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Is it all for nothing?

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  • Is it all for nothing?

    I'm a lvl 46 Sam/ 30 War now, and getting in groups is becoming ridiculous. For the past couple of days I've been LFG for 5 hours a night, without a single party. Am I wasting my time as a samurai? Perhaps I should switch to drk or drg like every other dolt on my server. Could someone please tell me that there's a payoff for all this suffering trying to level? My taru ranger friend laughs at me daily, is there going to be a day where I get to laugh, or is samurai always second rate?

    Thanks in advance...

    (PS - After 46 levels, I dont think sam is underpowered, I just hate having to wait for parties all day...)

  • #2
    Make your own PT?

    Im not high level so I dont know how useful PT's are, but you can try make your own PT if its taking so long, maybe try get your Ranger friend if hes near your level to PT with you, which should make it easier finding other people since you have a Ranger alrdy in your PT.
    Nobutada, San d'Oria Rank 9
    Ninja - 75
    Paladin - 44
    Warrior - 39
    Thief - 37
    Samurai - 32
    Ranger - 25
    Monk - 24
    Beast Master - 20
    Black Mage - 20
    Whm - 14


    • #3
      It's not just SAM it's most melee - like the guy above me said if yeh don't want to wait it'd just be best to make your own.


      • #4
        yeah, best bet is to make your own parties.. melees don't get invites often.. the only time i ever get invites on my sam is when it's a friend's party and they lose a member. otherwise i always have my name in yellow.

        wwwwww {Do you have it?}


        • #5
          It's not the Samurai class, or being melee that's the issue. You're in that bittersweet spot where everyone's trying to level their ADV jobs. There aren't enough lv40s to go around, especially in the mage department. I've seen many more BLMs LFG than WHMs and in general there are very few lv40 ANYTHING LFG. I've been trying to level for days and haven't had much luck with the groups, so I went back and started releveling my THF.
          32/War, 54/SAM, 25/Thf, 34/Rng
          37/Cooking, 22/Fishing

