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Refresh II

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  • Re: Refresh II

    Originally posted by IfritnoItazura View Post
    Next time I go through the jungles and see RDMs getting slept by Dream Flower instead of waking up sleeping people, or become an MP sponge from Bomb Toss because they want to play melee, I'm going to blame you.
    Originally posted by IfritnoItazura View Post
    I'm certainly not going to be swinging a sword at, say, Faust, no matter what gears I have
    Originally posted by MrMageo View Post
    You can melee anytime you feel like it, you can back line anytime you feel like it, hell you can even stand between the mob and the back line with a weapon out if you feel like it. The thing is you need to know how to do it effectivley.
    Clearly that would be an inefective time to meele now wouldnt it.

    Originally posted by IfritnoItazura View Post
    un exercise: build a Lv.65 RDM with full mage and melee gear. From that, create gear sets to effectively enfeeb, buff, MB, and melee. Must have utility items: RR, Echo Drops, Silent Oil, Prism Powder, and one transportation item (e.g. Warp Cudgel). Must have room for food.
    Originally posted by MrMageo View Post
    51-75 will be hard because of the reliance on elemental staves. You can still do it but you will not gain any effective number of TP to sc with. @75 when you begin to merit and unlock RDM's true power you will be able to melee more effectivley solo and in a party.
    I think 65 falls between 51 and 75....

    Originally posted by IfritnoItazura View Post
    RDM players, even the melee-mad ones, should acknowledge there are times when staying in the back really is the best way to help one's party/alliance.

    Originally posted by MrMageo View Post
    There is no set place for a RDM to party from. a good rdm knows how to maximize his/her potential in all aspects of the job including melee.
    which include backline "mage" duties

    Thank You come again

    sig courtesy tgm
    retired -08


    • Re: Refresh II

      Originally posted by MrMageo View Post
      I'd just like to say i love RDM the way it is i can go /blm, /whm, /drk ,/pld, /blu, /nin, /dnc and effectivley change my role in any given instance, while retaining my RDM spell list. A job that can solo EP mobs with out blinking or NM's (just soloed Kruetzet on wednesday using kite/nuke /nin) seems to be working correctly. The sole matter in how RDM is played is in the players hands. If you want to melee there is tons of gear that you can get that will support you SH, WT, Morigans imo is the gravey if you can get it. Personally when i melee in a party colbri or non-colbri i prefer /dnc. I dont have any of the good melee gear yet slowly building towards it have about 20 acc and 30 atk atm. I take /dnc for its slight evaision and acc boosts. As well as its TP based party support, a propper combination of using your rdm and dnc abilities make you a great main heal on the front line. It takes perseverance and dedication, as well as awareness an knowledge to be able to melee as a RDM but it can be done. The numbers will never be as big but proper set ups can have you parsing near to or on par with a nin. Personally without SH atm and a few other treats i hit about 70-75%, 75-80% with food and brd songs.
      /DNC works better when you're a dedicated melee class or class that can focus on getting TP and melee gear. This is difficult for RDM to pull of in EXP PTs because they invited to be a dedicated caster and shouldn't have ANY problems managing MP to start with. Sorry, but if you need to horde away MP as a RDM - instead of learning to manage it to start with - you've pretty much failed as a RDM.

      You openly admit you don't have any of the melee gear to make it effective, too. Additionally, you can't use Sambas and Enspells at the same time. 75% percent hit rate with BRD songs is terrible. You really shouldn't even consider /DNC without a Joyeuse if your hit rate is that low.

      We have the highest enfeebling/enhancing in the game we are party support first and foremost wether its bogging down a mob with enfeebles or buffing members with refresh and haste. it also takes knowledge when to buff these players with these spells for instance if your sam's are pulling hate to much from other melees dont haste them, if the ninja thf is having trouble keeping up hate level for a sata haste them. Our job is situational as are our spells, its not required to spam refresh/haste on every party member knowing what needs it and when is what makes you a good rdm and cuts down on the amount of work you do.
      What are you doing to make sure you get to enfeeble and outlast mobs? You keep mentioning BRDs and CORs throughout your post. BRD and COR turn PTs into wrecking crews, RDMs help PTs outlast mobs - the latter is not happening in ToA camps. What are you doing personally to avoid that issue? Are you actively going to RoZ, CoP and WotG camps? Because unless you're doing Erucas or Trolls, enfeebling pretty much means nothing in ToA camps.

      Also are you suggesting that Haste somehow affects SATA? I'll tell you right now that it does not. No form of Haste has ever affected job abilities.

      The majority of rdm's i know complain about the workload because they spam these spells to everyone, i know because i used to do it, geting 20K/hr while watching a movie and hiting macros was super easy. But i wanted more so i went out and found how i could get more, learning the ins and outs of your job and spells is what makes you a good rdm not keeping a haste/refresh cycle on 6 ppl 3 of which may not need either.
      OK, now I really have to call bullshit. If a RDM, BRD or COR is able to take thier attention away from the screen for a second, they're doing thier jobs wrong. You're saying you're able to all the enfeebling, MP management, Haste/Refresh cycles, melee and watch a movie? You're a ToA RDM, through and through. All you do is cure, that is why you can kick back and watch a movie - you have a BRD doing most of your work.

      As for /DNC if you wish to melee this is the job i recomend, you get status waltz curing waltz, aspir/drain samba, curaga, "dia" steps, evade- step all of which can help your party in a huge way with out the use of MP ill show you what i do and i found this is the most effective way.
      /DNC is a great small party sub for RDM, for a dedicated EXP or merit PT, its a fantastic way to get kicked or replaced by a RDM who will bring a proper subjob. RDM/DNC is completely mixed priorities in terms of gear. If you're hitting below 90% accuracy, you can't make it worthwhile.

      MP > TP this cant be stressed enough MP is by far more important than TP if you are low on MP step back and rest or convert.
      First this.

      BRD songs, do not bother getting ballad acc and haste songs are much more important to you
      Then this.

      If MP is more important than TP, then why not just sub /WHM and be done with it? No BRD on earth is going to sit there and tolerate you meleeing on the frontline when you can be getting 3 more MP a tick. Be an asset to your PT, not an ass.

      Joyeuse or a fast dagger is the best choice
      Fast daggers can sometimes hit for 0s. Joyeuse would be a better choice.

      You are not a backline mage keep your staves in your pocket
      Wha? Staves are one of the biggest tools in a RDM's arsenal.

      This is the way i merit now, i refused to level whm high enough to get erase for the reason of not being a backline bitch. Instead i now have a frontline erase. Again this job combo is not for everyone it is alot of work and timing knowing when to use MP and not TP. It also dosent hurt to make some SAM friends to help build your TP.
      Mark of a bad player - denying subjobs as an excuse not to do something. I've levelled WHM subs twice in my career, I bring them to the situations that call for them. The person who denys WHM's utility is a fool. /DNC did not replace /WHM as a subjob, /DNC is an alternative and a very viable one for melee-focused classes.

      If your interested in the amount of xp/hr i get, well its not too bad between 15-20K usually depending on the DD setup and if its a BRD or COR.
      Bard and Corsair. They're carrying you, hell, the whole PT is. Don't think for a second that its otherwise.

      Back on topic now the only thing SE needs to do spell wise is give us teir 2 enspells that hit for 30-40 damage and endark and enlight. Now being greedy i wouldnt mind having en-drain/en-aspir or en-(TP) Drain and maybe the ability to strap elestaves to the range slot (all jobs of course) come on everyone wants
      something new.
      The day you get 30-40 enspell damage is the day RNGs write SE and demand Holy bolts be free and 12 quivers be left by the MHMU weekly. I pay for that kind of proc effect regularly, if you think you should get that kind of power without very high MP cost or some other trade off, you'd better think again.

      DNC has the En-Drain and En-Aspir effects, if you want that, sub that. Oh, you do. How are those merits coming along for your RDM? Do they invite you because its awesome or they're just desparate. It was the latte

      Also, putting staves in the range slots is stepping on the toes of other jobs. Mages are not the only ones that use staves. CORs and RNG make use of them quite often as well. Light Staff to further my Holy Bolt effects, other Staves for my COR's Quick Draws. PLDs use them for Tanking at times and NIN use them for Kiting.

      You don't seem to know much about RDM and even less about the other jobs you work with.
      Last edited by Omgwtfbbqkitten; 03-03-2008, 08:07 AM.


      • Re: Refresh II

        Originally posted by IfritnoItazura View Post
        Seriously, melee only when it makes sense (and when one has an effective setup for it), not because one has an itch to stab something.
        Basically, this is my complaint -- as things exist now, it almost never does make sense. Should it always make sense? No; RDM isn't and shouldn't be BLU. I feel it should, however, make sense more often than it does. Otherwise, why did SE give us swords, daggers, and Enspells at all?

        I don't care if it's "melee for five seconds at the start of the battle" -- just give us enough reason to melee for it to come up more than once a year.
        Originally posted by Murphie View Post
        See, I worry that for a Job Trait that is a bit (and by "a bit" I mean "way") too powerful. Unless jobs that subbed it could also benefit (NIN/RDM, BLU/RDM, PLD/RDM?)
        Subbable was indeed the idea. I'd love to see DRK/RDMs who actually cast spells, BLU/RDMs who use subbed Enspells and their longer-casting main job spells, PLD/RDM taking wings, and so on. -- Pteryx
        Last edited by Pteryx; 03-03-2008, 07:53 AM. Reason: Automerged Doublepost


        • Re: Refresh II

          Otherwise, why did SE give us swords, daggers, and Enspells at all?
          Because the whole game isn't EXP and merits. Look I would like it to make more sense for some things, missions and whatnot, but for EXP and merits it never will.

          RDM is not a job that is all things all the time.
          I use a Mac because I'm just better than you are.

          HTTP Error 418 - I'm A Teapot - The resulting entity body MAY be short and stout.



          • Re: Refresh II

            Basically, this is my complaint -- as things exist now, it almost never does make sense. Should it always make sense? No; RDM isn't and shouldn't be BLU. I feel it should, however, make sense more often than it does. Otherwise, why did SE give us swords, daggers, and Enspells at all?

            I don't care if it's "melee for five seconds at the start of the battle" -- just give us enough reason to melee for it to come up more than once a year.
            Well see, you give me that arguement and all I come away with is start/join a small exp party.

            The party dynamics are completely different when you go for the smaller party, and heck, some form of tank, drg/mage, rdm/whatever, and melee to your heart's content. Go pld, drg, rdm and laugh at the pitiful mobs as they try to overcome the awesomeness of paladin defense + healing breath.

            I'm gonna point out that currently, I believe the max enspell damage that can be done is about +25 damage/hit, not counting +enspell damage gear like the Buzzard Tuck/Elemental sword. Toss that in with a Joyeuse, maybe a ninja subjob, and haste, and that's alot of added damage to your basic sword damage. Main hand a +enspell damage sword and off hand something like the Mercurial Kris/Joyeuse if you want to add another boost to your enspell damage.

            With my own experiences as Rdm (lvl 46) I would have to say that in most exp party situations there is no reason whatsoever for the Rdm to melee.

            My reasons are basically this. If you want to melee, you will need to gear for it, regardless of weapon rank (I have an A+ rank in my weapon, I still need +acc gear) This melee gear will come at the cost of your mage gear. The melee food that you WILL need to eat if you want to melee (after all, what do we call a melee who doesn't eat food?) is going to interefere with your mage food (no cookies or int/mnk+ food for you) making party downtime longer. You will be in the path of AoEs now, creating yet another person to heal/poisona/esuna/whatever. This is especially true for say Spiders, because after all doesn't slow increase a spell's reuse timer and casting time? Been awhile since I last looked into that kind of thing, so I don't quite remember.

            You want to compete with the Blm damage? Then go rdm/blm (some other sub like Sch might be better nowadays) and gear up for it. I geared my rdm as a blm, and I put out damage comparable to a Blm's. My tier I nukes tended to be at most 20 damage behind a Blm's nuke, tier II nukes tended to be 30-50 damage behind what the Blm in my parties could do. Although I will say I got resisted a bit more often than a Blm would, but once you toss on Burn thanks to that Blm sub, you will see a great decrease in the amount of resists you get. Abs Int can also greatly help with the resist rate. Drain is one of the top notch mp/damage spell out there.

            Right now Rdm has no business fighting on the front lines with a party of 6 facing a VT-IT mob in a standard party setup. Either melee in small parties, or stick to the backlines in big parties.

            2. Make meleeing viable (DEX:Accuracy ratio improvement for 1-Handed weapons, for example)
            You have obviously never leveled a Gaxe warrior, Drk or Drg prior to the 2 handed update, or Sam prior to the Soboro craze. We don't need to add yet another rock on the lolaxewar>all heap.

            If your highest job is only lvl 30 something Rdm, and correct me if I am wrong, you really have not experienced the party dynamics higher up. You are still in the range of most anything can work in a party, and before the major need to specilize your gear and playing style.

            And yes, I have meleed as rdm in parties (some have specifically asked me to) in many situations. I have seen, both good and bad rdm, melee on the frontlines. I am fairly comfortable with saying that Rdm are better for the backline than the front. And that there is nothing wrong with this. Rdm is NOT a physical DD like Blu or other DD are. Rdm is a mix of black and white mage given sword skills, that is all it is.


            Also, if you are only in your 30s, you have not experienced all of the gear that becomes available higher up that enhances your enspell damage, or the usefullness of the elemental staffs, which effectively kill any melee ability that Rdm might have had, and greatly boost your magic potency.

            Seriously, the staffs are so good for what they do that I would be more than happy to kick from my party any whm, smn, brd, blm, sch or rdm who did not have the elemental staffs that they needed for their jobs (within reason)

            That to me, is the equivilant of a Whm not have Erase by lvl 50 (especially nowadays) Or cure III, or some piece of needed equipment, or a melee fighting naked, or a monk fighting with no weapons since after all a monk deals H2H damage and has no need of weapons.
            Last edited by Vyuru; 03-03-2008, 09:30 AM.

            You have the right to remain silent, anything you say can and will be misqouted and then used against you.

            I don't have a big ego, it just has a large mouth.


            • Re: Refresh II

              People really do need to look into the small PTs, it gets you a lot of what you want with less hassle. You can go do camps you wouldn't normally do otherwise, not terribly unlike how a soloist would approach EXP.

              I did a PLD/DNC, THF/NIN, DNC/NIN Trio in Riverne Site #A01 the other day. Went pretty well, we were even able to take down some VT Firedrakes up there and chained Hippos and Vultures really, really well.

              Could RDM melee in such a trio situation? Absolutely. That zone might pose problems, but its by no means the only zone that's an option.


              • Re: Refresh II

                Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten View Post
                People really do need to look into the small PTs, it gets you a lot of what you want with less hassle. You can go do camps you wouldn't normally do otherwise, not terribly unlike how a soloist would approach EXP.
                And this is also one of the situations where a little RDM melee boost would be very handy. In 6 man EXP/merit, RDM should put that sword away.
                I use a Mac because I'm just better than you are.

                HTTP Error 418 - I'm A Teapot - The resulting entity body MAY be short and stout.



                • Re: Refresh II

                  Thanks for your inaccurate rebutle for my post bbq. How ever i can tell right away you have absolutley no idea what being rdm/dnc is all about. Search some of my other posts i have been back and forth several times. The points i have given imply to rdm/dnc where you will not be on the back line. Being a RDM/DNC means knowing when to use MP, and when to use TP like i descibed. By no means should you allow your support job to become your main focus as you implied. Brd is a nice job to have in a party but not always there, and you know what 12k-15k xp/hr isnt bad either IMO. i generaly hover around 200-250 TP while im waiting on MP to refresh.

                  Yes i do have time to watch movies, a properly setup colbri party is dreadfully boring and simple, often times not even needing to cure at, casting dia on the mob (or slow/para now i can erase it /dnc). I dont beleive i mentioned in my entire post not to slack on your other duties, did i, no. BBQ i imagine you merit rdm/whm (if you have a 75 rdm at all lots of talk but always stories about other jobs) which is fine if you like that sort of thing, i personally dont. I can manage a party just fine if not better than sitting on the backline, why because i hate the backline and find my self warping out after a short time. I offered this as an alternative play style that i have found works just as well if not better then /whm believe it or not it is a fact.

                  The community is all hush hush about things like this and wants to derail anything so they can have their precious cure bot sit /whm on a backline somewhere didling themselves from boredom. I dont see why any RDM would defunct another way to play his charecter (again assuming you are a RDM) we are the king of support jobs and this one is the most situation friendly for a melee rdm. I'm sorry but i grow tired of your cookie cutter BS "Its tried and true" just dosent cut it anymore So thank you very much but sit back and enjoy the ride, because one way or another people will find a way to get rid of your precious rdm/whm cure bot.

                  sig courtesy tgm
                  retired -08


                  • Re: Refresh II

                    Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten View Post
                    Um... what?
                    I'm not one of those begging to swing a sword in exp parties. But I do want them to shut up and preferably to do so because they are satisfied.

                    It's been said that RDM melee dot is "piss" but that their support and healing spells are valuable. It would overpower the Job if their melee was brought up to par with their spell casting. It would suck for all the other RDM if their spellcasting was nerfed for a silly melee buff. But it's not gonna overpower RDM to "piss" while casting. They get to swing their butter knives and toothpicks and that's what so many of them have asked for. Would it overpower them solo? Too late for that.

                    Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten View Post
                    So what are these "many" abilities that are on the "wrong" job? Humor me.
                    Since the previous example was PLD, and apparently only parties matter, let's stick with that for a moment.

                    In a exp party setting, Blaze Spikes, Ice Spikes, Shock Spikes, Drain, Aquaveil, Phalanx, Enspell, Auto-Regen, and Magic Defense Bonus would be more effective on a PLD than on any of the back line members. Perhaps Fast Cast too, since they have to cast between enemy swings and their DoT is precious? You can go through all the other jobs and pick abilities that, in an exp party, would be better on a PLD. But that's good enough for an example.

                    As many abilities were handed out thematically as were handed out practically. Or more. PLD only have light type magic and are a "holy" class, so it doesn't make sense for them to have elemental spells like the spikes or fell magic like Drain. Auto-Regen and MDB are classic WHM abilities, and Fast Cast may be this game's equivalent of Doublecast, a classic RDM ability. But they go to waste a lot... in exp parties.
                    Originally posted by Saphiera View Post
                    Give SCH refresh and its a deal
                    If that ever happens I should be preemptively suspended as I wouldn't be able to hold back the image macros.
                    Last edited by Coinspinner; 03-03-2008, 01:06 PM. Reason: Automerged Doublepost


                    • Re: Refresh II

                      Originally posted by MrMageo View Post
                      Clearly that would be an inefective time to meele now wouldnt it.
                      Yeah, but you wrote
                      Originally posted by MrMageo View Post
                      You can melee anytime you feel like it, you can back line anytime you feel like it, hell you can even stand between the mob and the back line with a weapon out if you feel like it. The thing is you need to know how to do it effectivley.
                      "Anytime" is a statement about when (it's OK to melee), and the qualification you placed is knowledge on how. It's not my fault you weren't clear; my quibble is strictly about the "when".

                      Originally posted by MrMageo View Post
                      I think 65 falls between 51 and 75....
                      The "fun exercise" part wasn't direct at you in particular; that's why I had the "* * *" separator.

                      You like to take things personally and insult people a tad to much.

                      There, my first real personal criticism for you in this thread--now you can justify your style of response for me.
                      Last edited by ItazuraNhomango; 03-03-2008, 01:26 PM.
                      Bamboo shadows sweep the stars,
                      yet not a mote of dust is stirred;
                      Moonlight pierces the depths of the pond,
                      leaving no trace in the water.

                      - Mugaku


                      • Re: Refresh II

                        Originally posted by MrMageo View Post
                        Thanks for your inaccurate rebutle for my post bbq.
                        Point out said innaccuracies.

                        BBQ i imagine you merit rdm/whm (if you have a 75 rdm at all lots of talk but always stories about other jobs) which is fine if you like that sort of thing, i personally dont. I can manage a party just fine if not better than sitting on the backline, why because i hate the backline and find my self warping out after a short time.

                        I offered this as an alternative play style that i have found works just as well if not better then /whm believe it or not it is a fact.
                        How can you say that when you refuse to level /WHM?

                        Its not a fact, RDM/DNC requires melee gear to be effective, this comes at the cost of MP/INT/MND gear and staves. If we were talking about a small party setting, I wouldn't disagree with RDM/DNC, but in EXP/Merits settings, you're confusing your priorities and need to decide what those priorities are if you really want to be effective.

                        My RDM is 65 and is most likely staying there unless I get enough compatible gear from levelling SCH gathered around. I hardly ever used /WHM back when I did level it, but I had it ready, I didn't refuse its utility. /BLM was just more accepted at the time because I levelled it in the RoZ/CoP era - back when RDMs were too busy enfeebling/hasting/refreshing and magic bursting to care about meleeing.

                        I can back up my arguments on RDM because I'm also a 75 BRD an 75 COR and they are your support class counterparts. I could sit here and cry about being "forced" to pull or sub /mage at endgame but fact is, I don't. I accept it.

                        You're a prime example of why I say Refresh is an abused ability. You think you can just waltz into any PT and play how you like just because you have Refresh. You think your PTs like it just because you're still in the PT. Don't be surprised if one day you encounter someone just a little less tolerant who replaces you with a RDM/WHM. Its rude and obnoxious to force your desires on a PT at the expense of good EXP per hour.

                        The community is all hush hush about things like this and wants to derail anything so they can have their precious cure bot sit /whm on a backline somewhere didling themselves from boredom.
                        We want RDMs to hush because they never shut up about wanting to melee. Even other RDMs prefer the melee RDMs to hush. Those RDMs grew up, accepted that the community will only accept them if they perform certain roles. Not all of them have given up on melee opportunites, they just found other places to do it.

                        I dont see why any RDM would defunct another way to play his charecter (again assuming you are a RDM) we are the king of support jobs and this one is the most situation friendly for a melee rdm. I'm sorry but i grow tired of your cookie cutter BS "Its tried and true" just dosent cut it anymore So thank you very much but sit back and enjoy the ride, because one way or another people will find a way to get rid of your precious rdm/whm cure bot.
                        RDM is not the king of support jobs, BRD and COR are as desireable to a merit or EXP PT as RDM is, if not moreso. If it just boiled down to you being a healer with a sword, we probably wouldn't invite you at all, there are other reasons.
                        Last edited by Omgwtfbbqkitten; 03-03-2008, 02:13 PM.


                        • Re: Refresh II

                          The community is all hush hush about things like this
                          We tend to be hush hush about things like melee rdm and drg/nin for a reason.

                          RDM is not the king of support jobs, BRD and COR are as desireable to a merit or EXP PT as RDM is, if not moreso. If it just boiled down to you being a healer with a sword, we probably wouldn't invite you at all, there are other reasons.
                          In all honesty if I could ever get a brd and a cor in one party I would most likely get a whm hands down over rdm.

                          You have the right to remain silent, anything you say can and will be misqouted and then used against you.

                          I don't have a big ego, it just has a large mouth.


                          • Re: Refresh II

                            Anyone else sit here thinking that, just maybe, SE is doing the update to RDM with the ulterior motive of "Maybe this will get them to shut up?"


                            • Re: Refresh II

                              Originally posted by Vyuru View Post
                              In all honesty if I could ever get a brd and a cor in one party I would most likely get a whm hands down over rdm
                              As would anyone i am sure regen 3 is king, and cure 5 aint bad either

                              Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten View Post
                              My RDM is 65
                              Ok so you are a 65 RDM what merit do you have to tell me or talk to me about what RDM can and can not do in merit parties or other certain endgame instances.
                              You are exactly the kind of person i dislike, you pigeon hole from the other jobs.
                              You sit back and say i saw RDM so and so do this and the other players say the same thing. Until you level the Job and go /dnc you have absolutely no insight to this conversation, except age old rhetoric that it cant work. Moving on.

                              Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten View Post
                              We want RDMs to hush because they never shut up about wanting to melee. Even other RDMs prefer the melee RDMs to hush. Those RDMs grew up, accepted that the community will only accept them if they perform certain roles. Not all of them have given up on melee opportunites, they just found other places to do it.
                              Im not fan boying for RDM melee what so ever i agree that most should shut up, especially ones that have yet to find a means to still be effective hence /dnc. I sub BLM more often then not because of all the bonuses it has to offer, i backline and frontline because a good RDM can do both. Just because you backline through imp parties dosent mean its backline all the time. I also backlined thorugh imp parties. But i have grown up as you say, and dont limit myself to just the backline.

                              Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten View Post
                              You're a prime example of why I say Refresh is an abused ability. You think you can just waltz into any PT and play how you like just because you have Refresh. You think your PTs like it just because you're still in the PT. Don't be surprised if one day you encounter someone just a little less tolerant who replaces you with a RDM/WHM. Its rude and obnoxious to force your desires on a PT at the expense of good EXP per hour.
                              Again your lack of knowledge shows itself. In meripo you are not invited for refresh, what good is refresh to 4DD jobs and a BRD/COR or 5th DD, none, absolutley nothing. The only time i refresh is myself. We are invited for haste and our ability to convert , again i say level it to 75 and check for yourself. The entire reason RDM is prefered meripo healer is MP conservation, as /dnc i never need to convert and never fall below 50% MP. Everyone has haste and everyone stays alive, so tellme im doign my job wrong. Tell me im hurting the exp/hr because you are wrong. A RDM who has to take a knee to meet convert recast is hurting xp an hour. You do know RDM uses one of the most effective TP generating endgame weapons?, you do know that said weapon opens a light skill chain which a heavy DD can close for way more damge?, this alone increases XP an hour by killing lets say every 5th or 6th mob in 30's instead of 45's.

                              With BRD in party as RDM/DNC we get 15-20K
                              with 5x DD we get 12-15K

                              thats on par or better than parties with a RDM/WHM so no i dont think i kill XP/HR again nice try

                              Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten View Post
                              Its not a fact, RDM/DNC requires melee gear to be effective, this comes at the cost of MP/INT/MND gear and staves. If we were talking about a small party setting, I wouldn't disagree with RDM/DNC, but in EXP/Merits settings, you're confusing your priorities and need to decide what those priorities are if you really want to be effective
                              Hmm my priorities as a RDM in a meripo are haste/cure, sleep links, all of which i an easily do with less MND/INT/MP gear. You ride to hard on the fact of Mage gear only. Fact is we have some pretty nice melee gear that is often over looked that also adds MP, warlock set, personally as RDM/DNC i have yet to get anything better, maybe an SH but thats about it, there are enou back/neck/earring/ring/waist acc that add acc you dont need to go gear nuts on your most important equipment.

                              Again i say level yor RDM and play in a meripo, you dont understand, because you havent done it, you only know what you have read, and what other people think it is. I have played it i know it and i excell at it, as RDM/BLM,or RDM/DNC, or RDM/NIN for that matter. I know how to play my job and i play it well, i know when to put my sword away as well as take it out. I know when and when i dont need ele staves , i know when MND/INT/MP gear is more important than + ACC/ATK. I also know how to work as a melee mage doing both sides of the job at once. So to say i must be inefecve and a PT killer is BS, I know my priorites and achieve them, you however do not know meripo priorities clearly and there for dont.

                              Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten View Post
                              RDM is not the king of support jobs, BRD and COR are as desireable to a merit or EXP PT as RDM is, if not moreso. If it just boiled down to you being a healer with a sword, we probably wouldn't invite you at all, there are other reasons.
                              correction, BRD or COR are the prefered support jobs at endgame, as RDM is the prefered healer. I dont know about you but i find it incredibly easy to cast cure witha sword in my hand. Have you every tried it?

                              /ma "Cure III/IV" <p2,p3,p4,p5,p6>
                              /ma "Refresh" <me>
                              /ma "Haste" <p1-6>

                              crazy eh pretty easy little macro that save you looking through spell lists or even targeting people.

                              works with any thing really

                              /ja "Curing Waltz II" <p1-6>
                              /ja "Healing Waltz" <p1-6

                              wow imagine that i dont even need to move off the macro buttons, just like when i was a backline rdm weird. The only diference instead of standing there watching grass grow i am swinging a sword and contributing to the overall dmage by the party, but omg thats a bad thing.

                              Also the DNC steps are bassed of ACC so if you can hit the mob then they will hit. So now we have a dia, eva- that wont be cast back on you or a member requiring aditional MP to cure it.

                              All im trying to say is if you want to melee so bad there are ways you can do it without hindering the party. But everytime someone post something involving RDM and a sword it is instantly flamed and told its wrong. I garuntee i can support a meripo as well as if not better then a rdm/whm. Ultimitley i am not try to replace WHM im trying to let people know if they want to swing a sword there is an effective means to it through /DNC. Just because you have given up RDM dosent me others arent interested in how well it works. So by burning through 2 pages of flames with you that information is now buried under useless statements from you. If anyone is slightly interested in what it takes to be a RDM/DNC PM me or go back and read my brief out line, im done discussing things on here that work just fine only to have a LVL 65 RDM (quitter) tell me i dont know what im talking about.

                              Seriously BBQ you are he one who needs to grow up, not RDM's who post FACTS about a way to BETTER our jobs, this isnt an excuse to melee this is a PARTY SUPPORT role, a front line rdm/whm. Now get yourself to 75 so you can acctually practice the shit you think you know.
                              Last edited by MrMageo; 03-03-2008, 03:30 PM.

                              sig courtesy tgm
                              retired -08


                              • Re: Refresh II

                                I'm all for anything except boosts to enspells.

                                Sorry but I personally view their existence as a kick in the teeth/insult to my (other) favorite FF job. I know I should probably be happy that they took my favorite ability ever and gave it to one my most beloved classes (RDM. Always played RDM in every FF I can except XI oddly enough) but I just can't support it.

                                I really do think magic accuracy is the way to go. Give RDM the ability to boost the accuracy (but now power, thus not negating the usefulness of staves) of their spells without sacrificing frontline potential.

                                >.> oh and for the record my RDM is 42 on my Taru.

                                "BLAH BLAH BLAH TIDAL WAVE!!!"

