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Supposed RDM-melee update: thoughts on a kooky idea..

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  • Supposed RDM-melee update: thoughts on a kooky idea..

    Everyone please plop on your Hypothesizing Hats please.

    Everyone wearing theirs?


    Earlier tonight I was fannying about on another forum and reading a topic about what kind of RDM alterations players would like to see from SE should they ever actually act on their stated concern regarding RDM's overall resignation to backline-only status.
    (I tried to include a comma somewhere in this opening sentence, I swear...)

    Lots of suggestions were being thrown about. Job abilities that would trade off magic capability in favour of melee, new spells, new +acc traits, melee swings going uninterrupted by casting, etc, even native Double/Triple Attack..

    Thing is, basically, the way I see it, ultimately, at the end of the day and when all's said and done (okay, I'll stop), the problem with ALL of these suggestions is that whilst yes, I can see how they would improve a RDM's capabilities up-front, all of these suggested RDM updates are also going to improve a RDM's capabilities when soloing..

    even though I'm a career RDM (granted, a lowly one at a mere RDM70, but it's my main all the same), I still say this:

    I don't think that's A Good Thing.

    Really, RDM is a pretty balanced job it would appear. Whilst it is obviously capable of soloing some downright silly stuff, it does so in a way that is at least fair, with a trade-off (namely the duration of time it takes to whittle the bastard down.)

    Any direct update which increases a RDM's meleeing proficiency will be stepping dangerously deep into the murky depths of BROKEN.

    RDM simply don't need their soloing skills improving. They're pretty perfect as it currently is.

    The specific issue that SE have stated concern over is quite simply:

    That RDMs are nearly always on the backlines.

    (Yes there are exceptions, both game-circumstantial and player-individual, but backline-only is inarguably the Common Trend.)

    So anyway, I'm reading this thread like I mentioned and, whilst pondering idly over solutions of my own, I came up with something. Just a little something, but at first glance it made sense. I fiddled with it a bit in my mind and added and tweaked a few things (and noticed that it wasn't showing any signs of suddenly turning into a distinctly shitty something like my ideas usually do) and so I typed it out as a suggestion, previewed it, reread it and it still sort of.. you know.. seemed to work.

    In my head at least. >.>;

    Bearing in mind the issue at hand, ie. the backline RDM thing, (and even if you yourself don't see it as an issue, at least treat it as an issue that SE is hovering over), as well as bearing in mind the overpowerediness that a straight-up melee boost would do to RDM-solo, what would your thoughts be on this..

    Don't add any new Job Abilities. Don't add any new Traits. Don't add any new spells to our already overflowing list.

    Just change how our current beloved Enspells work.

    Here's how:

    Consider first of all DNC's new 'daze' type of effect that it inflicts on a mob. The DNC strikes the enemy, that enemy recieves the 'daze' effect, then any other character striking the enemy gets a buff of some description. The 'daze' effect has an extremely short duration, meaning the DNC has to be continually meleeing and has to melee accurately.

    Now (and you're still wearing your Hypothesizing Hats I hope), let's brutally rip this idea of the 'daze' effect from DNC and slap it straight on to RDM's Enspells. Exact same idea. RDM melees with an Enspell active, mob is inflicted with this 5 second 'daze' effect every time the Enspell procs, characters who strike the mob receive a short-duration buff.

    BUT! There's a catch. The RDM has the Enspell active on their own weapon, which nullifies the buff proccing on themselves. (Get it?! No solo buffing!) Only other party members who are striking the mob will receive the benefit of the 'daze'. That right there would be the RDM-solo balance issue resolved. A RDM can't benefit from an Enspell's 'daze' if he has Enspell active himself. (Note, I'll continue referring to a player as male, simply because I can't be arsed to keep on using 'him/herself'. Nothing personal ladies, I'm just a lazy bastard^^)

    Now, here's the cool/questionable/retarded bit... What kind of buffs would the Enspells 'daze' effect actually give to the party members that are swinging away at the mob? Before I go any further, think to yourself.. as a Party Leader building a group and inviting a RDM, what kind of buffs would actually make you even consider letting that guy pull his blade out full-time within your party? The RDM will have to manage their MP that much more, they'll have major TP issues if they're using staves, they may have mACC issues if they're using weaponskills, they'll be within AOE, they'll add a drip-drip to the mob's TP gain.. All arguably valid reasons to favour that RDM parking his arse on the back-lines where he's always been. So again, as a party leader building a group, what kind of buffs would make you consider him being frontline? o.o;

    Two words: Elemental Staves..

    Enfire: +STR, +ATT (Drool!)
    Enstone: +VIT, -dmg taken% (Nice!)
    Enwater: +MND, +Divine Magic (Erm...)
    Enthunder: +DEX, +Crit (Drool! again)
    Enaero: +AGI, +Eva (Meh?)
    Enblizzard: +INT, +Elemental Magic (Erm... again)

    The potency of these buffs would be calculated, not surprisingly, based on the RDM's Enhancing Skill. This would allow for natural scaling of effectiveness right from when the Enspells are first learnt up to endgame and would offer another goddamn reason for RDMs to take their thumbs out've their asses and get capping their Enhance (not that they should need anymore, but there you go). And we'll go under the assumption that these potencies would be playtested by SE to ensure they fall somewhere within non-gimpy and non-broken values. That is to say, don't worry: they're good-sized buffs, lame Enhancing Skill notwithstanding.

    Now come on, as a party leader that looks tempting right? Right? Two of those Enspells are awesome. Enfire and Enthunder.. Would buffs like that make you consider inviting a frontline RDM? If the answer is yes, then surely that's this whole backline-only issue resolved to an extent, isn't it?

    This is obviously just a fool-around idea, hence those hats you're all wearing, but I felt it was wacky enough to merit mentioning simply as a possible solution. Especially as I want to know what I'm missing.

    I'll be honest, as of right now, I like the concept. It seems to be an idea that could be balanced simply enough through playtesting to achieve sensible effectiveness; it adds enough draw to the idea of a frontline RDM to get people taking it seriously; it raises its own natural challenges to the RDM himself (regarding what gear to focus on, what spells to focus, finding a casting balance that doesn't let the 'daze' drop too much, etc.); aaaand it doesn't affect the soloing RDM in any way. Woot!

    I'd see possible conflictions with other DNCs in the party assmuming that the two 'dazes' don't stack, but why shouldn't they stack? The 'endaze' and 'daze' don't need to be mutually exclusive (I've used the 'daze' term simply to convey the type of effect). Would this piss off CORs and BRDs were something like this added?

    So yeah.. a let's-pretend thread, with a dufus solution to a possibly-not-even-ever-gonna-be-addressed issue. But still, what am I missing?
    Last edited by Deeke; 04-15-2008, 05:14 PM. Reason: Some rogue font-size madness fixage.
    Oh, Warp. How do I love thee? Let me count the ways...

  • #2
    Re: Supposed RDM-melee update: thoughts on a kooky idea..

    Well it's an interesting idea to be sure, and I've heard a lot of ideas in favor of RDM frontline. I'll be honest, I don't play RDM as much as I used to anymore because I've found WHM to be my true calling.

    That being said, I'm not sure how well it would be received for RDMs to "step on DNC's toes." We already have so much as it is, and you know how many people bitch and moan if RDM gets anything. Or just the thought of RDM getting something.

    I do like the idea, that the enspells would add a stat boost to the entire group of people meleeing in range. It does allow RDM to be useful in another capacity, the question is, who's going to stand back and main heal in a merit party then? Would RDM DD be decent enough to bring in a WHM to main heal so the RDM can melee? I can't see RDM melee being good enough that RDM could replace a WAR or SAM in meripo failing other DD seeking. Even well geared, a RDM will not outparse most DD jobs.
    ~Mama Gamer~~Quitted July 2009/Bannt October 2009~~Excellence LS~
    ~I has a blog~~
    ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~


    • #3
      Re: Supposed RDM-melee update: thoughts on a kooky idea..

      RDM x 5 + BRD TP-burn party ^^? *joke*

      Just a reminder: If those pretended changes for En-spell is true for player RDM, it should also applies to mob/beast-men RDM as well. This can be a major impact for Campaign Battles.
      Server: Quetzalcoatl
      Race: Hume Rank 7
      75 PLD, 75 SAM, 75 WAR, 75 NIN, 75 MNK, 65 BLU


      • #4
        Re: Supposed RDM-melee update: thoughts on a kooky idea..

        Aye, I know of the thread you speak. And since it was some of my suggestions that were mentioned, I feel the need to defend my position:
        Big long post by me.

        The physical enhancements I suggested were mostly indirect buffs to RDM's meleé capability.
        The reason I don't agree that it's unbalancing is that the sort of solo capability people envy so much doesn't rely on meleé capability.

        --No on sits there and hacks away at Genbu or Seiryu.

        --They don't draw Joyeuse to solo Operation: Desert Swarm.

        --Improved physical attack is not an advantage versus Bune.

        The sort of solos everyone is afraid of making easier, don't use meleé capability. In fact, meleé would be a liability. It's spells that work the magic(no pun intended), in these scenarios, which is a big reason I'm against new spell additions in any form.

        The sort of NMs improved meleé would make easier are of little consequence; we were already meleéing those mobs, combat boosts would just wrap up the task a touch quicker. The indirect boosts I suggested would ensure we don't make those fights too quick, however.

        I applaud the idea of adding enhancements to En-spells, and also applaud the restriction on self-enhancement with the proposed changes. I think it's obvious that the enhancements provided would have to be significant boosts; no one would consider it worthwhile for the RDM to pop Enfire if all it gave was a point extra STR or Attack(if the enhancement weren't significant, it wouldn't matter whether or not the RDM got access to it when solo).

        Also, there would have to be some provision actually allowing us to use swords and daggers. A party leader(and the community in general), could just as easily say "You don't need to wear a sword to cast En-spells, you can do it just fine while keeping your staff on." Basically, this proposal would have to come in tandem with some change that frees us from staves.
        Last edited by BurningPanther; 04-15-2008, 09:07 PM.


        • #5
          Re: Supposed RDM-melee update: thoughts on a kooky idea..

          Read your ideas. Here's what I have to say on the matter.

          Last edited by WishMaster3K; 04-15-2008, 09:24 PM. Reason: For great justice
          The Tao of Ren
          FFXIV LowRes Benchmark - 5011

          If we don't like something, collectively, if our hatred for it throbs like an abscess beneath every thread, does that mean that they're doing something right?
          Originally posted by Kaeko
          As hard as it may be, don't take this game or your characters too seriously. I promise you - the guys that really own your account don't.


          • #6
            Re: Supposed RDM-melee update: thoughts on a kooky idea..

            Originally posted by Aksannyi View Post
            the question is, who's going to stand back and main heal in a merit party then? Would RDM DD be decent enough to bring in a WHM to main heal so the RDM can melee? I can't see RDM melee being good enough that RDM could replace a WAR or SAM in meripo failing other DD seeking. Even well geared, a RDM will not outparse most DD jobs.
            This is something I constantly think about, and something that constantly gets my goat.

            When suggestions are offered to move RDM to frontline prominence, most people seem adamant that there is "One Big Update to Rule Them All," that will suddenly make us more desired on the frontline and free us from the backline. Without asking for a direct damage boost(on par with WAR, minimum), this one-suggestion-cure-all is simply not gonna work, and leave us chasing our tails.

            However, we certainly don't need to do meleé damage on the exact same numbers as the more dedicated DDs; BLU has shown us that.

            Anything offered will have to be two-fold: incentive to meleé, and incentive not to sit on the backlines and cast.

            As I mentioned in my previous post, one solution will have to free us from staff dependency, while another would make it... unpalatable, to consider inviting RDM to main heal.


            • #7
              Re: Supposed RDM-melee update: thoughts on a kooky idea..

              BP: Firstly, send me your Icon, full size please, via a link in PMs. I want that to be my background of the week.

              Second, I've only done ODS via the Melee approach, and I'm perfectly able to hold my Scorp down to 50%, and then the rest of the party finally chimes in (I'm usually the one holding the Scorpion the longest).

              Moving on to the OP: I like the ideas. I can honestly say that I've never seen that before.

              My intention for EnSpells YEARS ago was to make them act as a sort of "Antenna," for RDM, meaning we can cast Enspells and still have greater potency on corresponding spells (IE, casting Blizzard III while Enblizzard is active AND having your weapon drawn will have a similar effect to using an Ice Staff. It won't be as potent, as to not make Elemental Staffs null, but it will be better than nothing.)

              Your update nullifies the solo-breaking aspects of my idea. I like it, I really do.
              The Tao of Ren
              FFXIV LowRes Benchmark - 5011

              If we don't like something, collectively, if our hatred for it throbs like an abscess beneath every thread, does that mean that they're doing something right?
              Originally posted by Kaeko
              As hard as it may be, don't take this game or your characters too seriously. I promise you - the guys that really own your account don't.


              • #8
                Re: Supposed RDM-melee update: thoughts on a kooky idea..

                Originally posted by WishMaster3K View Post
                BP: Firstly, send me your Icon, full size please, via a link in PMs. I want that to be my background of the week.

                Second, I've only done ODS via the Melee approach, and I'm perfectly able to hold my Scorp down to 50%, and then the rest of the party finally chimes in (I'm usually the one holding the Scorpion the longest).
                Yes, but you weren't soloing ODS with Joyeuse and offhand-of-choice.

                That's my point. The solos where meleé is utilized will only be made slightly quicker and less hairy, but the popular solos--the ones that get us labeled "unbalanced"--THOSE don't rely on meleé(in said solos, meleé would be a liability), and thus would not be affected by it any boosts to it.


                • #9
                  Re: Supposed RDM-melee update: thoughts on a kooky idea..

                  Idea: Steal from DNC.

                  Sorry, already heard it.

                  I still don't like it.

                  Why does everyone's "job ideas" basically boil down to stealing abilities from other jobs?

                  When SE gives a new spell or ability, even if it bears a similarity to something another job has, the mechanics behind the ability are vastly different. What makes Sambas different from Enspells or DRK's Blood Weapon is the very fact that it benefits other party members and that its technically not a party buff, but abuff just for the DNC or /DNC. If the DNC doesn't touch the mob often enough, the others in PT can't benefit.

                  Now, let's say they did do something similar to Samba's with enspells, such as Enblizzard procing a Paralyze effect with each melee hit. But isn't this what Ice Spikes is for? Mob hits you, you have a chance at paralyzing it. To increase that chance would already be broken.

                  DNC is actually supposed to not only be an enfeebler, but the direct opposite of a BRD. They don't give you Accuracy buffs, they give the mob evasion down. They don't give you attack buffs, but instead lower mob defense. This is why I chuckled when people speculated it would be "like a BRD" just as I did when they said it about COR. Neither really duplicate what a BRD does, they just have things that resemble what BRDs do, but function in a completely different way.

                  The OP's concept goes too far in that it steps on the toes of DNC, COR and BRD.

                  RDM is powerful enough as is on support, it doesn't need more PT buffs, especially considering that RDM can stack multiple buffs, meanwhile jobs that can AoE those buffs always have larger limits placed on them.
                  Last edited by Omgwtfbbqkitten; 04-15-2008, 11:51 PM.


                  • #10
                    Re: Supposed RDM-melee update: thoughts on a kooky idea..

                    Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten View Post
                    Idea: Steal from DNC.

                    Sorry, already heard it.

                    I still don't like it.

                    Why does everyone's "job ideas" basically boil down to stealing abilities from other jobs?
                    Probably because there are so many specialized roles at this point, people are running out of ways to keep something unique. But then, what is Drain Samba but Blood Weapon with a much shorter recast?

                    You wanted to differentiate, it is still possible. Enblizzard that carries Paralyze properties is actually different from Ice Spikes. The former is proactive, the latter is reactive. See? differentiation made possible.
                    DNC uses their abilities to buff the party by enfeebling the mob, Deeke's proposal simply enfeebles the enemy by buffing the party. If anything, it mirrors BRD more than DNC.

                    The only reason I don't agree with the idea(and agree a little more with you), is because I'm very fond of keeping a job in character, and giving RDM party buffs(without the aid of a subjob), is just moving in the direction of BRD.
                    Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten View Post
                    RDM is powerful enough as is on support, it doesn't need more buffs.
                    Good ol' 'kitten. Good to see your disdain for RDM isn't marred at all by a generally good-natured brainstorming thread.

                    The point is to throw around ideas that in keeping with S-E's intentions of bringing RDM to the frontline. Hell, if we come up with something good, it might be just possible that it's brought up in the suggestion thread, and--dare I hope--actually included in a suggestion to the development team.

                    Deeke's idea was to simply use that popular support capability to our advantage--moving us to the front rather than keeping us in back. We know it has flaws, that's why we're wearing our thinking caps.

                    Instead of just griping about why you think it can't or shouldn't work, how about offering solutions you think will work?


                    • #11
                      Re: Supposed RDM-melee update: thoughts on a kooky idea..

                      I dont like the idea of taking DNC's limelight and giving it to RDM. The whole purpose of dancer is to assist the party through the use of TP and effects gained by hitting the mob.

                      RDM supports the party in many other forms, mainly spells, but in some instances via melee.

                      In regards to melee soloable mobs, I dont see it as putting rdm into a well of brokeness. I dont ever melee solo mobs, because it is not partical, and I dont see it being practical if we receive an A in sword and some phantom WS either, the TP moves the mobs use (many AoE) will be sufficient to end our solo endevours pretty quickly.

                      For example check out the link sevv posted in regards to a ninja soloing genbu, not once did he pull his weapons. The Idea behind RDM soloing and the reason /NIN is the norm is because RDM excells at longevity and survivability and have 6 shadows that absorb anything 100% of the time increases this much longer.

                      On to the topic at hand I would prefer some type of Scholarish ability like the dark arts/ light arts thing.

                      It would increase our Weapon Skills/STR/DEX/AGI etc while sacraficing our Magical skills while active. 10% looks like a fair number because it wont push us over the threshold of becoming a high damaging class.

                      if you look at it like this

                      250 (cap sword) is only a 25 point increase to 275
                      276 (cap enfeeb) is a 27 point decrease to 249

                      I think personaly it is a fair trade of as basically we are swaping our magical ability for a similar increase to melee ability.

                      Now for my honest opinion on the matter

                      Dont fix it if it aint broken.

                      RDM melee is nearly not as bad as people put it. A properly geared RDM can do a substantial amount of damage over time, while not comparable to a mnk/war/sam, I have seen parses posted over on alla of one parsing within 10% of those three and beating out ninjas and theives. In order to be a good melee you must posses the drive to obtain the equipment. Same as if you want to be good at anything else rdm has to offer. (Nuking, Enfeebling, Healing, Soloing) It will cost you alot of time and money but RDM is alot of work.

                      I dont feel that new players to RDM deserve to have a free ride in to the world of melee, with some type of buff to that part of the job. RDM is alot of work an is very limited in the time it gets to melee. The Job ramps up in duties from 32 on with Dispel/Refresh/Haste as well as becoming the solo healer from levels 65-75 (and meripo). New and Old RDM's alike first need to master what they already have on their plates, regardless of how many bones RDM gets thrown (if any at all) It will still be seen as a glorified endgame WHM, and a refresh whore, their is no 2 ways around that.

                      RDM melee is very viable as it stands right now, there are instances you can melee, but in run of the mill pick up groups etc you wont be having much of an opportunity. So much stands in the way of us being "allowed to melee"

                      1. We are invited to Refresh
                      2. We are invited to Haste
                      3. We are invited to Main Heal
                      4. We are invited to Dispel
                      5. We are invited to Enfeeble/Crowd Control
                      6. We are invited to Buff
                      7. We are invited to Nuke/MB
                      8. We are not invited
                      9. We are invited to melee

                      pretty much in that order.

                      Now in order to melee we need to have some of those things taken care of, pretty well 1-7.

                      While it is possible to melee and carry out a full refrsh haste cycle it is not pratical.

                      If you are planing on meleeing you will be subbing a melee job /NIN for dual weild, /DRK for atk boost and VB, WAR atk bst, DA, VB are the most common. /DNC offers ACC boost, /BLU offers more MP HP, VB and status boosts via spells. If you are meleeing /whm, /blm you need to get your head examined because you are useless. If you want to melee /WHM or /BLM go level solo because your hindering your party.

                      The thing people dont understand about RDM is it can't do everything effectivley all the time. It is very influenced by its subjob (much more than most jobs). The amount of roles RDM can preform is a ridiculous amount, and having a certain subjob leveled for each of them is pretty well a must. I get scoffed at because of my /BLM but out of all the endgame RDM's I group with, I am the only one who consistently lands enfeebles, and they are /WHM ("the norm"). We are also the most burdened by equipment. White Enfeeble gear, Black enfeeble gear, convert gear, cure gear, fast cast gear, haste gear, nuking gear (ACC), nuking gear (MAB), healing mp gear and that is just mage stuff. If you get into melee gear you need acc gear, attack gear, haste gear, weaponskill gear. Just off the top of my head if you included gear as a mage and a melee you have 13 sets of gear, while yes some is inter changable if you figure you have 5 swaps per set thats allready 65 peices of gear just for swaps not including the other 11 slots of stationary gear for a total of 76. Add in necassary items (echo drops, reraise scroll, warp scroll, sneak oil, invis powder and pesonal drop slots of 3-4 spaces) your running at about 90 items.

                      So that right there shows why a RDM can't do it all all the time. It is best suited comming and fullfilling a solitary role and supporting when it can. (ie. Main heal, "support" support [refresh haste etc], Support (enfeebling refresh/haste) support healing, and melee "Support" Support.

                      edit (added another number for our list of invites etc)
                      Last edited by MrMageo; 04-16-2008, 12:56 AM.

                      sig courtesy tgm
                      retired -08


                      • #12
                        Re: Supposed RDM-melee update: thoughts on a kooky idea..

                        Originally posted by BurningPanther
                        Good ol' 'kitten. Good to see your disdain for RDM isn't marred at all by a generally good-natured brainstorming thread.
                        Good ol' BP, always assuming what isn't true and wanting unbalanced things for his job.

                        I meant PT buffs - RDM doesn't need any more of them.

                        Do I need to say it more slowly for you to understand?


                        • #13
                          Re: Supposed RDM-melee update: thoughts on a kooky idea..

                          Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten View Post
                          Good ol' BP, always assuming what isn't true and wanting unbalanced things for his job.

                          I meant PT buffs - RDM doesn't need any more of them.

                          Do I need to say it more slowly for you to understand?
                          You might try reading again - I was agreeing with you, if only in part.

                          But you still haven't offered any alternatives in addition to tearing down an idea.


                          • #14
                            Re: Supposed RDM-melee update: thoughts on a kooky idea..

                            Originally posted by BurningPanther View Post
                            You might try reading again - I was agreeing with you, if only in part.

                            But you still haven't offered any alternatives in addition to tearing down an idea.
                            Did in the last thread of this kind.

                            Give a Berzerk-like boost to Enspells with some kind of penalty in exchange, perhaps such as losing 3 MP per swing while its active, which would oppose the benefit of Refresh. This way, a RDM can briefly move up to the frontline as needed, but not all the time. They would have to carefully consider how to use the ability and SE wouldn't break RDM by overbuffing them.


                            • #15
                              Re: Supposed RDM-melee update: thoughts on a kooky idea..

                              Ruic found out years ago that the damage from enspells don't add Enmity.

                              Rather, he hypothesized this. With the information we have, I'm going to have to see if Kaeko found out otherwise.

                              But with that in mind, I wouldn't mind if Enspells were (as stated before) scaled differently to raise in steps every 10, as opposed to 20 levels; and if their resist rate was nullified/weakened.

                              Theoretically, I wouldn't mind if the only addition to RDM was that our Enspells did 40-50 damage a swing with just capped skill at 75.

                              Of course, I like my antenna idea, but I'm willing to sacrifice that concept.
                              The Tao of Ren
                              FFXIV LowRes Benchmark - 5011

                              If we don't like something, collectively, if our hatred for it throbs like an abscess beneath every thread, does that mean that they're doing something right?
                              Originally posted by Kaeko
                              As hard as it may be, don't take this game or your characters too seriously. I promise you - the guys that really own your account don't.

