We all know RDM "could" tank well, if not better than a PLD on fights that extended over 5 minutes in length, due to the ability for RDM to cap CE faster, while maintaining high VE. Survivability through shadows and stoneskin and aquaveil and minus interupt.
However after some pondering and research into certain things, (no hands on as of yet). /BLU is looking like a mighty fine option for tanking.
1. Defense. (survuvability)
A RDM/BLU can get more defense than a paladin, to the point where the pDif is nearly floored against most opponents, save the new baddest NM's. With Cocoon, the new High teirs of Phalanx (up to 34 damage reduced) Genbu shield, and that -pdt sword, we can come very close or cap at the -50% DMG taken mark.
In addition to this we have stoneskin, and aquaveil as well as the ability to come close if not even still maintain a -102% (cap) interupt set. Also the reason I really got to thinking on this, we have Sabateur and Slow II which can essentially give us 6 minutes of up to 78% slow on a mob (slightly more if my hypothesis is correct in that slow over 50% is increased more so like haste). With a BRD we can easily double the delay of most mobs. Should there be additional RDM's around, Sabateur + Para II and Blind could prove even more useful.
Sanguine Blade, the reason we use Sword + Shield over the traditional Estaff. This is an elemental WS which means it is highly accurate even naked, it also is boosted by our natural INT and MND stats, as well as MAB. With PDT gear readily available in many slots, a RDM can squeeze in ACC where applicable, and maintain a constant hit rate on the nm. Using this WS @ 300% netting upwards of 400 HP drained per use. This double whammy effect provides CE as well as a mana saving tool.
2. Longevity
A RDM tank was built on the fact it could last forever supporting itself. With Refresh II we essentially inherted a second convert, on a 7:30 timer. Add on some ballads/ and a Diablos favor we can easily break 15/MP tick refresh. This is even before we have to touch convert. Self healing RDM not only maintains hate but can do so for a long long time.
3. Hate Control
Sleep, Sleep II, Blind,Dispel meet Sheepsong, Sopoforic, Blank Gaze, MP Drainkiss, Stinking Gas, Geist Wall, Jettuara, while the MP required to cast goes up, the enmity production remains the same. Not only that but in some case (Jettuara) higher than some of the spells we could initially hold hate with. Head Butt is also highly useful due to the fact it is based off of our melee ACC and not magical ACC for the knock back portion which can and will interupt spells. The Stun on it however is flukey at best due to the effect being tied to Blue Magic Skill. The spells that build hate DO NOT have to land to be successful hate generating tools, they can be resisted and still provide enmity.
While not a likely candidate for the job, it is a sound choice for fun, and makes a good case for a night without a PLD.
I strongly feel that this is the RDM door back into tanking.
However after some pondering and research into certain things, (no hands on as of yet). /BLU is looking like a mighty fine option for tanking.
1. Defense. (survuvability)
A RDM/BLU can get more defense than a paladin, to the point where the pDif is nearly floored against most opponents, save the new baddest NM's. With Cocoon, the new High teirs of Phalanx (up to 34 damage reduced) Genbu shield, and that -pdt sword, we can come very close or cap at the -50% DMG taken mark.
In addition to this we have stoneskin, and aquaveil as well as the ability to come close if not even still maintain a -102% (cap) interupt set. Also the reason I really got to thinking on this, we have Sabateur and Slow II which can essentially give us 6 minutes of up to 78% slow on a mob (slightly more if my hypothesis is correct in that slow over 50% is increased more so like haste). With a BRD we can easily double the delay of most mobs. Should there be additional RDM's around, Sabateur + Para II and Blind could prove even more useful.
Sanguine Blade, the reason we use Sword + Shield over the traditional Estaff. This is an elemental WS which means it is highly accurate even naked, it also is boosted by our natural INT and MND stats, as well as MAB. With PDT gear readily available in many slots, a RDM can squeeze in ACC where applicable, and maintain a constant hit rate on the nm. Using this WS @ 300% netting upwards of 400 HP drained per use. This double whammy effect provides CE as well as a mana saving tool.
2. Longevity
A RDM tank was built on the fact it could last forever supporting itself. With Refresh II we essentially inherted a second convert, on a 7:30 timer. Add on some ballads/ and a Diablos favor we can easily break 15/MP tick refresh. This is even before we have to touch convert. Self healing RDM not only maintains hate but can do so for a long long time.
3. Hate Control
Sleep, Sleep II, Blind,Dispel meet Sheepsong, Sopoforic, Blank Gaze, MP Drainkiss, Stinking Gas, Geist Wall, Jettuara, while the MP required to cast goes up, the enmity production remains the same. Not only that but in some case (Jettuara) higher than some of the spells we could initially hold hate with. Head Butt is also highly useful due to the fact it is based off of our melee ACC and not magical ACC for the knock back portion which can and will interupt spells. The Stun on it however is flukey at best due to the effect being tied to Blue Magic Skill. The spells that build hate DO NOT have to land to be successful hate generating tools, they can be resisted and still provide enmity.
While not a likely candidate for the job, it is a sound choice for fun, and makes a good case for a night without a PLD.
I strongly feel that this is the RDM door back into tanking.