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question about sam

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  • question about sam

    im going to be a sam in the future and was thinking about going galka but wasnt too sure if it was a good matchso before i start on my journy i would like to ask what the best race for a sam is... if any one knew the ups and downs of the races that would be nice.

    and thank you ahead of time

  • #2
    well buddy im here to help you

    Mithra---BEST CHOICE----Extremely good hit rate at higher lvls which is what a samurai relies on to gain TP.

    Galka--Second Best---Is tough and dependible with some moderate strength.

    Elvaan---Thrid Best---Is power full but low accuacy and dex.

    Hume----Fourth Best--- Is well rounded

    Tarutaru--Worst Choice---Is Challenging to lvl with low DEX, STR, and VIT, the only way a taru would become a samurai is if you subbed it with a Rng or a Bst because of their high charisma.

    Everyone is saying Rng is a good subjob for samurai and it might, i havent tried it.

    Im not trying to tell you how to go, you choose your own path, heck i might be a mithra bard one day
    Luffy--So which swords are yours? I didn't know, so I brought all three.....
    Zoro--They're all mine. I practice Santoryu three sword style.
    Luffy--If you fight the navy with me here and now, in the eyes of the government, you'll be one of the bad guys!
    Zoro-- Of course, you could obey the law...and let them kill you!
    Zoro--You must be demon spawn...but I'm not ready to die without a fight! All right, dammit! YOUVE GOT YOURSELF A PIRATE!!!

    ---One Piece, Shonen Jump


    • #3
      #1, play whatever race you want. The racial differences for samurai aren't worth giving up the race you want to play for one you do not.

      That being said, and only as a sidenote since you mentioned wanting Galka... I'll go ahead and toss in my opinion here and say that Galka top the list of choices for Samurai/war, so you should definately go for it. Average Dex, above average str, and well above average vit, as well as a ton of hp's. Nice damage output , and able to take hits as well for secondary provoke/trick attack decoy, or even main tanking if the need arises.

      I play Hume btw, so i'm not here to preach my own uberness.


      • #4
        Originally posted by Jinzo
        well buddy im here to help you

        Mithra---BEST CHOICE----Extremely good hit rate at higher lvls which is what a samurai relies on to gain TP.

        When you say extremely good you make it sound godly. The fact is a few points of dex wont make you the best SAM. Besides SAM doesnt only rely on accuracy. I would say Galka and Elvaan and Hume/Mithra are the best. Any of those combos are fine. Galka works very well, great VIT in case tanking is needed, damage is high as well, Galka is a well rounded melee.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Jinzo
          well buddy im here to help you

          Mithra---BEST CHOICE----Extremely good hit rate at higher lvls which is what a samurai relies on to gain TP.

          Galka--Second Best---Is tough and dependible with some moderate strength.

          Elvaan---Thrid Best---Is power full but low accuacy and dex.

          Hume----Fourth Best--- Is well rounded

          Tarutaru--Worst Choice---Is Challenging to lvl with low DEX, STR, and VIT, the only way a taru would become a samurai is if you subbed it with a Rng or a Bst because of their high charisma.

          Everyone is saying Rng is a good subjob for samurai and it might, i havent tried it.

          Im not trying to tell you how to go, you choose your own path, heck i might be a mithra bard one day
          To me you sound like you read the recommendations section in that shytacular english stratagey guide that says Elv also make the worst rangers in the game. . . My opionion is that mithra don't make the best sam. . . dex can be made up for much more than genuwine str and atk can.


          • #6
            heheh....well i didnt know the guid was shytacual:sweat:

            basically it was info from the brady games strat guide which i havent used much so far....

            Im not saying elvaan make the worst rangers, when i wrote that guide i forgot that agility matters when to ranged attacks, thats the typical me.

            basic point: CHOOSE WHO YOU WANT TO BE
            Luffy--So which swords are yours? I didn't know, so I brought all three.....
            Zoro--They're all mine. I practice Santoryu three sword style.
            Luffy--If you fight the navy with me here and now, in the eyes of the government, you'll be one of the bad guys!
            Zoro-- Of course, you could obey the law...and let them kill you!
            Zoro--You must be demon spawn...but I'm not ready to die without a fight! All right, dammit! YOUVE GOT YOURSELF A PIRATE!!!

            ---One Piece, Shonen Jump


            • #7
              Samurai depends less on str, and more on a mage to MB all the skillchains he starts. Otherwise samurai damage is... quite very lacking until something like penta-thrust is obtained.

              All you need to do is have good hit rate to build TP, and just enough str/attack so that you don't do 0dmg when you hit--which would not build TP. Any extra damage you do from the WS and normal hits is just a little extra plus, sort of the way a pld damage is--not much but still significant.

              So pretty much, while there are better and worse races for samurai, it's not a crippling choice unlike something like whm(mp), or monk(str) in which race can make a large difference because those jobs depend heavily on base stats.


              • #8
                Penta doesn't give the samurai job much more than a chance at quicker TP regen outside of meditate. When Penta is acquired, you'll be lucky to hit all your thrusts, leaving you with ~24-36% TP reclaimed. With Sam's B rated spear handling, when you get to the 50s, you'll be missing like crazy.

                Sams need strength and accuracy. Those are the two things the job needs, period. Beyond that, in the right groups, you shouldn't need VIT or AGI. A decent DEX is nice for an ACC base, but you WILL need gear to make hitting easier....even with the great katana; forget hitting regularly with a spear as you get in those twilight levels without goodly ACC+ gear.
                32/War, 54/SAM, 25/Thf, 34/Rng
                37/Cooking, 22/Fishing

