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Update March 08 Your opinion

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  • #76
    Re: Update March 08 Your opinion

    Its always about a parseyou truly are an offspring to ToA. That is the trademark cry for TP Burns, if i get haste i can hit 2 more times and parse higher. I dont need to give you a parse, i get 20-30 a swing and 25-32 enspell damage. You want to see a parse, go look for someones PLD parse, then add 25-32 per swing for enspell damage, thats a RDM parse. I know what and what isnt capable from a RDM melee and otherwise, you leveled another job so you could melee, fell back on RDM to get easy merits. I didnt I love RDM so much i put in time and effort so i can melee decently. I have tried many combonations of gear/food to get my peak ability from it. I dont need to provide you with substantial proof through a parse, nor would I if I was required by some FFXI law to do so. Im sorry that i play my job effectivley and differently from the mainstream. Im sorry i dont conform to the TP Burn Meripo. However iI am not about to put up a parse so there can be 100 little carbon copies of me running around. Avesta didnt put up detailed information on Gear and Tactics so there could be 100's of little avesta's running around. I worked hard to be able to do what i do and Im not about to share the rewards with an abundant amount of Naysay RDM's turned "random" Job. You abuse my job for the merits then have the audacity to ask me to prove myself to you. There are very few people who post on these forums privey to such information, and the ones i consider probably dont even need it because im sure they have been playing RDM long enough like me to be able to tweak every amount of juice from it for every situation.


    My madrigal only added a increased hit rate to over 80% but wait, the test was on colibri which have a high evade + 20 evade boost trait, most mobs in CoP/RoZ (where i do the most of my meriting) do not have these evaision bonus'. High Def mobs like say i dont know Genbu (whom i hit 20-30 on + an additional 20-30 enspell damage) Or when Invincible is up on any mob that can use it or an un dispelable def boost, who still hits for 20-30 every time. ME. Your arguements are based of a report i made involving colbri (which is redundant now with the /DNC nerf.)

    None of the other mage jobs are dependent on RDM anymore, like you said. Frankly i am happy. No more begs for refresh can i have it, now it will just be me and my skill vs the rest of the REFRESH/CONVERT wash outs.
    Last edited by MrMageo; 03-11-2008, 01:58 PM.

    sig courtesy tgm
    retired -08


    • #77
      Re: Update March 08 Your opinion

      Originally posted by MrMageo View Post
      Did you hear that swishing sound? I think that was the last of your credibility going down the drain.
      Wii Number - 2810 2423 4673 3261 - Please PM me if you add me!
      How to ask smart questions:

      Boom! (On SCH75/RDM)


      • #78
        Re: Update March 08 Your opinion

        Its always about a parse
        Yup because the numbers don't lie.

        You want to see a parse, go look for someones PLD parse, then add 25-32 per swing for enspell damage, thats a RDM parse.
        Actually no, a Pld geared for melee would do far more damage than a Rdm geared for melee, only on account of Vorpal Blade alone. The difference does widen once you get into the gear that a Pld can equip that Rdm can't.

        I dont need to provide you with substantial proof through a parse
        No, you don't. You think Rdm/Thf for SATA+WS (God I hope it's +WS and not just SATA) is worthwhile for added hate on the tank. I'm not even going to begin saying why that is a bad idea.

        You have the right to remain silent, anything you say can and will be misqouted and then used against you.

        I don't have a big ego, it just has a large mouth.


        • #79
          Re: Update March 08 Your opinion

          whatever man. yo can keep your backline RDM and take the scraps left behind by the sch /sch. i will move on and enjoy my time meleeing in parties.

          sig courtesy tgm
          retired -08


          • #80
            Re: Update March 08 Your opinion

            Originally posted by Vyuru View Post
            No, you don't. You think Rdm/Thf for SATA+WS (God I hope it's +WS and not just SATA) is worthwhile for added hate on the tank. I'm not even going to begin saying why that is a bad idea.
            Sometimes some things are so egregiously incorrect that it's difficult to discern where to begin correcting you.

            One of my favorite things to say when I want to sound pompous and mean when I'm correcting someone is: "That is so egregious, I don't even know where to begin chastising you. Please, go find a flagellum and save us both the trouble."

            As you can imagine, I like feeling pompous and mean.
            :: Why can't this crazy love be mine? ::

            SEVE - HUME WHM (31) BLM (19) THF (17) WAR (9) MNK (5) RNG (9) BLU (1) BRD (1) DNC (1) NIN (1) :: BAHAMUT


            • #81
              Re: Update March 08 Your opinion

              i will move on and enjoy my time meleeing in parties.
              Enjoy being kicked out of said parties now that Rdm isn't required for exp.


              One of my favorite things to say when I want to sound pompous and mean when I'm correcting someone is: "That is so egregious, I don't even know where to begin chastising you. Please, go find a flagellum and save us both the trouble."
              While that is normally true, if he's going to wave the, "I'm the uber Rdm melee, but you are all pondscum whom I shall not share my data with!" card, and say that Rdm/Thf is good for hate control, I'm not going to go into any great detail as to just why that isn't so. It's pretty obvious that he has no real DD experience, if he did, he would not be saying something like that.
              Last edited by Vyuru; 03-11-2008, 02:17 PM.

              You have the right to remain silent, anything you say can and will be misqouted and then used against you.

              I don't have a big ego, it just has a large mouth.


              • #82
                Re: Update March 08 Your opinion

                Originally posted by Tsrwedge View Post
                Did you hear that swishing sound? I think that was the last of your credibility going down the drain.
                The Tao of Ren
                FFXIV LowRes Benchmark - 5011

                If we don't like something, collectively, if our hatred for it throbs like an abscess beneath every thread, does that mean that they're doing something right?
                Originally posted by Kaeko
                As hard as it may be, don't take this game or your characters too seriously. I promise you - the guys that really own your account don't.


                • #83
                  Re: Update March 08 Your opinion

                  Fact: if there is no th thf and no one has /thf, rdm/thf is good for hate control in that sense no. Every little bit of hate stacked on a tank is less chance the WHM is going to eat a shot to the face.

                  I have tried sharing my melee experience with the lot of you and 90% of the time i get berated by the Backline onry crowd because i am doing something out of the norm efectivley(ref. refresh 2 post, ref. RDM/DNC in colibri pt post) There are a few of you who ask for logical explanations and I provide them. The fact is Parsing a RDM is fruitless, it dosent take into account, opening a skill chain > lowering the resistance > so a heavy DD can close SC harder, does it. No it takes my origianl WS that /DRK i can push to the 700-800 lvl if i want to (LR+SE) So a parse is in acurate.

                  Its easy enough for you to go out and get yourself an enhancing sword or joyeuse (I have both) /blu,/drk,/nin and go wack around some VT-IT mobs that is how i worked in my gear and learned what it takes to melee effectivley as a RDM. When you can start to take down vt-It mobs using your sword and enspells effectivley you will not be removed from a party.

                  To this date i have never been dropped from a party for meleeing on RDM infact i have been complimented many a time for my suprising ability at it. If a mage leaves and I need to take up a backline position i do it because I can, not because its my job to be on the back line, because i can be on the backline.

                  I say i am a good RDM because i know when to use a sword and i know when to put it away. Most RDM's i know dont have sword or dagger, hell sometimes not even evaision capped. I have Sword, Dagger, Sheild, Parry, Evaision capped. I have spent 2.6 Million on getting an enhancing sword to increase my overall damage. This is why I am a good RDM because I work at the job to make it as good as it can be. I dont melee to hit a parse, i dont need to hit a parse because I know if I am being effective or not, I know when to backline it, I dont need a parse to tell me. Im not here for competition over other jobs on a parse, Im here to help my party in a situation where it needs it, that includes Healing,Nuking,Enfeebling,Hate Control, Tanking, Kiting, Crowd Control, Refreshing, Hasting, Dispel, Escaping, Meleeing.

                  Everyone of those situations I have at one time or another been responsible for. Just because you have not had the luxury, or the ambition to do these things dosent mean they dont exist, or cant be done on a RDM.

                  sig courtesy tgm
                  retired -08


                  • #84
                    Re: Update March 08 Your opinion

                    I dont need to give you a parse, i get 20-30 a swing and 25-32 enspell damage.
                    Sure you do.

                    You want to see a parse, go look for someones PLD parse, then add 25-32 per swing for enspell damage, thats a RDM parse.
                    And about 10% more Accuracy.

                    I know what and what isnt capable from a RDM melee and otherwise, you leveled another job so you could melee, fell back on RDM to get easy merits.
                    Because being done with my RDM group merits is completely out of the realm of possibility.

                    I dont need to provide you with substantial proof through a parse, nor would I if I was required by some FFXI law to do so.
                    When someone is arguing about how awesome they are, the community, at large, would like to see verification.

                    Im sorry that i play my job effectivley and differently from the mainstream. Im sorry i dont conform to the TP Burn Meripo. However I am not about to put up a parse so there can be 100 little carbon copies of me running around.
                    Because you have secret gear that no one else in the game has.

                    Avesta didnt put up detailed information on Gear and Tactics so there could be 100's of little avesta's running around.
                    Everyone knows what gear Avesta uses. We can watch his videos to learn his tactics. He put his merits on his blog.

                    I worked hard to be able to do what i do and Im not about to share the rewards with an abundant amount of Naysay RDM's turned "random" Job. You abuse my job for the merits then have the audacity to ask me to prove myself to you. There are very few people who post on these forums privey to such information, and the ones i consider probably dont even need it because im sure they have been playing RDM long enough like me to be able to tweak every amount of juice from it for every situation.
                    You're awfully full of yourself. I bet when you fly to work, a golden rainbow shoots out your ass and money rains down on less fortunate folk and they praise you wherever you go.

                    My madrigal only added a increased hit rate to over 80% but wait, the test was on colibri which have a high evade + 20 evade boost trait, most mobs in CoP/RoZ (where i do the most of my meriting) do not have these evaision bonus'. High Def mobs like say i dont know Genbu (whom i hit 20-30 on + an additional 20-30 enspell damage) Or when Invincible is up on any mob that can use it or an un dispelable def boost, who still hits for 20-30 every time. ME. Your arguements are based of a report i made involving colbri (which is redundant now with the /DNC nerf.)

                    None of the other mage jobs are dependent on RDM anymore, like you said. Frankly i am happy. No more begs for refresh can i have it, now it will just be me and my skill vs the rest of the REFRESH/CONVERT wash outs.
                    I left this in there, because I needed a good laugh.
                    The Tao of Ren
                    FFXIV LowRes Benchmark - 5011

                    If we don't like something, collectively, if our hatred for it throbs like an abscess beneath every thread, does that mean that they're doing something right?
                    Originally posted by Kaeko
                    As hard as it may be, don't take this game or your characters too seriously. I promise you - the guys that really own your account don't.


                    • #85
                      Re: Update March 08 Your opinion

                      19 base enspell damage
                      +5 fencer ring
                      +8 enhancing sword


                      32 enspell damage, unless you dont know how to add let me show you like this.

                      8+5 = 13+19 = 32

                      now that resists have been changed i wont flucuate as much i imagine ill either be @ 24 with joy toy and 32 with enhancing sword. Anything else?

                      Oh yes how clumsy of me my secret gear.

                      Eahncing Sword and Fencer ring, thats my secret gear, gives me 13 more damage off the hop then any other RDM who dosent use it. Now lets see what else i have to go into more detail about because people cant look for them selves.

                      Oh how full of myself I am, Maybe I am, but i have earned the right to. I have spent the last 4 years of playing making my RDM as good as it can be in all aspects of the job I have defender ring jelly ring genbushield so when i tank i get all that lovely -DMG%. I have worked my ass off getting gear and knowledge to make my job better. I spent 2 weeks in Ru'Avitau Fighting Dolls/weapons to hone my melee skills. I have straight Tanked Despot/Zip in sky to practice my tanking. I have died an abnormal amount of times working to get where I am so yes I am full of myself because I can be full of myself.

                      Being done with your RDM group merits dosent mean you dont milk it for general merits, as far as I know merits are merits and Im sure I can plug them into what ever general category I want thats available to RDM which is a helluva alot of them.

                      As for Avesta, I hvae yet to see a detailed post anwhere about his Tactics. A video dosent tell you what he was thinking or why he did what he did it just shows you oh he did this when this happened. Im not going to babysit eery little RDM who wants to know how to melee, or tell every player who thinks they cant that they can. Ill give you a Hint I have more than 80% ACC on Gods without ballad, and i already told you about enspells, figure the rest out for yourself.

                      sig courtesy tgm
                      retired -08


                      • #86
                        Re: Update March 08 Your opinion

                        I am not trying to add insult.... but from a tank point of view, if the tank *need* a RDM/THF for hate control, something is .... Orz.
                        Server: Quetzalcoatl
                        Race: Hume Rank 7
                        75 PLD, 75 SAM, 75 WAR, 75 NIN, 75 MNK, 65 BLU


                        • #87
                          Re: Update March 08 Your opinion

                          Well maybe it is. But situations happen and being a versatile job sometimes you have to fill them.

                          Used to be common place having thf's and /thf using sata on a tank but not so much anymore since TP burning and hate bouncing has become all the rage.

                          sig courtesy tgm
                          retired -08


                          • #88
                            Re: Update March 08 Your opinion

                            Well I guess you showed me.
                            The Tao of Ren
                            FFXIV LowRes Benchmark - 5011

                            If we don't like something, collectively, if our hatred for it throbs like an abscess beneath every thread, does that mean that they're doing something right?
                            Originally posted by Kaeko
                            As hard as it may be, don't take this game or your characters too seriously. I promise you - the guys that really own your account don't.


                            • #89
                              Re: Update March 08 Your opinion

                              This on Colibri:

                              RDM AF Joyuese (Cap Sword) Life belt, 2x Woodsman Rings, Wivre Gorget, Amemet Mantle +1, 2x accurate earring + Food
                              I now hit 75-80% and 80% consistently sometimes more with a BRD madrigal
                              And then this:

                              Ill give you a Hint I have more than 80% ACC on Gods without ballad
                              So.... Basically you are saying that Colibri that we merit off of have more evasion than Gods do? And that having greater accuracy on a mob with lower evasion is something to be proud of? And I think you meant Madrigal.

                              To this date i have never been dropped from a party for meleeing on RDM
                              And exactly how many other Rdm were LFG at the time? People will put up with alot of stuff if they think they have to.

                              Fact: if there is no th thf and no one has /thf, rdm/thf is good for hate control in that sense no. Every little bit of hate stacked on a tank is less chance the WHM is going to eat a shot to the face.
                              If hate control like that is an issue then either get a real tank or trust the Whm knows what they are doing.

                              To this date i have never been dropped from a party for meleeing on RDM infact i have been complimented many a time for my suprising ability at it.
                              Most likely they are surprised that you can DD at all considering the levels you have for the subjobs you advocate for DD. Lvl 29 War, 20 Blu, 25 Drk, 27 Nin.

                              Most people I know would consider someone who has 2.6 million+ in melee gear, with DD subs such as those THAT far underleveled and in some cases missing vital abilities/spells because they are underleveled, to be either:

                              A) Gimp and a gil buyer.

                              B) A few feathers short of a chocobo, and quite possibly A.

                              I'll take you seriously when you actually show that you are serious, fully leveled subs would be a good start FYI.

                              You have the right to remain silent, anything you say can and will be misqouted and then used against you.

                              I don't have a big ego, it just has a large mouth.


                              • #90
                                Re: Update March 08 Your opinion

                                If there is a NIN/WAR or PLD in the TP-burn or *melee-based* (modification of TP-burn party) party, a THF or DD/THF is a valid/common among DD/SAM or DD/NIN in those party.

                                THF or DD/THF is not welcome when entire front-line is tying to avoid hate, or the mob die too fast that hate isn't matter (a true TP burn party). However, that kind of party is not the norm, it represent the best case only. Very often the pick-up group is wiped, or the camp is too overcrowded, or party in Traditional Area (when Sanction is gone), or the party just want some exp. and don't care about high chains.
                                Server: Quetzalcoatl
                                Race: Hume Rank 7
                                75 PLD, 75 SAM, 75 WAR, 75 NIN, 75 MNK, 65 BLU

