I saw something posted in that "wish list" thread for job adjustments, but instead of derailing the whole topic I decided to post a new thread for you people to discuss in.
At first I was going to respond to this with, "Why does Red Mage get Refresh at all? Just give it to White Mage." But by then I had already realized the answer. SE intended for Red Mage to be a fighter mage. How are you suppose to get your MP back if you're up on the front line? And that is why Red Mage was given Refresh. However, because it can be used on every party member, people have abused this. SE made a mistake and instead of Red Mage more easily being able to participate in melee, they are forced to stand in the back row and cure. And now, ladies and gentlemen, I may have found a solution to this.
Make it so Refresh works the same way Warp does. Refresh becomes self casting only while Refresh II can be used on any party member. Refresh is given to both RDM and WHM, but only WHM gets Refresh II. This will allow SE's intended goal to still be achieved, but not without hindering RDMs to the point where they are forbidden from the front line. This also gives WHM a boost, as people have argued that they can't sustain themselves as well as a RDM can making them less favorable. This would basically push WHM to fill in the role that RDM has been and more freely open up RDM's options, possibly allowing them to return to the front line.
Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten
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Make it so Refresh works the same way Warp does. Refresh becomes self casting only while Refresh II can be used on any party member. Refresh is given to both RDM and WHM, but only WHM gets Refresh II. This will allow SE's intended goal to still be achieved, but not without hindering RDMs to the point where they are forbidden from the front line. This also gives WHM a boost, as people have argued that they can't sustain themselves as well as a RDM can making them less favorable. This would basically push WHM to fill in the role that RDM has been and more freely open up RDM's options, possibly allowing them to return to the front line.