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Random Qs for you older RDMs

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  • #16
    Re: Random Qs for you older RDMs

    I just don't like epee type weapons. But I suppose it's a perfectly fine choice.


    • #17
      Re: Random Qs for you older RDMs

      Ya, I never liked Epee's either, but the Mensur Epee is too nice to pass up.
      I use a Mac because I'm just better than you are.

      HTTP Error 418 - I'm A Teapot - The resulting entity body MAY be short and stout.



      • #18
        Re: Random Qs for you older RDMs

        Originally posted by Dahc View Post
        Well here it is now Feb and I finally got to lvl 55. I am wearing some of my AF armor and Ifinally got my Hat today. WOO HOO. All I am lacking is the Tabard. So I find myself in a great ToAU prt today where as once again I am main healer, Which I don't mind one bit as long as peple don't complain of not getting dispel sometimes. Well anyway We had an awesome pty. went from 4 exp into lvl 55 to 9500 exp in less than like 4 hours which to me I found good. I was able to keep refresh, haste, enfeebles and found time to MB a few times. To me an overall sucessful day for me. Anyways during to course of the day I got to thinking of a few Questions I was asking myself as to if there was anything that would make this job better.
        9500 XP in four hours is good? Please tell me you at least made it to level 56 and are 9500 XP in. Please? Otherwise, <2500 XP in an hour while partied is abysmal, at any level.

        Where is the EnLight and EnDark spells? Wouldn't these be great to have?

        Where are the other Spike spells? Ice , Fire and Shock spells are cool but what about the rest of the elemental spikes??

        Now I am not sure about this one cause on one side I am greatful for this spell but on the other side I find it doesn't last long enough. Maybe it is what equip I have that causes it to not last as long. I am talking of Stoneskin. I love this spell and always keep it up on me. I just feel that the duration of the buff could be better, Possibly a 2nd teir of this would be sweet . Is there a 2nd teir merit of this??

        Anyway, I love playing RDM, and IMO I am quite comfortable with the RDM/WHM role. Yes I have been playing this game for a while (Since 2004) but still in all I find it a fun and fillling role. Maybe you guys may think of me as a noob or bad RDM , but I like playing this role. My only thing is that cause of the combo I find myself helping alot of lower level ppl more often than actual lvling. Which in turn I don't mind, but one thing I never do and I totaly dispise is PLing. I never PL. When I help someone it is either I switch jobs to the lvl they are at or I am doing something for them that needs a higher lvl job. But anyways what is your take on these Qs.
        RDM is already on the cusp of "almost too good".

        You wouldn't really want any of these things to be added, because Square-Enix would undoubtedly take something else away from RDM to compensate.

        Incidentally, to make your Stoneskin last longer, you can use damage-reduction gear like a decent shield (Genbu espeically), Jelly Ring, Cheviot/Umbra Cape as well as the spell Phalanx.



        • #19
          Re: Random Qs for you older RDMs

          Sorry for the confusion on the lvl yes I got from lvl 55 with 4 exp into lvl 56 9600. we where chaining like crazy. SC and MB were flying. IT was a nice setup we had. We where fighitng lesser colibri that day and pretty much everyone used their Empress band.
          Dahc Ramuh server
          San D'Oria Rank 6
          RDM 68 WHM 38 BLM 22 PLD 35 SAM 15 NIN 15 WAR 10 BST 34 THF 15 MNK 10 SMN 10 DRK 10 DRG 14 BRD 15 PUP 12 COR 10 RNG 10 BLU 19 DNC 20 SCH 15


          • #20
            Re: Random Qs for you older RDMs

            The RG Fleuret is great if you choose to melee colibri, since it does piercing damage. Otherwise yeah, in most cases, I'd probably use the WW Anelace.


            • #21
              Re: Random Qs for you older RDMs

              If your curious about RDM melee id suggest all the ACC you can muster. Chances are @ lvl 55 your sword or dagger isnt capped, and since you have just come from i assume Kuftal or the like chances are you sword is even less leveled.

              (I had to wait till 75 to have a decent opportunity to cap my sword and dagger. The abillity to /NIN and solo crabs for skill ups is great, main hand a dagger and youl never run out of MP)

              As much as it hurts me to say this (you dont know how much), you are best off /BLM or /SCH or /WHM and standing on the backline. At these levels you really have nothing to offer via melee, WS skills are laughable at best and lag behind in terms of skill chain partners. Also you will be needing to keep magic skills capped, the lack of your +Skill from AF hurts, and the reliance on the ele.staves is to great.

              Once you get Savage Blade and/or Evisceration you offer more to the melee table. Opening a Light or Dark SC then MB'ing off it is a very nice boost to our overall damage. (If parsers could count it). Also by the time you hit this level you wont require staves as much with the amount off M.ACC gear available, and @75 when you begin to merit you will need them less and less outside of certain endgame situations, ie. Gods. At 75 you can begin focusing on meleeing more as you can merit your downfalls in MACC, Sword/Dagger skills, becoming even more well rounded and versatile.

              Long story short
              1-30- Melee/backline
              30-75- Backline it (Hurts to say but its more effective for you then melee time)
              75- Melee,Backline,Tank,Kite- whatever situation arises you can effectivley preform it

              sig courtesy tgm
              retired -08


              • #22
                Re: Random Qs for you older RDMs

                Ok so I got a new Q for you guys, I hit lvl 59 RDM today and should be 60 come this weekend. My question is , until I get acess to dynamis should I stick to my AF armor or should I be looking to upgrade right after I get 60?

                Right now this is my load out:

                Sword: Wise Wizard Analace
                Shield: Hard Shield
                Staffs: all NQ elemental staffs
                Ammo: Morion Thalum
                Neck: Beak necklace
                Waist: powerful rope
                Earring: Insomnia Earring
                Earring: Antivenom Earring
                Ring: Electrum ring
                Ring: Ether Ring
                full AF armor ( hat I have in inventory currently no Head slot equipped)

                Wondering if what I got would sustain me through lvl 65 or so until I get to upgrading to Duelist gear
                Dahc Ramuh server
                San D'Oria Rank 6
                RDM 68 WHM 38 BLM 22 PLD 35 SAM 15 NIN 15 WAR 10 BST 34 THF 15 MNK 10 SMN 10 DRK 10 DRG 14 BRD 15 PUP 12 COR 10 RNG 10 BLU 19 DNC 20 SCH 15


                • #23
                  Re: Random Qs for you older RDMs

                  Entry requirement is 65 for Dynamis, if I recall correctly. In most cases, people prefer you do Dynamis as a 75 job, though some exceptions are made for mages.

                  Best stuff in the 60s is mostly accessories. Enfeebling and Elemental Torques are particularly good. 70s errant set serves most mages well for entry-level endgame gear.
                  Last edited by Omgwtfbbqkitten; 03-12-2008, 10:52 PM.


                  • #24
                    Re: Random Qs for you older RDMs

                    hmm ok that's good info to know, I hear about it all the time but never really got solid info on dynamis
                    Dahc Ramuh server
                    San D'Oria Rank 6
                    RDM 68 WHM 38 BLM 22 PLD 35 SAM 15 NIN 15 WAR 10 BST 34 THF 15 MNK 10 SMN 10 DRK 10 DRG 14 BRD 15 PUP 12 COR 10 RNG 10 BLU 19 DNC 20 SCH 15


                    • #25
                      Re: Random Qs for you older RDMs

                      personally I still wear my AF at 75 over the rest of the stuff available (usually just macro'd in for spells). Its a nice rounded set to go with a nicely rounded job. AFv2 from dyna takes a while to get. Most shells run of point system for lots and each peice you recive reset you the bottom of the list to keep things fair. I have been doing dyna for a while now and still have not received my full set.

                      The AF set will fit you comortably till you retire from the game, IMO it is one of the best AF sets in the game stat wise for any job. The other gear available to you is just Icing on the cake, not 100% required but good to have. The Hands and Feet are a little lacking but they offer fair MP boosts as well as shield and parry skill which is nice to have since we lack in those skills.

                      Gear is personal prefrence really after AF, there is always something that will be better for a certain situation, But overall AF is a very strong choice in terms of gear.

                      sig courtesy tgm
                      retired -08


                      • #26
                        Re: Random Qs for you older RDMs

                        Don't try to enter Dynamis at Lv.65.

                        You won't be able to sleep things consistently at that level, if at all. (Crowd control is my first and most important duty in Dynamis as a RDM, which is 90% about sleeping monsters.) You'd likely to get clobbered by any AoE, too, and run out of MP fast if you attempt to main cure any party inside.

                        * * *

                        For exp'ing at Lv.60-ish (assuming back line RDM):

                        Warlock's Chapeau: Full-time, unless looking to up Convert's MP return with a hairpin or something. (Probably not worth the trouble/macro space.)

                        Warlock's Tabard: Full-time, unless it's swapped out for Glamor Jupon for Dark Magic or Enhancing Magic skill. Optional swaps for Convert: Lv.59 Black Cotehardie (is this even worth the trouble?), Lv.69 Blue Cotehardie. The real must have addition is at Lv.72, Errant Houppelande, for hMP and MND (mostly Stoneskin use).

                        Warlock's Gloves: Probably can leave this in the Mog House; check your RSE's stats. Whatever you end up using, should add Errant Cuffs at Lv.72.

                        Warlock's Tights: Macro piece for Bar- spells and MND spells. RSE probably has better MP for Convert, and for offensive INT spells there's the affordable Magic Cuisses. Magic Cuisses gets replaced at Lv.72 by Errant Slops.

                        Warlock's Boots: Unimpressive, but wearable; MP+11 isn't exactly a bad thing. Is there anything great and easy to get for this slot? Mithra has the not-exactly-inexpensive Lv.62 River Gaiters, but not sure what the others get. The Lv.72 Errant Pigaches may or may not be an upgrade to get.

                        In summary:
                        Red Mage should be using Head, Body, and Legs from the Artifact set forever, though Legs is really macro only. Will want some of the Errant pieces at Lv.72, but they argument, not replace the AF set. Look at RSEs (both low and mid levels sets) as inspiration for Hands and Feet slots.

                        Don't overlook opportunities to increase the MP return from Convert, but don't go too crazy, either.
                        Bamboo shadows sweep the stars,
                        yet not a mote of dust is stirred;
                        Moonlight pierces the depths of the pond,
                        leaving no trace in the water.

                        - Mugaku


                        • #27
                          Re: Random Qs for you older RDMs

                          I used Mannequin Pumps as a Taru. Just a small upgrade from Warlock's Boots, but it worked for me. But you might prefer the Wood M Ledelsens mentioned above.


                          • #28
                            Re: Random Qs for you older RDMs

                            Originally posted by IfritnoItazura View Post
                            Red Mage should be using Head, Body, and Legs from the Artifact set forever, though Legs is really macro only
                            As is the body, eventually. Around lvl73, (with current ToAU mobs) you probably won't 'need' the +15 enfeebling skill on the body to land enfeebles. In those cases you would want to use errant almost full time, which is what I personally do.

                            Now if you go and EXP/Merit or generally go killing IT mobs again, well, you might be wearing the Tabard a lot more in those parties.
                            I use a Mac because I'm just better than you are.

                            HTTP Error 418 - I'm A Teapot - The resulting entity body MAY be short and stout.



                            • #29
                              Re: Random Qs for you older RDMs

                              Originally posted by Mhurron View Post
                              As is the body, eventually. Around lvl73, (with current ToAU mobs) you probably won't 'need' the +15 enfeebling skill on the body to land enfeebles. In those cases you would want to use errant almost full time, which is what I personally do.
                              I'd have to disagree here. Imps are a pain and a half to land anything on (not that you'll be trying to land much). It took me an Enfeebling merit and a wind acc merit before I could land Silence on them at a halfway decent rate even with my Tabard and MND gear.

                              For colibri, though, you may have a point. Who in their right mind debuffs non-lesser colibri? -- Pteryx


                              • #30
                                Re: Random Qs for you older RDMs

                                Originally posted by Pteryx View Post
                                Who in their right mind debuffs non-lesser colibri? -- Pteryx
                                Me! And, I'm in the right mind, I think.

                                Not too useful for merit parties (besides Dia II), but when the tank is still only Lv.72 or so, a little bit of enfeebling magic is good even when fighting Greater Colibri.

                                - Dia II: always nice. Just Erase if it lands on anyone but the RDM. (If lands on RDM, Stoneskin will take care of it.)
                                - Slow I: perfectly safe, if both yourself and the tank have Haste.
                                - Paralyze: NIN tank only, and do it fast before they lose Copy Images, since this will take one. (Paralyna RDM if get hit through Blink.)
                                - Blind: NIN have Utsusemi to take care of it, and PLDs would barely notice it if it lands on them, and easy enough for a RDM/WHM to fix. If it bounce back to RDM? Who cares?

                                Generally speaking, if enfeebling, don't do more than two with NIN tanks since each may take a copy image from them, and no Paralyze with PLD tanks just to play it safe.
                                Bamboo shadows sweep the stars,
                                yet not a mote of dust is stirred;
                                Moonlight pierces the depths of the pond,
                                leaving no trace in the water.

                                - Mugaku

