Re: The Decline of the RDM
True. When I'm not using RDM for merits, I swap up my role, subjob, gear and macro configuration to suit whatever I'm doing, be it sneaking around in The Garden of Ru'Hmet, tackling a NM like Charybdis or Fafnir, or just helping someone farm for coffer keys in Beadeaux, and I get a lot of mileage out of that.
The flaw in the logic in this thread is that these additional roles can somehow be effectively migrated into an XP party setting.
My merit parties are usually configured along the BRD RDM <another bard/corsair> DD DD DD lines, completely obviating the need for another support, and instead allowing two pullers, and more effectiveness for all DDs. There is no way a meleeing RDM can do everything I do in the course of one of my merit parties. They won't have enough spell accuracy, they won't have enough cure potency, they won't have enough MP flow, they won't have access to status cures, and most importantly, they won't make near the same amount of XP that I do per unit time. And since the point of XP/merit parties is to make XP, the rest of the arguments fall completely by the wayside.
EDIT: I just noticed Glued's little comment about the "golden age of RDM" (lol). My response is that I've been playing this game for quite a bit longer than he has, and unlike some, I do remember what a disaster RDM used to be. I remember when Convert, Phalanx, and Refresh were new. Up until then, it was a chore to convince people to invite a red mage to a party. Just ask one of the JP version players, like Jei or StarvingArtist, what pariahs Red Mages used to be. "Golden Age"? Pshaw. Red Mages have it great these days.
Originally posted by Mhurron
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The flaw in the logic in this thread is that these additional roles can somehow be effectively migrated into an XP party setting.
My merit parties are usually configured along the BRD RDM <another bard/corsair> DD DD DD lines, completely obviating the need for another support, and instead allowing two pullers, and more effectiveness for all DDs. There is no way a meleeing RDM can do everything I do in the course of one of my merit parties. They won't have enough spell accuracy, they won't have enough cure potency, they won't have enough MP flow, they won't have access to status cures, and most importantly, they won't make near the same amount of XP that I do per unit time. And since the point of XP/merit parties is to make XP, the rest of the arguments fall completely by the wayside.
EDIT: I just noticed Glued's little comment about the "golden age of RDM" (lol). My response is that I've been playing this game for quite a bit longer than he has, and unlike some, I do remember what a disaster RDM used to be. I remember when Convert, Phalanx, and Refresh were new. Up until then, it was a chore to convince people to invite a red mage to a party. Just ask one of the JP version players, like Jei or StarvingArtist, what pariahs Red Mages used to be. "Golden Age"? Pshaw. Red Mages have it great these days.