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Composure and Enspell II info

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  • #61
    Re: Composure and Enspell II info

    Losing the ability to feed 0 TP to the mob while doing enspell damage with the Tier 2's blows though. A little MDB down would have rocked for nukes as well (or even a bonus similar to elemental staves) but it just lowers magic resistance. Damage on them seems to cap around 34 as well.
    How do you lose the ability to feed 0 TP? Why would you want to kill that slowly, save for some Avesta-like NM soloing? Why was anyone expecting MDB down when the descriptions clearly said Magic Resistance?


    • #62
      Re: Composure and Enspell II info

      Also just saw this on BG;

      enspell II damage calculates your enhancing skill each swing for it's damage. AKA you have to keep your enhancing skill on for max enspell damage, but if you take it off you remove acc/haste/etc gear
      If this is true it just adds to the fail. At least Tier 1's only need the gear on when you cast it. It could just be a bug, or it may be intentional to keep the power of them down.



      • #63
        Re: Composure and Enspell II info

        If that's true people will be better off with acc/haste/etc. gear on rather than with the +skill. But we'd need to do the math on that.

        In any case, the more I hear about the new enspells the more convinced I am they are only meant to be used against Eles.
        "In this world, the one who has the most fun is the winner!" C.B.
        Prishe's Knight 2004-Forever.



        • #64
          Re: Composure and Enspell II info

          Originally posted by Malacite View Post
          Also just saw this on BG;

          If this is true it just adds to the fail. At least Tier 1's only need the gear on when you cast it. It could just be a bug, or it may be intentional to keep the power of them down.
          Read my reply in that thread, that's a bunch of bullshit.

          The shots I posted consistently cranked the exact damage every swing, and I had cast in 300 skill then swapped to full haste build minus Hyorin Obi. The #'s still add up to match a base cap of 34 damage every swing(the apparent cap with 300 skill initial cast).
          Callysto of RamuhCaithsith - 75 RDM / BRD / COR / PLD / WAR / SCH / DRK

          Formerly Callisto of Ramuh. | Retired 5.28.10

          Callisto Broadwurst of Palamecia


          • #65
            Re: Composure and Enspell II info

            Mal, I'd tell you to quit whining, farm a scroll, and try to find out the -resistance in Ballista/Brenner, but you obviously don't want to find any redeeming qualities in these spells.


            • #66
              Re: Composure and Enspell II info

              Armando I'm doing this quickly in my head, but am I wrong on this part:

              Enspell II is roughly 150% damage of T1 when capped, so on a single-hit, single-wield it should outdo it by a large margin, but on single-wield, 50%~ DA weapon they should end up about even? This would bring it down to a choice of do you want the pretty numbers and resistance down, or do you want to save 12 MP every 9~ minutes and use T1.

              Dual Wield, especially involving DA weapons, is a whole other story, then you want T1 all the way unless you very specifically want the resistance down effect(possibly while tanking, using Enthunder II and such to allow the other RDMs and BRDs Slow it down a bit more easily).
              Callysto of RamuhCaithsith - 75 RDM / BRD / COR / PLD / WAR / SCH / DRK

              Formerly Callisto of Ramuh. | Retired 5.28.10

              Callisto Broadwurst of Palamecia


              • #67
                Re: Composure and Enspell II info

                Sounds about right. On that note, in the case of DWII WITHOUT multi-hit weapons, Enspell II doesn't fall that far behind, so you wouldn't be taking too much of a damage cut if you were going for the resistance down. You've got x1.5 damage per hit, x0.5 frequency from only procing on one hand, and x1.176 (or x1.25 with Suppa) which works out to an overall relative multiplier of either x0.88 or x0.94.

                EDIT: Then again, I just realized that the above is relative to single wield, so it's not a good comparison. If we were to compare it Enspell I dual wield then the x1.176 or x1.25 factor disappears and you're left with x0.75 damage relative to DW Enspell I. So the cut is bigger than in my initial analysis. Whether it's worth it would then depend on how big the -resistance is, how critical it is to the fight to be able to land certain spells, and how weak your real melee damage is (the higher your natural melee, the less % of your overall damage your Enspell damage is, and thus the more negligible a cut in Enspell damage is.)

                When you say Enspell II is approximately x1.5 damage when capped, where is that derived from? Max Enhancing Enspell I vs Enspell II's 34 base damage ceiling? How do they compare when not capped? This would be relevant for the lower level RDMs.
                Last edited by Armando; 04-09-2009, 12:45 PM.


                • #68
                  Re: Composure and Enspell II info

                  Actually it appears to be a bit larger than 1.5x, but that's somewhat gear dependant. At 300 skill(a pretty standard # for endgame-geared RDMs) T1 base is 20, T2 cap appears to be 34, I was going off of 23/37 since outside of the epeen shots like last night I would at least always be using Hollow Earring.

                  Edit: I'd say a fair number for any RDM is 281(Cap + AF legs + Torque + Augmenting). That'd put you at 19 T1/33 T2 cap.

                  More edit: For the 2nd part of your question, with uncapped enhancing, if the T2 ceiling appears to still be T1 base + 14 then the T2 boost becomes even greater in the 50s/60s when you first get the spells, though I'm unfortunately not in a position to test that. I'll see if any of my LSmates have uncapped enhancing.
                  Last edited by Callisto; 04-09-2009, 01:00 PM.
                  Callysto of RamuhCaithsith - 75 RDM / BRD / COR / PLD / WAR / SCH / DRK

                  Formerly Callisto of Ramuh. | Retired 5.28.10

                  Callisto Broadwurst of Palamecia


                  • #69
                    Re: Composure and Enspell II info

                    How do you know the T2 damage based on Enhancing Skill? Has a formula already been found?


                    • #70
                      Re: Composure and Enspell II info

                      Originally posted by Armando View Post
                      How do you know the T2 damage based on Enhancing Skill? Has a formula already been found?
                      Going to double check it right now outside of Whitegate, but pretty sure it's the same standard T1 damage formula + 1/swing rising up to base+14.
                      Callysto of RamuhCaithsith - 75 RDM / BRD / COR / PLD / WAR / SCH / DRK

                      Formerly Callisto of Ramuh. | Retired 5.28.10

                      Callisto Broadwurst of Palamecia


                      • #71
                        Re: Composure and Enspell II info

                        If that's true then they're more powerful relative to T1 at lower levels.


                        • #72
                          Re: Composure and Enspell II info

                          Well then...getting all kinds of different results here on spiders...I appear to stand corrected about the meleeing in Enhancing gear part, I seemed to see a decent drop off when I swapped to my idle gear. In Enhancing gear I was capping at 40, but I linked about all of Bhaflau Thickets so had trouble getting a read on the base, but it appeared my initial in Enhancing gear was 18, these #'s seem totally different from what I was getting last night, where my initials were doing 20 not counting Hollow. Not sure if they adjusted the formula, but I need to work on ACP missions with LS at the moment, I'll try to do more thorough testing later.

                          ---------- Post added at 03:36 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:23 PM ----------

                          add: nvm, initial is still in fact 20, forgot my Enspell macros swap PCC in after cast. So T2 cap appears to be initial +20.

                          ---------- Post added at 03:42 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:36 PM ----------

                          Cap with 300 enhancing = 40, cap after swaping to 273 = 36, 258 + Hollow = 37, the skill:damage ratio is much steeper than Tier 1s.
                          Callysto of RamuhCaithsith - 75 RDM / BRD / COR / PLD / WAR / SCH / DRK

                          Formerly Callisto of Ramuh. | Retired 5.28.10

                          Callisto Broadwurst of Palamecia


                          • #73
                            Re: Composure and Enspell II info

                            So you need to be in Enhancing Gear all the time to acheive a soft cap of 40 (before enspell +gear). And it drops to 34 with just a base skill. (still not to bad). So it looks like buffing your enhancing at cast shortens amount of time to cap out.

                            so 14 swings to cap out or 20 to cap out with full enhancing gear.

                            Now how does this effect the MACC? is it based on a per swing calculation as well, or still on the old style? I know that you can expect about 80% (slightly higher) on merit level mobs with teir 1 enspells. But if you lose 50 skill (assumed no merits) from testing I have done with teir 1's, your looking at a loss of about 25% MACC on enspells.

                            34*.75 = 25.5 average damage based on that theory.

                            Which is still pretty decent.

                            34+15(max + enspell gear) = 49
                            49*.75 = 36.75 Avg which is not bad at all.

                            Wonder how accurate an assumption like this would be.

                            40+15*1.35(dayx2weather)*.80 = 59.4 AVG. Which is pretty freaking high, and makes it understandable why it is not effective on every hit. (if you figure 40 on dagger + 45 x 1.5 on joyeuse + 2.5*59.4 = 255 /per round that is a broken combination.)

                            Now considering all the facts we have already from various sites. I would assume enspell I's are better for DW unless you have a dance present offering haste samba, in which case Teir II's would be better for the additional haste you could get. Rough numbers Ive done, put it at about a 15% increase to DPS getting haste samba over enspell I. Similarily for Single handing a DW weapon. Ironically enough however SW > DW if a dancer is present by nearly 3%, which makes me wonder if this was potentially designed to coincide with /DNC and single weild. I mean the benefits are obvious. (+27% Attack if you use DIA III and Box Step) as well as gaining aspir samba.

                            If I had the time between work and school Id be all over a DNC/NIN,COR/RNG,BRD/NIN,RDM/BLU,DD/DD,DD/DD party right now. Make use of my 20% gear haste and a heck of a lot more in the party. Dammit, I hate working and learning stuff all the time.

                            sig courtesy tgm
                            retired -08


                            • #74
                              Re: Composure and Enspell II info

                              Ugh, who wears enhancing gear fulltime? >< Merciful cape vs. Amemet +1 for melee ... not hard to see which I will pick. Kinda lame if that's how it actually works.

                              I guess they're just toys. Shame they don't hit all the members of your party. :/
                              ~Mama Gamer~~Quitted July 2009/Bannt October 2009~~Excellence LS~
                              ~I has a blog~~
                              ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~


                              • #75
                                Re: Composure and Enspell II info

                                As I understand what's being tested, En2 damage is determined by Enhancing skill one each connected hit. Players have been getting variations in damage with different quantities of Enhancing gear equipped.

                                En1 calculations were changed about the same time as SCH grand update of win last year, to calculate Enhancing skill at time of casting, rather than per attack. EDIT: beat to it.
                                Originally posted by WishMaster3K View Post
                                I don't want to look a gift horse in the mouth, but SE overdid it, lol.
                                Jesus FUCK be quiet do you want them to hear you?!

