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RDM Earrings need some input

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  • RDM Earrings need some input

    Ok so I have finally gotten my Gear up to par in my opinion except for my Earrings. Besides the obvious antivenom and Insomnia earrings, what are some of the better earrings to get at lvl 55. I have my eye on the Enfeebling erring from the DEM ENM fight but have yet to get a pty willing to do this fight. With gil being scarce Iam more partial to finding items I can quest, NM fight or conquest point for them.

    Any suggestions?
    Dahc Ramuh server
    San D'Oria Rank 6
    RDM 68 WHM 38 BLM 22 PLD 35 SAM 15 NIN 15 WAR 10 BST 34 THF 15 MNK 10 SMN 10 DRK 10 DRG 14 BRD 15 PUP 12 COR 10 RNG 10 BLU 19 DNC 20 SCH 15

  • #2
    Re: RDM Earrings need some input

    If you camp Morion Worm (poppable every 15 minutes to a random ???) in Korroloka you can get a chance for the Morion Tanthlum (spelling) to drop. Find a goldsmither OR sell it on Auction House and use the money to buy a pair of Morion Earrings. Since you got the enfeebling earring already, if you buy a pair you can nuke in those and swap it out for enfeebling earring for enfeebles.

    Also, camp that Goblin in the Labyrinth of Onzozo for the Moldavite Earring (Magic Attack Bonus +5).
    Soloed to 75

    [DRG | BST | PLD | NIN | RDM | THF | DRK | WHM | SAM]

    all done via BST sub where applicable (no DRG/BST!)
    .:|The Prototype BST|:.
    Xtreme Precision Soloing [XPS]


    • #3
      Re: RDM Earrings need some input

      This post envokes another Q I have. What is with the Morion Thalium. I see alot of RDM on Ramuh with them but never really took the time to see what it is good for.

      On the NMs Iwill definately be making my way to those to pick up on the earrings TY
      Dahc Ramuh server
      San D'Oria Rank 6
      RDM 68 WHM 38 BLM 22 PLD 35 SAM 15 NIN 15 WAR 10 BST 34 THF 15 MNK 10 SMN 10 DRK 10 DRG 14 BRD 15 PUP 12 COR 10 RNG 10 BLU 19 DNC 20 SCH 15


      • #4
        Re: RDM Earrings need some input

        Morion Tathlum just gives a small INT and MP boost. That's all there is to it. What have you been using in your ammo slot all this time?


        • #5
          Re: RDM Earrings need some input

          Morion Tathlum - FFXIclopedia - a Wikia Gaming wiki

          An ammo item. You can try for 2 and have one crafted/sold.
          Soloed to 75

          [DRG | BST | PLD | NIN | RDM | THF | DRK | WHM | SAM]

          all done via BST sub where applicable (no DRG/BST!)
          .:|The Prototype BST|:.
          Xtreme Precision Soloing [XPS]


          • #6
            Re: RDM Earrings need some input

            For most of the time I have Silver arrows which I make and a bow. I rarely ever get to use the RA in those random instances I pull for some god aweful reason. I am usually always back line so my RA has fallen by the wayside
            Dahc Ramuh server
            San D'Oria Rank 6
            RDM 68 WHM 38 BLM 22 PLD 35 SAM 15 NIN 15 WAR 10 BST 34 THF 15 MNK 10 SMN 10 DRK 10 DRG 14 BRD 15 PUP 12 COR 10 RNG 10 BLU 19 DNC 20 SCH 15


            • #7
              Re: RDM Earrings need some input

              As a back line job (now), you should focus your gear on boosting your spell casting. Arrows aren't going to do that.

              Also, and this isn't an attempt to be mean, but merely a bit of advice. You can just roll all of your questions up into one thread and ask new ones there as they occur to you.


              • #8
                Re: RDM Earrings need some input

                I appreciate the post. I will keep that in mind from now on and roll all my Qs into one thread.

                For the Ammo slot what would you suggest so as to maximize my MP or MND
                Dahc Ramuh server
                San D'Oria Rank 6
                RDM 68 WHM 38 BLM 22 PLD 35 SAM 15 NIN 15 WAR 10 BST 34 THF 15 MNK 10 SMN 10 DRK 10 DRG 14 BRD 15 PUP 12 COR 10 RNG 10 BLU 19 DNC 20 SCH 15


                • #9
                  Re: RDM Earrings need some input

                  Well, it always helps to browse the AH to see what is available for that slot, but at your level, a Morion Tathlum (or Phantom Tathlum if you're of the right level) is a good idea. For boosting MND there is Holy Ampulla if I'm not mistaken.


                  • #10
                    Re: RDM Earrings need some input

                    Holy Ampulla is whm only, it felt oddly weird not being able to equip it on smn and sch.
                    Signature courtesy of Selphiie the Enchantress


                    • #11
                      Re: RDM Earrings need some input

                      It's somewhat embarrassing, but I'm still using the same four earrings I was using at Lv.50:
                      - Moldavite Earring (for nuking only)
                      - Antivenom Earring (full time)
                      - Insomnia Earring (macro'ed in on Convert, in case Moldavite Earring is still in slot)
                      - Reraise Earring (Obvious only for use before special fights, unless RR gets dispelled.)

                      Obviously I think those are fine choices for a RDM (can leave Reraise Earring in Mog House most of the time), but I am biased. (Would love to get an Enfeebling Earring one day, but that's a million-Gil item.)

                      Ammo wise, it's fairly reasonable to go from Morion Tathlum, then to Phantom Tathlum (Lv.66). This is a good time to start saving for your Lv.64/65 neck piece as well; you'll want a Spider Torque (or an Enfeebling Torque if you're rich).

                      * * *

                      Originally posted by Dahc View Post
                      I have my eye on the Enfeebling erring from the DEM ENM fight but have yet to get a pty willing to do this fight. With gil being scarce Iam more partial to finding items I can quest, NM fight or conquest point for them.

                      Any suggestions?
                      Um, yeah. Don't ask people to do this ENM with you, only you get to take the ultra expensive item if it drops.

                      The drop rate is fairly low, too, so it's not too practical to keep repeating it until everyone gets an Enfeebling Earring. If you do set up this ENM, sell and split the profit--if there's anything to sell.
                      Bamboo shadows sweep the stars,
                      yet not a mote of dust is stirred;
                      Moonlight pierces the depths of the pond,
                      leaving no trace in the water.

                      - Mugaku


                      • #12
                        Re: RDM Earrings need some input

                        Originally posted by Saren View Post
                        Holy Ampulla is whm only, it felt oddly weird not being able to equip it on smn and sch.
                        Sorry, I am rusty. I should have known that.


                        • #13
                          Re: RDM Earrings need some input

                          Geist Earring
                          Cunning Earring
                          I use a Mac because I'm just better than you are.

                          HTTP Error 418 - I'm A Teapot - The resulting entity body MAY be short and stout.



                          • #14
                            Re: RDM Earrings need some input

                            I'm surprised you all are forgetting about the most important (and expensive) earring for RDM: Enfeebling Earring.

                            I would only get this if you can afford it though... It has a hefty price tag on it. Don't ENM it. <.>
                            ~~~BLM SAM RNG NIN PLD~~~


                            • #15
                              Re: RDM Earrings need some input

                              No one forgot it, it was mentioned several times. Most notably in the OP itself.
                              I use a Mac because I'm just better than you are.

                              HTTP Error 418 - I'm A Teapot - The resulting entity body MAY be short and stout.


