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HP/MP Ratio

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  • HP/MP Ratio

    I am now RDM 57 and I have been noticing that when I do convert I am having to use Regen more often to off set the deficency in MP that get s converted. Currently my HP/MP is at 986/477. I know the general thing is to buy more gear that gives you MP. Duh But was wondering what if any specifics to do you guys suggest that is absolutely crucial at this point to have.

    Maybe a noob question but I would really like to get my MP to match or come closer to my HP than it is at this point.
    Dahc Ramuh server
    San D'Oria Rank 6
    RDM 68 WHM 38 BLM 22 PLD 35 SAM 15 NIN 15 WAR 10 BST 34 THF 15 MNK 10 SMN 10 DRK 10 DRG 14 BRD 15 PUP 12 COR 10 RNG 10 BLU 19 DNC 20 SCH 15

  • #2
    Re: HP/MP Ratio

    Originally posted by Dahc View Post
    I am now RDM 57 and I have been noticing that when I do convert I am having to use Regen more often to off set the deficency in MP that get s converted. Currently my HP/MP is at 986/477. I know the general thing is to buy more gear that gives you MP. Duh But was wondering what if any specifics to do you guys suggest that is absolutely crucial at this point to have.

    Maybe a noob question but I would really like to get my MP to match or come closer to my HP than it is at this point.
    With an HP/MP ratio like that, I'm guessing that your character is Elvaan?

    To get closer to the 1:1 ratio that all RDMs desire, non-Tarutaru Red Mages are going to want some HP > MP conversion gear. Generally speaking, you can get a bit more MP that way than with just straight MP gear.

    There's inexpensive things like Electrum Rings (20HP>MP) which can give you a quick and easy boost, or you can sink a lot of money into it and get things like Astral Earring or Serket Ring.

    It's pretty hard to get to that 1:1 ideal as an Elvaan until at least the low to mid-70s, when you get access to things like Zenith gear, so don't get overly obsessive about it until at least then (though it IS an easy way to tangibly improve your performance until then).



    • #3
      Re: HP/MP Ratio

      Don't go too crazy with MP gears; remember you'd want stats when casting offensive spells (except maybe for Dia)--but as soon as you swap, the MP from gear in slot is gone.

      I like to run down MP really low, then Convert just before I need to cast Refresh and/or Haste and/or maintenance Curaga (and Reraise, sometimes), so I can be sure all the extra MP from gears I'm likely to swap out soon would be used.

      After dropping a Cure IV on myself, I like to Regen and/or Drain the rest of my HP back slowly, so I tend not to use up a lot of MP to cure myself post-Convert--meaning I don't need huge amount of extra MP from Convert. (It's also a good idea to leave some HP bar open for the PLD in party to fill when they need some extra enmity.)

      Obviously, in more stressful situations, I'd convert earlier to be sure I have the MP to handle emergencies, and not wait for the "most MP efficient time".

      * * *

      One place MP gear really shines for RDM is in Dynamis; it's good to be able to keep tossing out Refresh, Stoneskin, Silence, Bind, Gravity, and Sleep/Sleep II/Sleepga when weakened. x_x; (Unfortuantely, keep casting lot's of Sleep and other spells is a good way to become double weakened.)

      * * *

      Since you're Elvaan (and relatively new), you should build your Convert set around:
      • Magna Gauntlets (MP+24)
      • Magna M Ledelsens (MP+20)
      • Magna M Chausses (MP+12) -> Warlock's Tights
      • Magna Jerkin (MP+30)

      Get those if you haven't already; they're free, and good for 76 MP right there.

      • Electrum Ring (MP+20) x2
      • Electrum Hairpin (MP+25) x1
      • Holy Phial (MP+9)

      Those should be relatively inexpensive, and good for another 74 MP.

      • Qiqirn Sash +1 (MP+14)

      Not quite as cheap, but useful for hMP+3 besides MP.

      • Forest Stone (MP+40)

      If you have the gil... Pretty nice for Elvaan. Probably out of reach.
      Last edited by ItazuraNhomango; 02-26-2008, 07:26 AM.
      Bamboo shadows sweep the stars,
      yet not a mote of dust is stirred;
      Moonlight pierces the depths of the pond,
      leaving no trace in the water.

      - Mugaku


      • #4
        Re: HP/MP Ratio

        Later on you'll upgrade your body piece to this inexpensive guy:

        Blue Cotehardie

        It looks like on Ramuh, Ether Ring, is quite affordable too. I paid 300,000gil for mine.

        I wouldn't necessarily recommend "gambling" for Astral Ring(s), but if you want to:

        Treasure and Tribulations

        The drop rate for Astral is very good and that "battle" is how I ended up with my first two back when Astrals were a mil each. You could also use your seals for a better endeavor and do BCNMs for money and buy the rings. I never actually used Astrals back then, though. I sold them and kept my Electrum Rings.


        Scratch that. I just looked and Astrals (on your server) are only 150k. Very cheap for a nice little ring like an Astral. As an Elvaan, you'll love them as a low-level mage or PLD. Other than that, after 40th level, Electrum ring is much more cost effective.
        Last edited by Sabaron; 02-26-2008, 07:47 AM.


        • #5
          Re: HP/MP Ratio

          Whew , well it does make me fell somewhat better knowing that being elvaan plays a part in my lower MP pool. For a while I though I was doing something wrong. for the most part Ihave the items that IFrit mention minus the electrum haripin and the forest stone. When I get ready to do my convert I make sure my Refresh is up and stone skin , hit my macro, then I follow up with a regen.

          Thanks for the inputs guys.
          Dahc Ramuh server
          San D'Oria Rank 6
          RDM 68 WHM 38 BLM 22 PLD 35 SAM 15 NIN 15 WAR 10 BST 34 THF 15 MNK 10 SMN 10 DRK 10 DRG 14 BRD 15 PUP 12 COR 10 RNG 10 BLU 19 DNC 20 SCH 15

