Well, I wanted opinoins on what you guys think are some of the most needed and required sub jobs from lvl 60-75. I know that WHM is one of them and I use it alot. But in your opinion what sub job is a must have other than the basic /WHM and /BLM. Reason I ask is that I want to go into the higher lvls fully prepared for any situation. So now that I hit 60 today Iam putting RDM on hold to ensure I get all the must have SJ to 37. What do you guys think.
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Must Have Sub post 60
Re: Must Have Sub post 60
There are several subs that RDM uses, but I think you already know the answer to your question. The answer is /WHM. While not required (I know a few RDMs who have reached 75 on /BLM), it is the preferred sub for RDMs in the Aht Urghan areas where your primary role will be to main heal. Other subs that you'll want eventually:
/WHM: -ga cures, -na spells, Erase, Teleport
/BLM: Magic damage output, Sleepga, Escape, Tractor, Warp
/NIN: Utsusemi, Elemental Wheel (for certain solo activities)
/THF: Farming
/BLU: MP-efficient cures, Vorpal Blade, Cocoon
/DRK: Damage output, PVP, Vorpal Blade, Stun
/WAR: Melee Damage output, Provoke
/SCH: MP Efficiency, High-gain Aspir/Drain.
/SMN: Pet pulling
/BRD: Increased refresh capability
I don't have enough information on RDM/SCH and RDM/DNC to make a judgment. RDM/SCH seems the more useful of the two, but neither are terribly spectacular as far as I've seen.
Thanks 0
Re: Must Have Sub post 60
Thanks, yea pretty much got the first two down that I know it is a priority to have them. I am kicking myself for not having blm to at least 30 by now. Was unsure of which of the other subs where important as I approched endgame stuff. Not that I am at that point yet but really don't want to get to far with RDM without solid SJ supportDahc Ramuh server
San D'Oria Rank 6
RDM 68 WHM 38 BLM 22 PLD 35 SAM 15 NIN 15 WAR 10 BST 34 THF 15 MNK 10 SMN 10 DRK 10 DRG 14 BRD 15 PUP 12 COR 10 RNG 10 BLU 19 DNC 20 SCH 15
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Re: Must Have Sub post 60
Also consider what's important to you. Do you want to have any subjob a party could possibly ask you to use, or do you want what will work in most situations? Do you want to get to 75, and then worry about other jobs, or do you want to take a break from RDM and try new and different things? Do you have to be the absolute best you can be, or is being good enough ok?
Personally, I'd choose between an all (get every other job up to 37 for gits and shiggles) or nothing (get to 75, then worry about subjobs based on what your LS and friends would find useful) approach. Perhaps you would consider something inbetween; like leveling up every job as high as you can solo them reasonably, without spending too much money on them, deciding if you'd want to continue leveling them; or leveling a sub that would be useful outside parties (/NIN and /THF are great recommendations, if only for just shadows and flee)
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Re: Must Have Sub post 60
I think I am more motivated to the side of get the sub jobs that will be needed the most in a party. I will eventually get to the point of lvling all my jobs, but I really want to take RDM to 75. that and I got tons of gear across all of my jobs which fills my inventory and storage rather quickly. I am working on blm now and probably will get to SCH next. But don't want to spend tons of time away from lvling RDMDahc Ramuh server
San D'Oria Rank 6
RDM 68 WHM 38 BLM 22 PLD 35 SAM 15 NIN 15 WAR 10 BST 34 THF 15 MNK 10 SMN 10 DRK 10 DRG 14 BRD 15 PUP 12 COR 10 RNG 10 BLU 19 DNC 20 SCH 15
Thanks 0
Re: Must Have Sub post 60
For reaching Lv.75 and meriting on RDM, you need primarily /WHM for most of exp/merit parties, and /BLM usually will do for the rest. (In SC+MB parties where there's a WHM, /SCH is possibly the best, but parties like that are infrequent--plus, RDM/WHM and RDM/BLM can both MB ok-ish if skill is capped.)
If you plan on attending endgame group activities, you need: /WHM, /BLM, and /DRK. For small group and solo use, /NIN is very helpful.
For the rest, like /BLU, /PLD, /DNC, /SCH, etc., I consider them marginal. Can be fun, but not many people will ask for those from RDMs. (For the record, I have everything listed except /DNC--and I keep showing up at events as /BLM and /WHM per leader's instructions. Had order for /DRK once--until the usual RDM/DRK showed up.)
If you're soloing, of course, use whatever you want. Whacking on the Fortification nets pretty decent exp in campaign battles, but makes me fall sleep, so I usually go as /DRK to play with Souleater, Absorb spells, and etc. Whatever floats your boat, I say, when you're out doing your own things.Bamboo shadows sweep the stars,
yet not a mote of dust is stirred;
Moonlight pierces the depths of the pond,
leaving no trace in the water.
- Mugaku
Thanks 0
Re: Must Have Sub post 60
Cool ty Ifrit, I really do try all the different combos on my own time even tho most of my Subs for RDM are gimped and I have the same thought proccess on what I do solo is my business.
As for the pty stuff , this is the info I am looking for, what is expected from RDM during the endgame stuffDahc Ramuh server
San D'Oria Rank 6
RDM 68 WHM 38 BLM 22 PLD 35 SAM 15 NIN 15 WAR 10 BST 34 THF 15 MNK 10 SMN 10 DRK 10 DRG 14 BRD 15 PUP 12 COR 10 RNG 10 BLU 19 DNC 20 SCH 15
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Re: Must Have Sub post 60
Originally posted by Dahc View Postwhat is expected from RDM during the endgame stuff
- Crowd Controller (sleep, gravity, bind, silence (kinda), etc.): /BLM is normal
- Refresher: Always. (Often in Refresh x6 parties, too.)
- Back-up Healer: If need status removal, then /WHM. I'm always expected to toss out cures to help out if needed.
- Stunner: /DRK only, of course. Was asked to do so once, but leader then changed his mind.
I seem to specialize in tank party RDM work, supporting PLDs and WHMs in whatever capacity required--including leaving room on my HP bar for PLDs to drop Cure IV on, post Convert. (Oh, and toss whoever else gets dumped in the party some Refresh, Haste, Cure, etc.)
For others, I know people have play RDM in endgame capacity as:
- Main Healer: /WHM, presumably. (We always have WHMs, so I've no experience with this.)
- Tank: /NIN normally. (Recently came across RDM/PLD for a Jailer. *shrug*)
- Kiter: /NIN normally, but depending on the critter and zone, sometimes support job doesn't even matter.
- Soloer: Typically, it's about on NMs which drop trigger items needed by endgame LS's.
And more, probably.
* * *
As an up-and-coming RDM without other Lv.75 jobs, it's very unlikely you'd have the gears to pull off major endgame tanking duty right when you hit Lv.75. Soloing NMs will take good deal of trial and error, I bet, and won't be easy.
Where you can be immediately useful and excel at, though, is crowd control. (Well, you can excel at it with a bit of practice; won't take long.) Provide that you have /BLM ready, that is. Same goes for /DRK--once you hit Lv.74, you can be the chainspell stunner right away, if you are prepared.
So, have fully leveled /WHM, /BLM, and /DRK. Add /NIN when you have the gil to do it right.
* * *
For all the talk about endgame, keep in mind "endgame" is strictly optional, and is actually comprised of many different kinds of activities. It's perfectly fine to not participate in any, or just pick and choose a few, or try something and find out you don't like it. At all.Bamboo shadows sweep the stars,
yet not a mote of dust is stirred;
Moonlight pierces the depths of the pond,
leaving no trace in the water.
- Mugaku
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