyclone = just about every opponent around you not alert enough to start running as soon as you start spamming Cyclone defeated.
            Last edited by Muu Yi; 04-06-2006, 02:22 PM. Reason: Added other possible subjobs for Samurai

            Avatar picture obtained from NamcoXCapcom Subarashiki Shin Sekai Community


            • #7
              Re: Party vs All Other Sub Discussion.

              intersting never thought about /rng i agree with everything else but ill have to think about the ranger sub you have a lot of good points!
              Diablos- 47-Sam/30War/9Thf/7Mnk
              = Zoko(retired)
              Titan- 12 Sam/30 Thf/14 War
              = Keza


              • #8
                Re: Party vs All Other Sub Discussion.

                1-9: Anything. As someone said, WHM is pretty good to keep downtime low and help in emergencies with cure.

                10-19: WAR, MNK, RNG: You'll get voke/boost/ranged WS out of these subs, all of which are great. Chose whichever best fits your play style. Sadly, WAR probably is the best choice only because you'll likely end up needing voke at somepoint to save some poor idiot's life.

                20-29: WAR, RNG, DRG: Ah DRG sub, how underated you are. At lv 20 (10 DRG) you'll recieve a passive +10 attack, as well as jump to help with TP gain. IMO, it's either this or RNG unless you absolutely want /WAR to be an emergency tank. Don't forget that /RNG will now give you a +10 acc and racc trait at 20.

                30-49: WAR, THF, RNG DRG: The fun levels! Now that you have berserk from WAR, it's a whole new ball game. THF sub is great for WS yes, but the DoT increase from Berserk is too good. Not to mention it pumps WS too. I've often found SAM's sometimes taking hate for busting out too big a tachi enpi. At this point, RNG doesn't really offer anything new sadly, but is still good while you're inside Garlaige. Bats hate piercing after all. Same goes with DRG sub, though now you can at least use the Lance Belt for +5 polearm skill and SC with Viper Bite for nastier damage than Enpi would do.

                50+: WAR, THF RNG*: RNG is the undesiputed KING of this level range, pending on important item; The Soboro Sukehiro. One of the best GKT in the game, this puppy allows rediculous damage in the form of sidewinder spamming. Handle with care! ^_^ That being said, WAR is now at it's best with Double Attack, and THF with Trick attack at 60 and on (note Barrage available at 60 too making /RNG with or without a soboro that much meaner)

                "BLAH BLAH BLAH TIDAL WAVE!!!"


                • #9
                  Re: Party vs All Other Sub Discussion.

                  I saw something up there that mentions RMG is that a suitable subjob for a samurai? like Sam/RDM so he could do dmg melee then some heals and some hits it seems to work ok in theory but and idea from u guys?


                  • #10
                    Re: Party vs All Other Sub Discussion.

                    melee/mage job combos do not work the majority of the time. SAM/rdm is no exception. As a SAM your primary purpose is to do damage, choosing /rdm for a sub dilutes that

                    Thanks Yyg!


                    • #11
                      Re: Party vs All Other Sub Discussion.

                      Originally posted by Malacite View Post
                      50+: WAR, THF RNG*: RNG is the undesiputed KING of this level range, pending on important item; The Soboro Sukehiro. One of the best GKT in the game, this puppy allows rediculous damage in the form of sidewinder spamming. Handle with care! ^_^ That being said, WAR is now at it's best with Double Attack, and THF with Trick attack at 60 and on (note Barrage available at 60 too making /RNG with or without a soboro that much meaner)
                      Just to add on, if you don't have the soboro, use a polearm for the /rng sub. If you are high enough, the engetsuto is a 5 hit build. Just be careful, if you sekka+sidewinderx2, you better kill the mob or at least have SETE up
                      SAM 75 - COR 75 - RDM 56 - SMN 41 - RNG 46 - DNC 37 - WAR 40 - WHM 34 - DRG 26

                      60 Merits

                      Alexander Server
                      Allegiance - San d'oria Rank 7
                      COP 4-2 / ZM 14 / TOAU - 20 / Campaign - Starlight Medal

                      Linkshell - Honour, Bootyhunters Dyna

                      Woodworking 25 / Goldsmithing 1 / Everything Else 0

