Re: Phalanx II we hardly knew ye
Yes, but we've already established you hate playing RDM. Actually, I'm shocked you even bothered spending merits on Phalanx II since it doesn't benefit your melee damage in any way whatsoever. 
Any RDM who doesn't realize how powerful Slow II is doesn't deserve much consideration when speaking on the topic.
I do think SCH is creeping into a few too many niches with this update, but the presence of Phalanxga via Accession is one of the LEAST intrusive. Addendum: White and Addendum: Black are both much more threatening to WHMs and BLMs respectively than Accession/Phalanx is to RDM.
For that matter, the presence of Sublimation hurts RDM much more than Phalanxga.
To get back to what I was saying though, chances are, at end-game you've got a Red Mage in your tank party; adding Phalanx II doesn't affect your job balance or strategies much - it's just a nice extra.
To facilitate Phalanxga via Scholar + Accession, you have to juggle your job mix around and really think about what you're including in your tank party. I could see a setup like NIN NIN SCH WHM BRD BRD being useful in this context, but under those circumstances you wouldn't want a Red Mage in the Scholar slot anyway.
Originally posted by MrMageo
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Any RDM who doesn't realize how powerful Slow II is doesn't deserve much consideration when speaking on the topic.
Originally posted by Malacite
For that matter, the presence of Sublimation hurts RDM much more than Phalanxga.
To get back to what I was saying though, chances are, at end-game you've got a Red Mage in your tank party; adding Phalanx II doesn't affect your job balance or strategies much - it's just a nice extra.
To facilitate Phalanxga via Scholar + Accession, you have to juggle your job mix around and really think about what you're including in your tank party. I could see a setup like NIN NIN SCH WHM BRD BRD being useful in this context, but under those circumstances you wouldn't want a Red Mage in the Scholar slot anyway.