I was going through older posts and came across on from 2008 about how SE should make refresh a self-cast spell only (and have available to whm) and have Refresh 2 be able to cast on party member. I agree and disagree with sertain points but thats not the point of this post.
heres the link if you want to read it: http://www.ffxionline.com/forums/red-mage/70710-refresh-ii.html
Anyways, reading this old post (because im bored at work) actually brought up a few questions in my mind and with the new level cap increase, to 80 in June and 99 sometime later, really changes the whole aspect of the game and the Refresh II post sparked some questions. Consperiousy theorys and players wishful thinking of the past is starting to look more like a probability than wishful thinking.
With the 80 cap increase coming in a couple weeks is not going to change too much of how we play the game, for us RDM's at least. Subtle changes will obviously occur with the subjob level increase but will not bring about giant changes. But looking into the potential future I can predict, as i'm sure all players have, HUGE changes in the way players will play their job based role in all types of play. (end-game, solo, xp pts, merit, etc.)
I'm not to conserned with the 80 cap, pretty excited actually, but post 80 kind of scares me a bit. As we all know SE likes to do things thier way and not really take the player base oppinion into account, this coming from a person whos played since the day it came out for PS2 with a couple breaks here and there. SE has done unnumerous changes to the game with out really thinking of the ramifications and this is what concerns me the most about post 80.
For instance the RDM's role in parties of all types post 80, the Refresh II post is what got me thinking and worrying about post 80. Since once players hit 82 any job will get Refresh, if subbed rdm of course. And with BRD and COR having thier versions of refresh on top of any job that subs RDM to get their own personal Refresh, will us RDM's be out of a job unless we get Refresh II?
There is a lot to consider here for post 80 and Refresh (II). There is going to be a larger mana pool for jobs to pull spells from and thus a less need for RDM Refresh, especially at 82+. Yes new spells will cost more and will off-set that a bit but I don't see SE giving BLM, just for example, tierV spells pre 90 with there huge mana costs to off set the need for the BLM to not waist the mp to constantly recast Refresh. Take mana-burn parties for another example, post 82 is RDM needed now that BLM have Refresh and Cure IV?
I could probably come up with another 20 examples for RDM alone and hundreds for other jobs. But I doubt you want to read all my rants on hundreds of examples that are just speculatory anyways
Well looking back at what I just wrote I think I took the long route to get to the main question but I think it'll lead to a good discusion. Anyways I was hoping to see if any other RDM's share my concern about how SE will handle 75+ for RDM and if you have any other concerns, views, speculations on how SE will handle the new post75 era. Because 75+ is pretty much making a whole new FFXI, well thats how i see it anyways.
Well hope to see some good theories and discussions of post 75 for RDM's.
Disclosure: You can obviously apply this to any and all jobs and sub job combinations but I only applied this to RDM becuase its the job I have to most experience in. So I didn't want to go off on stuff about other jobs and sound like a complete n00b but feel free to compare this with other jobs.
heres the link if you want to read it: http://www.ffxionline.com/forums/red-mage/70710-refresh-ii.html
Anyways, reading this old post (because im bored at work) actually brought up a few questions in my mind and with the new level cap increase, to 80 in June and 99 sometime later, really changes the whole aspect of the game and the Refresh II post sparked some questions. Consperiousy theorys and players wishful thinking of the past is starting to look more like a probability than wishful thinking.
With the 80 cap increase coming in a couple weeks is not going to change too much of how we play the game, for us RDM's at least. Subtle changes will obviously occur with the subjob level increase but will not bring about giant changes. But looking into the potential future I can predict, as i'm sure all players have, HUGE changes in the way players will play their job based role in all types of play. (end-game, solo, xp pts, merit, etc.)
I'm not to conserned with the 80 cap, pretty excited actually, but post 80 kind of scares me a bit. As we all know SE likes to do things thier way and not really take the player base oppinion into account, this coming from a person whos played since the day it came out for PS2 with a couple breaks here and there. SE has done unnumerous changes to the game with out really thinking of the ramifications and this is what concerns me the most about post 80.
For instance the RDM's role in parties of all types post 80, the Refresh II post is what got me thinking and worrying about post 80. Since once players hit 82 any job will get Refresh, if subbed rdm of course. And with BRD and COR having thier versions of refresh on top of any job that subs RDM to get their own personal Refresh, will us RDM's be out of a job unless we get Refresh II?
There is a lot to consider here for post 80 and Refresh (II). There is going to be a larger mana pool for jobs to pull spells from and thus a less need for RDM Refresh, especially at 82+. Yes new spells will cost more and will off-set that a bit but I don't see SE giving BLM, just for example, tierV spells pre 90 with there huge mana costs to off set the need for the BLM to not waist the mp to constantly recast Refresh. Take mana-burn parties for another example, post 82 is RDM needed now that BLM have Refresh and Cure IV?
I could probably come up with another 20 examples for RDM alone and hundreds for other jobs. But I doubt you want to read all my rants on hundreds of examples that are just speculatory anyways

Well looking back at what I just wrote I think I took the long route to get to the main question but I think it'll lead to a good discusion. Anyways I was hoping to see if any other RDM's share my concern about how SE will handle 75+ for RDM and if you have any other concerns, views, speculations on how SE will handle the new post75 era. Because 75+ is pretty much making a whole new FFXI, well thats how i see it anyways.
Well hope to see some good theories and discussions of post 75 for RDM's.
Disclosure: You can obviously apply this to any and all jobs and sub job combinations but I only applied this to RDM becuase its the job I have to most experience in. So I didn't want to go off on stuff about other jobs and sound like a complete n00b but feel free to compare this with other jobs.