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Rings and Earrings..

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  • Rings and Earrings..

    Recently I've been torn between which rings and earrings I should use.. Sniper rings keep jumping up, and up, and up.. and I don't feel like farming for another one.. (i've tried bcnm's but they kinda suck.. we keep dying -_-;; )

    I see lots of 60+ samurais running around with phalanx rings and drone earrings though.. so I'm wondering which is better to have.

    The +5 accuracy from the one sniper ring I equip doesn't seem to make much difference, I hit about 80% of the time whether it's equipped or not. I still have +17 acc without it equipped, so should I sell it and go for 2 phalanx rings?

    As for earrings.. right now I have 2 Beetle Earrings +1 equipped, but should I get the evasion+ earrings? or the AGI+ perhaps? I can really tell the difference in attack when I replace +attack items with something else.. my damage took a decent reduction when I went from my swordbelt to my life belt. and beetle earrings +1 is 60% of what swordbelt adds..

    So any high(er) level samurais have reccomendations on which rings/earrings would be best?

    wwwwww {Do you have it?}

  • #2
    one word, PEACOCK, you will learn to crave the peacock cuz the cock owns you for free! it's accuracy+10 and it's only 200k on my server


    • #3
      um... yeah.. well..
      A) It cost 4 million gil on my server.. and I don't feel like spending days on end camping Argus, or weeks on end farming.
      B) I didn't know that was an earring or ring. And as far as I know.. it's not.

      wwwwww {Do you have it?}


      • #4
        Seriously though, it depends on what you need to do. I have a set group with a good Paladin so I never have to tank, just skillchain with the other samurai. Fang/spike earrings are good, add a flourite ring to your sniper ring if you don't want to shell out another 250k. Ronin ring sucks, there's a reason why it's only 1000 gil. I have two flourite rings and fang earrings, need to upgrade to spike today, and I plan to get the valkyrie's mask to add to my attack cuz god knows I aint neva gonna get the af3 helmet. I'm also working on my drk to sub when my sam gets to 60 for an even higher attack. If you need to tank though then everything I said is garbage since fang/spike necklaces decrease your evasion. Like every other question about every other job, it all comes down to your own unique circumstances. Oh I was bs'ing about the peacock, it's 4 million on diabolos ^^


        • #5
          Well my PT's are normally (under ideal circumstances)
          whm, blm, sam, pld, thf, brd (60% of the time)

          sometimes we have to replace the pld with a nin, and the brd with a rdm, or another whm works too when we have a nin for blink tanking..

          ANYWAYS.. most of the time i have to provoke to set the thief up for a fuidama on the paladin or nin, so I have to take hits sometimes.. and during those times the -10 def from sniper's really makes itself known, the -evade from the earrings doesn't really show much.. that, and it's not rare for me to out-aggro whoever's tanking.. or the thief fuidama's on me =_= so i dunno..

          wwwwww {Do you have it?}

