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Great Katana combat stances.

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  • Great Katana combat stances.

    How come all the races except samurai got a specific stance for holding a Great Katana except for the tarus? I dont realy like the way taru look with a 2h sword or 2h axe that stance only looks ok with scythe and spear but I saw a taru sam the otherday (finaly, seen like 5 elvaan 3 hume 2 galka) and when he was fighting I notice he had the same lame stance holding the dword sideways like all the other 2h weapons elvaan got the best stance of them all but still I was hoping for something more....not stupid looking.

  • #2
    just out of curiosity since i wont be seeing the samurai job soon, but what does the elvaan great katana stance look like? The ones that I have seen are a standard two hand middle stance and then another somewhat of a side stance.
    "Know the enemy and know yourself; in one hundred battles you will never be in peril."
    -Sun Tzu


    • #3
      Like this
      Attached Files

      Cactuar: Musashi
      Midgardsormr: Murasashi


      • #4
        Isn't that what hume male uses too?
        "Know the enemy and know yourself; in one hundred battles you will never be in peril."
        -Sun Tzu


        • #5
          Humes hold their katana slightly off to the side...

          Sorta like Crono from Chrono Trigger if you've ever played it. Much more badass than the elf way, imo ;p


          • #6
            I grouped with a hume sam yesterday, there stance is ok but I still think elvaans get the best one and turus get jipped >_<


            • #7

              can sum1 post a pic of a tarutaru holding a 2handed katana?


              • #8
                If you've ever played Onimusha 2, humes kind of hold it like Jubei does when you press R1. If you search around you could easily find a few.

                Cactuar: Musashi
                Midgardsormr: Murasashi


                • #9
                  Here is the mithra stance, sorry bout the bad lighting. Basically they basically hold the sword off to the side with their right hand, while the left hand isn't touching the hilt, but grabs onto it when swinging. I'll try to take a better ss
                  Attached Files


                  • #10
                    here are better screen shots


                    • #11
                      The best tarutaru samurai ever
                      Attached Files

                      Cactuar: Musashi
                      Midgardsormr: Murasashi


                      • #12
                        LOL! wow those look pretty funny. Ya I love how Elvaans use the Great Katana's!
                        Kenshin of Valefor

                        Hitting people in four spots with a stick.
                        Thats Kendo!
                        It'll just take you 20 years to learn to do it right.
                        Level Does Not = Skill!
                        Level = Knowledge


                        • #13
                          I find that Elvaan have coolest looking stances for everything excepted dagger in this game. They seem to alway try to look graceful and smooth. Even when they ride a chocobo, they still look badass (one arm in the air like cowboys who jump on mad bulls and horses in TV shows). The great katana stance for the Elvaan look really awesome, I would change to samurai job just to play with a character using that stance!
                          BRD 75 / NIN 66 / WHM 37 / WAR 30 / RDM 23 / BST 20

                          San d'Oria Rank 10
                          Zilart Mission 14
                          CoP Chapter 4-2


                          • #14
                            I think the elvaan doesn't look awesome as much as it is the only one that doesn't look stupid. There are many different ways to hold the katana and they seemed to have chosen the most common one (elvaan) and a bunch of stupid ones. THey could have gotten way more creative with it.
                            "Know the enemy and know yourself; in one hundred battles you will never be in peril."
                            -Sun Tzu


                            • #15
                              Elvaan do look the best in combat out of all the races. However, we look like gimptards when we run.
                              Currently Playing:
                              City of Heroes

