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Samurai = Fun?

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  • Samurai = Fun?

    yeah i just got my Sam quest today and i was thinking of lvling my sam to post 60! Well i want to know if its worth lvling and if its inexpensive. I also would like to know if they get invited to partys faster than drks/drg. thanks
    Simplex »Bastok 6» 61PLD = (|Death|) 04-21-04
    Underoath »Bastok5» 50WAR

  • #2
    it is a fun job

    as for invites...

    well, I think drk/drg/sam are all tied against each other

    inexpensive? well... probably more expensive

    my lvl 12 katana was 4k gil, the 1 handed sword equivilant would be half the price.


    • #3
      expense varies from server to server..

      samurai is the most enjoyable job that i've played, it's kinda boring until 30, but i loved the job in beta so i expected that.. post 30 is a blast. meditate and self-chaining will keep you loving the job for a long time.

      wwwwww {Do you have it?}


      • #4
        Yeah it's really boring till 30 in my opinion. . you're basically a war with a different weapon. Then it really picks up after 30.


        • #5
          Originally posted by TMPikachu
          my lvl 12 katana was 4k gil
          I believe I got it mine from Norg for 2K.

          Go there and buy all the GK. They have them up to 26 I believe...all thousands cheaper then AH.

          As for how fun it is....pre-30 = . Samurais have horrible ACC, so in the begining you won't be gaining much more then PT members even with the store TP trait at 10. You don't have enough DEF to tank, and your ATK is nothing special. 30 though, meditate along with berserk (war sub) or sneak (thf sub).


          • #6
            well for sure a samurai using a gkt and if he/she is smart a polearm should equal the price of a warrior using a great axe, a lvl 5 ga is like 5k, and 30 ga is 20k, maybe less, not sure anymore.

            Uchigatana or however u spell it costed me 3k, when i found out i couldve bought it for 2k at tenshodo for cheaper, i shouldve remember i couldve gotten it since i did the fame quests for norg inorder to get Utsusemi and Tonko for ninja.

            I just started my samurai job, im close to 11 and for now it looks like warrior for now but im told by 5 other 50-60+ samurai friends that it picks up at 30 when you get meditate. They also told me its the samurais job to participate in skill chains. I kind of like this sort of thing so I chose it and because samurai is just bad ass

            W3rd up to the samurais that helped me, you know who you are, for helping me through alot of things related to samurai and ninja, i forgot your lvl bro lets put it this way your wearing all AF sam armor and your using penta thrust as if it was nothing
            (33 - WAR) (10 - MNK) (5 - RNG) (12 - NIN) (41 - SAM) (5 - DRG)

            AF1: Completed
            My CRIP-WALK VIDEOS


            • #7
              like Nodachi and Kujo said samurai's kinda boring til 30, just pretty much a war with a katana.... then you get to have alot of fun lv30+

              as for me.... love the job.... plan on getting it to 75.......

              getting PT's.... depends on the servers and players i guess, notice alot of JP invites, but most of em refuse me when i reply.... since i'm NA.... pretty random in kujata when ur gonna get a pt heh

              for cost...... pretty expensive..... i'd say one of the more expensive frontliner jobs, and when you get your AF gloves.... it's gonna get more expensive... heh...... prices on Kujata...... shogun riceballs at 10k a piece now....... while tonosama riceballs flux between 5.5-7k a stack...... been happy with the prices of great katanas recently.... they all been dropping..... the lvl 67 one with + chr dropped down to 40k... when it was orginally priced at 300k a month ago.... besides that though, most of your g. katana gonna cost you a pretty penny.... along with all the other equipment that sams want........

              :angel: :angel: :angel:


              • #8
                Just recently got him to 30. I'm extremely pleased. It was almost unbearable, I was so excited to see how meditate turned out. I went from 21-31 in about 3 days o.O Anyways, yea, so I got meditate and was like o.O I thought u gained about 5 tp over the course of a few seconds leading up to 100 tp. NO I was so wrong, 20 tp per 2 seconds for 10 seconds every 3 minutes. I was amazed. Since I am at the lvl where renkei is still slightly overlooked, I just chain with myself Sometimes I ended up being the tank I gave out so much damage. In fact, I remember when a tank had voked it off of me and it stuck like glue o.O

                My suggestion: If samurai gets slow from lvl 15-30 when its like nothing really new happens, just wait.

                San'Doria Rank 10
                Black Belt: O

